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Outputs (103)

International effects of the Andersen accounting and auditing scandals: Some evidence from the UK, US and Australian stock markets (2007)
Journal Article
Handley-Schachler, M., & Li, S. (2007). International effects of the Andersen accounting and auditing scandals: Some evidence from the UK, US and Australian stock markets. Corporate Ownership and Control, 4(3), 220-232.

In this paper, we use event study methodology to examine the effect of two highly publicized accounting failures, at Enron and WorldCom both audited by Arthur Andersen, on the total stock returns of some companies in the UK also audited by Arthur And... Read More about International effects of the Andersen accounting and auditing scandals: Some evidence from the UK, US and Australian stock markets.

Theorie und Praxis des Sportstättensponsorings am Beispiel der Allianz Arena (2007)
Book Chapter
Grass, A., & Backhaus, C. (2007). Theorie und Praxis des Sportstättensponsorings am Beispiel der Allianz Arena. In D. Ahlert, D. Woisetschläger, & V. Vogel (Eds.), Exzellentes Sponsoring (141-157). Deutscher Universitätsverlag.

Das Sportstättensponsoring (auch Stadionsponsoring, Arenasponsoring; im Engl. „Naming Rights“) befindet sich in Deutschland in seiner Boom-Phase. Im Jahr 2005 gingen mit den Namensrechten an der Allianz Arena in München, der Veltins Arena (Schalke),... Read More about Theorie und Praxis des Sportstättensponsorings am Beispiel der Allianz Arena.

A Test of the Validity of the Theory of the firm (2007)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Crossan, K. (2007, December). A Test of the Validity of the Theory of the firm. Paper presented at 4th International Symposium economy and business 2007, Bulgaria

Np abstract available.

The Rurban Interface ~ investigating the potency of niche sport events as brand narrative for destinations: Case Study: UCI Mountain Bike World Cup, Fort William, Scotland (2007)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Robertson, M., & Darby, P. (2007, December). The Rurban Interface ~ investigating the potency of niche sport events as brand narrative for destinations: Case Study: UCI Mountain Bike World Cup, Fort William, Scotland. Paper presented at International Event Research Conference

No abstract available.

Hospitality through poetry: control, fake solidarity, and breakdown (2007)
Journal Article
Robinson, M. G., & Lynch, P. A. (2007). Hospitality through poetry: control, fake solidarity, and breakdown. International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 1(3), 237-246.

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to explore issues of control, fake solidarity and breakdown in hospitality. Following Robinson and Lynch, the need to explore the subjective experience of hospitality through literature is identified as being h... Read More about Hospitality through poetry: control, fake solidarity, and breakdown.