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Screening therapeutics according to their uptake across the blood-brain barrier: A high throughput method based on immobilized artificial membrane liquid chromatography-diode-array-detection coupled to electrospray-time-of-flight mass spectrometry (2018)
Journal Article
Russo, G., Grumetto, L., Szucs, R., Barbato, F., & Lynen, F. (2018). Screening therapeutics according to their uptake across the blood-brain barrier: A high throughput method based on immobilized artificial membrane liquid chromatography-diode-array-detection coupled to electrospray-time-of-flight mass spectrometry. European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, 127, 72-84.

The Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB) plays an essential role in protecting the brain tissues against possible injurious substances. In the present work, 79 neutral, basic, acidic and amphoteric structurally unrelated analytes were considered and their chrom... Read More about Screening therapeutics according to their uptake across the blood-brain barrier: A high throughput method based on immobilized artificial membrane liquid chromatography-diode-array-detection coupled to electrospray-time-of-flight mass spectrometry.

Bisphenol A and Bisphenol S release in milk under household conditions from baby bottles marketed in Italy (2017)
Journal Article
Russo, G., Barbato, F., Cardone, E., Fattore, M., Albrizio, S., & Grumetto, L. (2018). Bisphenol A and Bisphenol S release in milk under household conditions from baby bottles marketed in Italy. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B, 53(2), 116-120.

A simple and sensitive validated analytical method based on liquid chromatography coupled to tandem fluorescence (FD) and ultraviolet (UV) spectrophotometry was applied to monitor the presence of bisphenol A and bisphenol S in plastic baby bottles ma... Read More about Bisphenol A and Bisphenol S release in milk under household conditions from baby bottles marketed in Italy.

Plasma p-cresol lowering effect of sevelamer in non-dialysis CKD patients: evidence from a randomized controlled trial (2017)
Journal Article
Riccio, E., Sabbatini, M., Bruzzese, D., Grumetto, L., Marchetiello, C., Amicone, M., Andreucci, M., Guida, B., Passaretti, D., Russo, G., & Pisani, A. (2018). Plasma p-cresol lowering effect of sevelamer in non-dialysis CKD patients: evidence from a randomized controlled trial. Clinical and Experimental Nephrology, 22(3), 529-538.

The accumulation of p-cresol, a metabolic product of aromatic amino acids generated by intestinal microbiome, increases the cardiovascular risk in chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients. Therefore, therapeutic strategies to reduce plasma p... Read More about Plasma p-cresol lowering effect of sevelamer in non-dialysis CKD patients: evidence from a randomized controlled trial.

Cholesterol affects the interaction between an ionic liquid and phospholipid vesicles. A study by differential scanning calorimetry and nanoplasmonic sensing (2017)
Journal Article
Russo, G., Witos, J., Rantamäki, A. H., & Wiedmer, S. K. (2017). Cholesterol affects the interaction between an ionic liquid and phospholipid vesicles. A study by differential scanning calorimetry and nanoplasmonic sensing. BBA - Biomembranes, 1859(12), 2361-2372.

The present work aims at studying the interactions between cholesterol-rich phosphatidylcholine-based lipid vesicles and trioctylmethylphosphonium acetate ([P8881][OAc]), a biomass dissolving ionic liquid (IL). The effect of cholesterol was assayed b... Read More about Cholesterol affects the interaction between an ionic liquid and phospholipid vesicles. A study by differential scanning calorimetry and nanoplasmonic sensing.

Improvement of Retinal Function after Administration of an Ophthalmic Gel Containing a New Recombinant form of Superoxide Dismutase (2017)
Journal Article
Grumetto, L., Prete, A. D., Russo, G., Borrelli, A., Del Prete, S., & Mancini, A. (2017). Improvement of Retinal Function after Administration of an Ophthalmic Gel Containing a New Recombinant form of Superoxide Dismutase. IL Journal of Clinical Case Reports, 1(1), 1-5

Two cases of severe age-related eye maculopathy diagnosed in a 73-year-old and a 53-year-old patient are presented. A gel formulation containing a new recombinant form of manganese superoxide dismutase (rMnSOD) was administered to both patients, as c... Read More about Improvement of Retinal Function after Administration of an Ophthalmic Gel Containing a New Recombinant form of Superoxide Dismutase.

Monitoring of bisphenol A and bisphenol S in thermal paper receipts from the Italian market and estimated transdermal human intake: A pilot study (2017)
Journal Article
Russo, G., Barbato, F., & Grumetto, L. (2017). Monitoring of bisphenol A and bisphenol S in thermal paper receipts from the Italian market and estimated transdermal human intake: A pilot study. Science of the Total Environment, 599-600, 68-75.

Bisphenol A (BPA), a synthetic xenoestrogen widely used in various industrial fields, can be present, in its un-reacted form, as an additive in thermal paper. BPA is virtually ubiquitous in industrialized societies and humans are exposed to this chem... Read More about Monitoring of bisphenol A and bisphenol S in thermal paper receipts from the Italian market and estimated transdermal human intake: A pilot study.

Determination of in Vitro and in Silico Indexes for the Modeling of Blood–Brain Barrier Partitioning of Drugs via Micellar and Immobilized Artificial Membrane Liquid Chromatography (2017)
Journal Article
Russo, G., Grumetto, L., Szucs, R., Barbato, F., & Lynen, F. (2017). Determination of in Vitro and in Silico Indexes for the Modeling of Blood–Brain Barrier Partitioning of Drugs via Micellar and Immobilized Artificial Membrane Liquid Chromatography. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 60(9), 3739-3754.

In the present work, 79 structurally unrelated analytes were taken into account and their chromatographic retention coefficients, measured by immobilized artificial membrane liquid chromatography (IAM-LC) and by micellar liquid chromatography (MLC) e... Read More about Determination of in Vitro and in Silico Indexes for the Modeling of Blood–Brain Barrier Partitioning of Drugs via Micellar and Immobilized Artificial Membrane Liquid Chromatography.

Unraveling Interactions between Ionic Liquids and Phospholipid Vesicles Using Nanoplasmonic Sensing (2017)
Journal Article
Witos, J., Russo, G., Ruokonen, S.-K., & Wiedmer, S. K. (2017). Unraveling Interactions between Ionic Liquids and Phospholipid Vesicles Using Nanoplasmonic Sensing. Langmuir, 33(4), 1066-1076.

Owing to their unique properties and unlimited structural combinations, the ubiquitous use of ionic liquids (ILs) is steadily increasing. The objective of the present work is to shed light onto the effects of amidinium- and phosphonium-based ILs on p... Read More about Unraveling Interactions between Ionic Liquids and Phospholipid Vesicles Using Nanoplasmonic Sensing.

Prediction and mechanism elucidation of analyte retention on phospholipid stationary phases (IAM-HPLC) by in silico calculated physico-chemical descriptors (2016)
Journal Article
Russo, G., Grumetto, L., Barbato, F., Vistoli, G., & Pedretti, A. (2017). Prediction and mechanism elucidation of analyte retention on phospholipid stationary phases (IAM-HPLC) by in silico calculated physico-chemical descriptors. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 99, 173-184.

The present study proposes a method for an in silico calculation of phospholipophilicity. Phospholipophilicity is intended as the measure of analyte affinity for phospholipids; it is currently assessed by HPLC measures of analyte retention on phospha... Read More about Prediction and mechanism elucidation of analyte retention on phospholipid stationary phases (IAM-HPLC) by in silico calculated physico-chemical descriptors.

Immobilized Artificial Membrane HPLC Derived Parameters vs PAMPA-BBB Data in Estimating in Situ Measured Blood–Brain Barrier Permeation of Drugs (2016)
Journal Article
Grumetto, L., Russo, G., & Barbato, F. (2016). Immobilized Artificial Membrane HPLC Derived Parameters vs PAMPA-BBB Data in Estimating in Situ Measured Blood–Brain Barrier Permeation of Drugs. Molecular Pharmaceutics, 13(8), 2808-2816.

The affinity indexes for phospholipids (log kWIAM) for 42 compounds were measured by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) on two different phospholipid-based stationary phases (immobilized artificial membrane, IAM), i.e., IAM.PC.MG and IAM.P... Read More about Immobilized Artificial Membrane HPLC Derived Parameters vs PAMPA-BBB Data in Estimating in Situ Measured Blood–Brain Barrier Permeation of Drugs.

Development and Validation of a LC-FD Method for the Simultaneous Determination of Eight Bisphenols in Soft Drinks (2016)
Journal Article
Russo, G., Barbato, F., & Grumetto, L. (2016). Development and Validation of a LC-FD Method for the Simultaneous Determination of Eight Bisphenols in Soft Drinks. Food Analytical Methods, 9(10), 2732-2740.

Bisphenol A (BPA) is a chemical widely used as a monomer in the production of polymers of plastics. It acts as an endocrine-disrupting agent and thus its contaminations of food and beverage should be carefully monitored in order to assess consumers’... Read More about Development and Validation of a LC-FD Method for the Simultaneous Determination of Eight Bisphenols in Soft Drinks.

Polar interactions drug/phospholipids estimated by IAM-HPLC vs cultured cell line passage data: Their relationships and comparison of their effectiveness in predicting drug human intestinal absorption (2016)
Journal Article
Grumetto, L., Russo, G., & Barbato, F. (2016). Polar interactions drug/phospholipids estimated by IAM-HPLC vs cultured cell line passage data: Their relationships and comparison of their effectiveness in predicting drug human intestinal absorption. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 500(1-2), 275-290.

The relationships between data of passage through Caco-2 cultured cell lines (log Pₐₚₚ), taken from the literature, for 38 structurally unrelated compounds and both n-octanol lipophilicity parameters (log Pᴺ and log D⁷.⁴) and phospholipid affinity in... Read More about Polar interactions drug/phospholipids estimated by IAM-HPLC vs cultured cell line passage data: Their relationships and comparison of their effectiveness in predicting drug human intestinal absorption.

A validated LC/UV method for the determination of four adulterating drugs in herbal slimming capsules (2015)
Journal Article
Russo, G., Barbato, F., & Grumetto, L. (2016). A validated LC/UV method for the determination of four adulterating drugs in herbal slimming capsules. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 117, 436-445.

A simple LC/UV method for the simultaneous identification and quantification of Fluoxetine, Tiratricol, Benfluorex and Pseudoephedrine in slimming formulation is proposed. The method demonstrated effective in the analyses of herbal mixtures marketed... Read More about A validated LC/UV method for the determination of four adulterating drugs in herbal slimming capsules.

Monitoring of bisphenols in canned tuna from Italian markets (2015)
Journal Article
Fattore, M., Russo, G., Barbato, F., Grumetto, L., & Albrizio, S. (2015). Monitoring of bisphenols in canned tuna from Italian markets. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 83, 68-75.

Monitoring of food contamination from bisphenols is a necessary process for the consumers' risk assessment. A method for the quali-quantitative analysis of Bisphenol A (BPA), Bisphenol B (BPB), Bisphenol A Diglycidyl Ether (BADGE), and Bisphenol F Di... Read More about Monitoring of bisphenols in canned tuna from Italian markets.

Relationships between human intestinal absorption and polar interactions drug/phospholipids estimated by IAM–HPLC (2015)
Journal Article
Grumetto, L., Russo, G., & Barbato, F. (2015). Relationships between human intestinal absorption and polar interactions drug/phospholipids estimated by IAM–HPLC. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 489(1-2), 186-194.

Phospholipid affinity indexes (log 𝑘 ᴵᴬᴹ/W) for 15 structurally non-related basic, acidic, ampholytic, and neutral drugs were measured by HPLC on two different phospholipid stationary phases (immobilized artificial membrane – IAM). According to a me... Read More about Relationships between human intestinal absorption and polar interactions drug/phospholipids estimated by IAM–HPLC.

Dioxin-like PCB levels in maternal and umbilical cord sera of people living near dump sites in southern Italy: a pilot study of biomonitoring (2015)
Journal Article
Grumetto, L., Ortosecco, G., Russo, G., Guida, M., Ferranti, P., Nasi, A., & Barbato, F. (2015). Dioxin-like PCB levels in maternal and umbilical cord sera of people living near dump sites in southern Italy: a pilot study of biomonitoring. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 187(3), Article 88 (2015).

The “Triangle of Death” is an area of southern Italy highly polluted due to the presence of numerous illegal waste sites. To assess whether environmental contamination could produce an increased intake of harmful chemicals, we determined the serum le... Read More about Dioxin-like PCB levels in maternal and umbilical cord sera of people living near dump sites in southern Italy: a pilot study of biomonitoring.

Indexes of polar interactions between ionizable drugs and membrane phospholipids measured by IAM–HPLC: Their relationships with data of Blood–Brain Barrier passage (2014)
Journal Article
Grumetto, L., Russo, G., & Barbato, F. (2014). Indexes of polar interactions between ionizable drugs and membrane phospholipids measured by IAM–HPLC: Their relationships with data of Blood–Brain Barrier passage. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 65, 139-146.

Phospholipid affinity indexes (log k IAM/w) for 21 structurally non-related basic, acidic, ampholytic, and neutral drugs were measured by HPLC on two different phospholipid stationary phases (Immobilized Artificial Membrane – IAM). The differences b... Read More about Indexes of polar interactions between ionizable drugs and membrane phospholipids measured by IAM–HPLC: Their relationships with data of Blood–Brain Barrier passage.