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Outputs (309)

From the active classroom to active assessment: a student-centred approach enhancing career readiness and creativity (2025)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Urquhart, E., & Urie, G. (2025, May). From the active classroom to active assessment: a student-centred approach enhancing career readiness and creativity. Paper presented at Council for Hospitality Management Education Conference (CHME) 2025, University of Essex, UK

This paper reflects on innovative assessment practice on an undergraduate tourism and hospitality module. Following an extensive redesign to adopt an active learning and dialogical pedagogy, we developed the service quality masterclass assessment to... Read More about From the active classroom to active assessment: a student-centred approach enhancing career readiness and creativity.

Festivals, networks and communities (2025)
Book Chapter
Jarman, D. (2025). Festivals, networks and communities. In N. Crossley, & P. Widdop (Eds.), Handbook of Culture and Social Networks (213-224). Edward Elgar Publishing.

Festivals are a fascinating and dynamic environment in which to study social networks. They bring people together in geographically and temporally bounded contexts, for a wide range purposes. Underlying social networks help to shape careers, affect r... Read More about Festivals, networks and communities.

Constructing Childhood Tourism: The Proxy Gaze and Cultural Imaginaries in Picturebooks (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Victoria, M. (2024, December). Constructing Childhood Tourism: The Proxy Gaze and Cultural Imaginaries in Picturebooks. Presented at Tourism and IBC Research Seminar, Edinburgh Napier University

What might happen when Paddington Bear, Beegu, Beato, Hamish McHaggis, Maisie Mackenzie, and Bella and Harry—all cherished figures in children’s picture books—embark on a fictional journey together? This study examines the portrayal of children as to... Read More about Constructing Childhood Tourism: The Proxy Gaze and Cultural Imaginaries in Picturebooks.

Hybrid Servicescapes in Tourism and Hospitality (2024)
Book Chapter
Urquhart, E. (2024). Hybrid Servicescapes in Tourism and Hospitality. In N. Stylos, R. Rahimi, & P. Robinson (Eds.), Contemporary Marketing Management for Tourism and Hospitality (99-132). Palgrave Macmillan.

Bitner (1992, p. 65) defined the servicescape as “all of the objective physical factors that can be controlled by the firm to enhance (or constrain) employee and customer actions.” These include a series of environmental dimensions, namely ambient co... Read More about Hybrid Servicescapes in Tourism and Hospitality.

A critical evaluation of the factors that influence visitor engagement with UK slavery heritage museums: a blended passive symbolic netnographic study (2024)
Roberts, S. K. R. A critical evaluation of the factors that influence visitor engagement with UK slavery heritage museums: a blended passive symbolic netnographic study. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University

There is a substantial body of literature in slavery heritage tourism research that is mainly supply-driven and has focused on the management, presentation, and interpretation of slavery heritage for tourism purposes. However, the demand side in slav... Read More about A critical evaluation of the factors that influence visitor engagement with UK slavery heritage museums: a blended passive symbolic netnographic study.

The festival industry and gender inequality: the case of Edinburgh, the world's leading festival city (2024)
Journal Article
Piccio, B., Todd, L., & Robertson, M. (2024). The festival industry and gender inequality: the case of Edinburgh, the world's leading festival city. Tourism Management Perspectives, 54, Article 101317.

This paper explores issues women face in achieving leadership positions in the festivals sector, and their experiences of gender inequality. The setting is Edinburgh, the UK's leading festivals' tourism destination. Underpinned by feminist research,... Read More about The festival industry and gender inequality: the case of Edinburgh, the world's leading festival city.

Revenue Management in Festivals & Events A case study of Edinburgh Fringe (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Chu, A. (2024, December). Revenue Management in Festivals & Events A case study of Edinburgh Fringe. Presented at 2024 RevME/REMAPS Conference, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos , Spain

Some F&Es often rely on funding (public or private funder). RM may not necessarily have to maximise revenue, but that could also mean balancing the three RM levers for the optimal outcome, which is financial sustainability. Despite limited research... Read More about Revenue Management in Festivals & Events A case study of Edinburgh Fringe.

Engaging secondary stakeholders with Edinburgh’s festivals and tourism sectors: Staycations, localisation, community, and placemaking. (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Todd, L., & Leask, A. (2024, August). Engaging secondary stakeholders with Edinburgh’s festivals and tourism sectors: Staycations, localisation, community, and placemaking. Presented at 35th International Geographical Congress 2024, Dublin, Ireland

Our research considers how Edinburgh’s festivals and tourism sectors can advance through sustainable community engagement, such as facilitating staycations, by responding to contemporary contexts such as calls for localisation and the cost-of-living... Read More about Engaging secondary stakeholders with Edinburgh’s festivals and tourism sectors: Staycations, localisation, community, and placemaking..

‘Social Persistence’, original painting based on visual arts-based tourism research selected for international exhibition, Now and Then: Visual Arts Scotland (VAS) Centenary Show (Part 2): Dalkeith Palace, Edinburgh (2024)
Exhibition / Performance
Todd, L. ‘Social Persistence’, original painting based on visual arts-based tourism research selected for international exhibition, Now and Then: Visual Arts Scotland (VAS) Centenary Show (Part 2): Dalkeith Palace, Edinburgh. [Oil on linen]. 17 August 2024 - 25 August 2024

CSR Leadership in a Hybrid Work Environment (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hejjas, K., Gilek, M., & Bratton, A. (2024, August). CSR Leadership in a Hybrid Work Environment. Paper presented at The 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM 2024), Chicago, Illinois

Social exchange theory is used to understand the relationship between leadership and employee corporate social responsibility (CSR) engagement in a hybrid work environment. Using interview data from managers (5), CSR champions (6), and employees (17)... Read More about CSR Leadership in a Hybrid Work Environment.

Introducing hospitable destinations (2024)
Journal Article
Anastasiadou, C., Lugosi, P., & Todd, L. (2024). Introducing hospitable destinations. Hospitality and Society, 14(2), 121-130.

This editorial introduces the concept of hospitable destinations and sets the context for the Special Issue articles. It begins by exploring the complex nature of destinations more generally and highlighting their links with place. The discussion the... Read More about Introducing hospitable destinations.

‘Welcome to Dounreay’: ideological narratives of hospitality at the Dounreay visitor centre, c.1960 - 2007 (2024)
Journal Article
Mercer-Jones, E. (2024). ‘Welcome to Dounreay’: ideological narratives of hospitality at the Dounreay visitor centre, c.1960 - 2007. Hospitality and Society, 14, 217-246.

Dounreay Nuclear Power Development Establishment (NPDE) was built in the far northeast of Scotland due to the possible ‘misbehaviour’ of the technology and the dangerous nature of the materials involved. From 1960 to the eve of decommissioning in 200... Read More about ‘Welcome to Dounreay’: ideological narratives of hospitality at the Dounreay visitor centre, c.1960 - 2007.

The sustainable festival city and local communities: Engaging secondary stakeholders through placemaking (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Todd, L., & Leask, A. (2024, June). The sustainable festival city and local communities: Engaging secondary stakeholders through placemaking. Paper presented at ATLAS Annual Conference 2024 Leisure & Tourism 2030: Navigating the Future, Breda, Netherlands

We will present initial findings from our research which considers how Edinburgh’s (UK) festivals and tourism sectors can deliver sustainable community engagement. Our study applies co-designed participative action research (PAR) (Goebel et al., 2020... Read More about The sustainable festival city and local communities: Engaging secondary stakeholders through placemaking.