ESRC Award Holder
Dr Janice McMillan's Recognition (48)
Guest Editor
Senior Fellow Advance HE (Higher Education Academy)
Servant leadership in SMEs: A study of Scotland
Legitimisation of Repetitive Psychological Contract Breach, Through the Lived Experiences of Employee Well-being
Problem Sensing and Formulation in Talent Management: An Exploratory Study
Associate Editor - Frontiers in Communication
The Impact of Managerial Coaching on Knowledge Seeking
An Examination of Strategic Leadership in a Dynamic Context: The Case of the German Automobile Manufacturer, BMW
Vice Chair Public Administration Committee
Management Training and Development - Local Government and Civil Service
ESRC Reviewer - Programmes and Open Competition
QAA Subject Benchmarking Panel - Politics and International Relations
Chair, Political Studies Association Public Administration Specialist Group
Programme Approval University of the West of Scotland
Subject Revalidation University of the West of Scotland
Periodic Subject Review University of Ulster
Periodic Subject Review De Montfort University
Programme Approval University of Portsmouth
External Examinership De Montfort University