Member of Women in German Studies
Dr Jane Wilkinson's Recognition (40)
Member of the Association of Borderland Studies
Fellow of the HEA
External Examiner for PhD 'Representations of Germany and its people in Maltese GFL learning contexts', George Cremona, Institute of Education, University College London
Lead organiser: Imagining and Experiencing Hospitalities in a Mobile World, Edinburgh Napier University, May 2023
2023 - 2023
Recognition Type Conference Organising Activity Description 'Imagining and Experiencing Hospitalities in a Mobile World’ was a one-day international research symposium, which brought together researchers and practitioners with interest and expertise in the connected areas of ‘mobilities’ and ‘hospitalities’ . The plural forms demonstrate our broad and inclusive understanding of both terms, recognising that people are on the move for many different reasons, and that these diverse ‘mobilities’ necessitate and create diverse ‘hospitalities’, as ‘hosts’ and ‘guests’ interact and negotiate their roles, identities, and relations in diverse geographical, cultural, linguistic, social, and political contexts. Building on the work of Noel B. Salazar (2011) on ‘the power of imagination in transnational mobilities’, we were also keen to explore how ‘imaginaries’ of people, places, cultures, and movement shape lived experiences of hospitalities, both for those ‘on the move’, and for those they encounter.
18 papers were presented at the symposium focussing on the idea and practice of 'hospitality' in contexts of migration and asylum, education, and travel and tourism. Keynote presentations were given by Professor Alison Phipps (UNESCO Chair in Refugee Integration through Languages and the Arts at the University of Glasgow) and Dr Cristina Ros i Sole (Senior Lecturer in Education at Goldsmiths, University of London).
The symposium was funded by RIE's 'Researcher Development Fund'.Affiliated Organisations Edinburgh Napier University Research Areas Education
Human rights
Intercultural Communication
Migration and Mobility
Social justice
TourismResearch Themes Culture and Communities Research Centres/Groups Tourism Research Centre Org Units Business School
Co-organiser of research symposium: Interculturality in a Precarious Future, University of Leeds, October 2018
2018 - 2018
Recognition Type Conference Organising Activity Description In October 2018 I co-organised the symposium 'Interculturality in a Precarious Future' with my colleague, Dr Haynes Collins, at the University of Leeds. The symposium marked the 10th anniversary of our MA in Professional Languages and Intercultural Studies (for which I was co-programme leader) and featured papers from colleagues at the University of Leeds involved in delivering the programme and from invited speakers with expertise in interculturality in the 'precarious' contexts of refuge and asylum, and higher education. Affiliated Organisations University of Leeds Research Areas Intercultural Communication
Migration and MobilityResearch Themes Culture and Communities Research Centres/Groups Modern Languages and Inter-cultural Communication Research Group
Tourism Research CentreOrg Units Business School
Co-organiser of international conference: Travelling Languages: Culture, Communication and Translation in a Mobile World, 10th Annual Conference of the International Association for Languages and Intercultural Communication, University of Leeds / Leeds Be
2010 - 2010
Recognition Type Conference Organising Activity Description I co-organised the 10th Annual Conference of the International Association for Languages and Intercultural Communication with my colleague Professor Mike Robinson (Leeds Beckett University) in Leeds in 2010. The conference theme 'Travelling Languages: Culture, Communication and Translation in a Mobile World' was conceived to connect our backgrounds and expertise in languages, translation, migration and tourism and cultural change and to foreground the important role of Languages and Intercultural Communication in all forms of travel and all kinds of 'mobilities'. This was the 10th anniversary conference of the International Association for Languages and Intercultural Communication, bringing it back 'home' to Leeds, where the inaugural conference of the Association was held in 2000. The conference attracted in excess of 100 delegates from all over the world. Affiliated Organisations Leeds Beckett University
University of LeedsResearch Areas Intercultural Communication
Migration and MobilityResearch Themes Culture and Communities Research Centres/Groups Modern Languages and Inter-cultural Communication Research Group
Tourism Research CentreOrg Units Business School
Organiser of research symposium: The Intercultural Writer, University of Leeds, October 2009
2009 - 2009
Recognition Type Conference Organising Activity Description In 2009 I organised a research symposium for the International Association for Languages and Intercultural Communication at the University of Leeds Humanities Research Institute. The theme was 'The Intercultural Writer' and the aim was to turn our attention from the more widely known 'Intercultural Speaker' to those, including students and authors of literary texts, who perform interculturality in writing. The symposium featured a number of invited speakers. Affiliated Organisations University of Leeds Research Areas Education
Intercultural Communication
LiteratureResearch Themes Culture and Communities
Programme Committee Member: The Intercultural Narrative, 4th annual conference of the Association for Languages and Intercultural Communication, University of Lancaster, December 2003.
2003 - 2003
Recognition Type Conference Organising Activity Description In December 2003 I was a core member of the organising committee for the 4th annual IALIC conference at the University of Lancaster helping to curate the programme, chair sessions, communicate with delegates, and ensure the smooth running of the event. Affiliated Organisations University of Lancaster Research Areas Intercultural Communication Research Themes Culture and Communities
Programme Committee Member: The Transcultured Self: Experiencing Languages and Intercultural Communication, 3rd annual conference of the International Association for Languages and Intercultural Communication, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria, De
2002 - 2002
Recognition Type Conference Organising Activity Description I was a core member of the organising committee for the 3rd annual IALIC conference at Johannes Kepler University in Linz, Austria, reviewing abstracts and selecting papers for presentations, helping to curate the programme, chairing sessions, and supporting practical arrangements. Research Areas Intercultural Communication Research Themes Culture and Communities
Co-editor with John O'Regan and Mike Robinson of Special Issue of Language and Intercultural Communication: 'Travelling Languages: Culture, Communication and Translation in a Mobile World' (2011) and book version published by Routledge (2014)
2011 - 2014
Recognition Type Editorial Activity Description In 2011 I co-edited with John O'Regan (UCL) and Mike Robinson (then Leeds Beckett, now University of Birmingham) a Special Issue of the journal Language and Intercultural Communication featuring a selection of papers presented at the 2010 IALIC conference on the same theme.
In 2014 Routledge selected the Special Issue to be published in book form.Affiliated Organisations University of Leeds
Leeds Beckett University
University of Birmingham
University College LondonResearch Areas Intercultural Communication
Migration and MobilityResearch Themes Culture and Communities Research Centres/Groups Modern Languages and Inter-cultural Communication Research Group
Tourism Research CentreOrg Units Business School
Editorial Board Member for the Journal of Language and Intercultural Communication (2007-2017)
2007 - 2017
Recognition Type Editorial Activity Description I was an active member of the Editorial Board for the journal Language and Intercultural Communication from 2007 and 2017, contributing to decisions about the content and direction of the journal, including special issues, and regularly reviewing articles. I continue to be involved with the journal as a regular peer reviewer of articles. Affiliated Organisations University of Leeds Research Areas Intercultural Communication
Migration and MobilityResearch Themes Culture and Communities Research Centres/Groups Modern Languages and Inter-cultural Communication Research Group
Tourism Research CentreOrg Units Business School
External examiner for undergraduate and postgraduate modules and programmes in Luxembourg Studies, University of Sheffield
2022 - 2026
Recognition Type External Examining/Validations Affiliated Organisations Edinburgh Napier University
University of SheffieldOrg Units Business School
External examiner for undergraduate and postgraduate modules and programmes in German at Aberystwyth University
2020 - 2024
Recognition Type External Examining/Validations Affiliated Organisations Edinburgh Napier University
Prifysgol AberystwythResearch Areas Intercultural Communication
LiteratureOrg Units Business School
Grant Reviewer for DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service)
Recognition Type Grant Reviewer Affiliated Organisations Edinburgh Napier University
University of LeedsResearch Areas Intercultural Communication Research Themes Culture and Communities Org Units Business School
Grant Reviewer for the GACR - Czech Science Foundation
Recognition Type Grant Reviewer Research Areas Intercultural Communication
Migration and MobilityResearch Themes Culture and Communities Research Centres/Groups Modern Languages and Inter-cultural Communication Research Group
Tourism Research CentreOrg Units Business School
Grant Reviewer for the FNR - Luxembourg National Research Fund
Recognition Type Grant Reviewer Research Areas Intercultural Communication
Migration and MobilityResearch Themes Culture and Communities Research Centres/Groups Modern Languages and Inter-cultural Communication Research Group
Tourism Research CentreOrg Units Business School
Symposium talk: 'Rewriting(s) in Post-Migrant Theatre' - invited talk at symposium on 'Post-Migrant Theatre in / from Germany' at the University of Edinburgh, May 2015
Recognition Type Invited Speaker Description I was invited to present my research on Turkish-German rewritings of canonical plays in the context of 'post-migrant' theatre, at a symposium on 'Post-Migrant Theatre in / from Germany' organised by the Department of European Languages and Cultures at the University of Edinburgh. The symposium was attended by academics and theatre practitioners, including well-known Turkish-German director Neco Celik and playwright Annie George. Affiliated Organisations University of Edinburgh
University of LeedsResearch Areas Intercultural Communication
Migration and MobilityResearch Themes Culture and Communities Research Centres/Groups Modern Languages and Inter-cultural Communication Research Group
Tourism Research Centre
Seminar Speaker: Constructing the German-Polish Borderland as Transnational Space in Literature and Theatre, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, March 2010
Recognition Type Invited Speaker Description In March 2010 I was invited along with 2 other colleagues from the University of Leeds to deliver a talk at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign during a WUN (World Universities Network) funded trip to the U.S. Affiliated Organisations University of Leeds Research Areas Intercultural Communication Research Themes Culture and Communities
Seminar speaker: Theatrical Negotiations of the German-Polish Border, Aberystwyth University, March 2009
Recognition Type Invited Speaker Description I was invited to give a talk on my research on cross-border theatre events along the German-Polish border to the Department of European Languages and Cultures and the Department of International Politics at Aberystwyth University in March 2009. Affiliated Organisations Prifysgol Aberystwyth
University of LeedsResearch Areas Intercultural Communication Research Themes Culture and Communities