Addressing suboptimal uptake rates of the HPV vaccine amongst boys/young men: A Policy briefing Report June 2024
Gray Brunton, C., Carnegie, E., Pow, J., Clarke, L., Malone, E., & Firth, R. Addressing suboptimal uptake rates of the HPV vaccine amongst boys/young men: A Policy briefing Report June 2024. Edinburgh Napier University
Dr Richard Firth's Outputs (33)
STEAM for generating collaborative, creative, inclusive approaches to immunisation awareness (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Healy, C., Macdonald, I., Firth, R., Gray-Brunton, C., Wimbish, D., & Malone, E. (2024, April). STEAM for generating collaborative, creative, inclusive approaches to immunisation awareness. Presented at ESAI Conference 2024, Maynooth University, Ireland
Using steam to power equality and democracy in vaccination decision making in the face of climate apartheid (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
MacDonald, I., Firth, R., Healey, C., Malone, E., & McDermott, A. (2022, November). Using steam to power equality and democracy in vaccination decision making in the face of climate apartheid. Presented at Cumulus Detroit 2022: Design For Adaptation, DetroitTechnology and science are often promoted as the answer to the climate crisis, but changing human behavior from a user-centric position requires a humanistic and design thinking approach (Brown, 2009). If climate apartheid is to be challenged to decr... Read More about Using steam to power equality and democracy in vaccination decision making in the face of climate apartheid.
Supporting and harnessing the reflections of a trans-disciplinary academic team to power HPV education by STEAM (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Healy, C., Macdonald, I., Firth, R., Gray Brunton, C., & Malone, E. (2023, March). Supporting and harnessing the reflections of a trans-disciplinary academic team to power HPV education by STEAM. Presented at Education Studies Association Ireland 2023, Belfast
Using STEAM to power HPV vaccine awareness and advocacy among Irish post-primary students (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Macdonald, I., Healy, C., Malone, E., Firth, R., & McDermott, A. (2022, June). Using STEAM to power HPV vaccine awareness and advocacy among Irish post-primary students. Paper presented at Horizons in STEM Higher Education Conference 2022, London
Raising HPV Vaccine Awareness and Advocacy Through STEAM Workshops (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Healey, C., MacDonald, I., Malone, E., Firth, R., & McDermott, A. (2022, April). Raising HPV Vaccine Awareness and Advocacy Through STEAM Workshops. Presented at EUROGIN 2022 - International Multidisciplinary HPV Congress, Dusseldorf, Germany
Using STEAM to power HPV vaccine awareness and advocacy among Irish post-primary students (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Healy, C., Macdonald, I., Malone, E., Firth, R., & McDermott, . A. (2022, April). Using STEAM to power HPV vaccine awareness and advocacy among Irish post-primary students
How can scientists and designers find ways of working together? A case study of playful learning to co-design visual interpretations of immunology concepts (2022)
Journal Article
Macdonald, I., Malone, E., & Firth, R. (2022). How can scientists and designers find ways of working together? A case study of playful learning to co-design visual interpretations of immunology concepts. Studies in Higher Education, 47(9), 1980-1996. UK HE institutions there is a growing realisation and appreciation for academic disciplines to seek research partners beyond their own subject (QAA. 2018. Enterprise and entrepreneurship education: Guidance for UK higher education providers. Acces... Read More about How can scientists and designers find ways of working together? A case study of playful learning to co-design visual interpretations of immunology concepts.
Work on the move: mobilities of creativity and design ideation (2021)
Firth, R. Work on the move: mobilities of creativity and design ideation. (Thesis by Publication). Edinburgh Napier University. thesis focuses on the development of original design ‘ideation’ processes (the formation of ideas or concepts) set within the context of both commercial museum and exhibition design contracts and product design pedagogic research. Taken together... Read More about Work on the move: mobilities of creativity and design ideation.
Case study: Supporting and enhancing student agency in feedback processes: using a novel feedback tool in the creative industries (2021)
Book Chapter
Cochrane, R., & Firth, R. (2021). Case study: Supporting and enhancing student agency in feedback processes: using a novel feedback tool in the creative industries. In L. Hunt, & . D. Chalmers (Eds.), University Teaching in Focus: A Learning-centred Approach. (2). RoutledgeCochrane, R., & Firth, R. (in press). Case study: Supporting and enhancing student agency in feedback processes: using a novel feedback tool in the creative industries. In L. Hunt, & . D. Chalmers (Eds.), University Teaching in Focus: A Learning-cent... Read More about Case study: Supporting and enhancing student agency in feedback processes: using a novel feedback tool in the creative industries.
Supporting and enhancing student agency in feedback processes: using a novel feedback tool in the creative industries (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Cochrane, R., & Firth, R. (2021, June). Supporting and enhancing student agency in feedback processes: using a novel feedback tool in the creative industries. Paper presented at Assessment in Higher Education (AHE) Conference 2020, ManchesterThis paper focuses on students’ use of a novel programme-focused feedback tool we have developed and utilised across Product Design at Edinburgh Napier University. In the context of the creative industries feedback needs to become a shared responsibi... Read More about Supporting and enhancing student agency in feedback processes: using a novel feedback tool in the creative industries.
Interdisciplinary Co-creation for active learning of immunology concepts (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Malone, E., Firth, R., & Macdonald, I. (2021, June). Interdisciplinary Co-creation for active learning of immunology concepts. Presented at Horizons in STEM Higher Education Conference 2021, Online
Crossing national and disciplinary boundaries to learn through co-creation (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
MacDonald, I., Firth, R., & Malone, E. (2021, April). Crossing national and disciplinary boundaries to learn through co-creation. Presented at GLAD 23rd Annual Conference: Responding: Reframing: Re-thinking, Online
How Can Science and Design use Playful Learning to Co-Design Visual Interpretations of Immunology Concepts? (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
MacDonald, I., Firth, R., & Malone, E. (2019, July). How Can Science and Design use Playful Learning to Co-Design Visual Interpretations of Immunology Concepts?. Presented at Enhancing Student Learning Through Innovative Scholarship Conference, Edinburgh, UK
Feedback Stamp (2018)
Physical Artefact
Cochrane, R., & Firth, R. Feedback Stamp. [Wooden Stamp]Simple feedback stamp to provide incremental feedback on work-in-progress in the art design context.
Carousel: a study on collaboration within a small international design community of practice and its impacts on delivering ‘one week’ exchange experiences (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Stoltenberg, E., Firth, R., & Taks, M. (2017, September). Carousel: a study on collaboration within a small international design community of practice and its impacts on delivering ‘one week’ exchange experiences. Paper presented at 19th International Conference on Engineering & Product Design Education (E&PDE 2017), Oslo, NorwayTo prepare students for their future careers in a globalizing society, several large-scale higher education student and staff exchange programmes focus on international collaboration. The organisation and duration of such programmes can often be a ba... Read More about Carousel: a study on collaboration within a small international design community of practice and its impacts on delivering ‘one week’ exchange experiences.
Pop-up Science: Adventures in Virtual Land (2017)
Digital Artefact
Firth, R., Chalmers, K., & McGregor, I. (2017). Pop-up Science: Adventures in Virtual LandMeet the Mata-Mutts - cuddly space-fairing dogs who are desperate to be played with. But watch out! They have a surprise in store. Experience first-hand how it feels to be grown and shrunk by influencing of perception in virtual reality in this exhib... Read More about Pop-up Science: Adventures in Virtual Land.
Using Moving Image to Facilitate Storytelling as an Ideation Methodology and a Platform to Enhance the Integration of International Student Cohorts Within HE Product Design. (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Firth, R., & Stoltenberg, E. (2016, September). Using Moving Image to Facilitate Storytelling as an Ideation Methodology and a Platform to Enhance the Integration of International Student Cohorts Within HE Product Design. Presented at 18th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (E&PDE16), Aalborg University, DenmarkThe use of moving image within HE Product Design education is increasing. Here, film is commonly used as a tool for the presentation of concepts or finished objects, as an instructional tool, and in user observations and research. Iteration technique... Read More about Using Moving Image to Facilitate Storytelling as an Ideation Methodology and a Platform to Enhance the Integration of International Student Cohorts Within HE Product Design..
Work on the Move: mobile and nomadic working methodologies. (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Firth, R., Jennings, T., Cochrane, R., Taks, M., & Van de Graaf, P. (2016, April). Work on the Move: mobile and nomadic working methodologies. Presented at Cumulus - In this Place Conference 2016‘Work on the move’ is a design, process-driven methodology, which uses multiple locations within an outdoors setting and movement between locations, all of which function as learning places, confined to a specified time period.
Between 2012 and 2015... Read More about Work on the Move: mobile and nomadic working methodologies..
Do not press undo (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Firth, R. (2016, November). Do not press undo. Paper presented at 2016 IJADE conference DrawingDo not press undo
I believe an authentic sketchbook shows ‘the scars of ones thinking’. Not all pages need to present fully resolved solutions. I am interested in what happens to the documentation of one’s thought process when we shift from thi... Read More about Do not press undo.