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A comparison of video and infrared based tracking of pedestrian movements.

Kerridge, Jon; Kukla, Robert; Willis, Alexandra; Armitage, Alistair; Binnie, David; Lei, Lucy


Jon Kerridge

Alexandra Willis

Alistair Armitage

David Binnie

Lucy Lei


S P Hoogendoom

S Luding

P H L Bovy

Michael Schreckenberg

D E Wolf


We provide a comparison of the relative merits of video and infrared based methods for collecting pedestrian movements from the real world and also from experimental environments. We describe the underlying technological basis of both methods and the tools we have developed to help in collection and analysis of the data. The desire to collect such data is driven by the need of modellers and simulation packages to use base data that is founded in valid empirical evidence, rather than some form of inspired supposition, as is the case with many of the current systems. In addition to the collection of speeds we are also interested in understanding and quantifying the ranges of distances people deviate from a straight-on path when confronted by some obstruction in front of them.


Kerridge, J., Kukla, R., Willis, A., Armitage, A., Binnie, D., & Lei, L. (2003, October). A comparison of video and infrared based tracking of pedestrian movements. Presented at Traffic and Granular Flow '03

Conference Name Traffic and Granular Flow '03
Start Date Oct 1, 2003
End Date Oct 4, 2003
Publication Date 2005
Deposit Date Oct 18, 2007
Publicly Available Date May 16, 2017
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Pages 383-392
Book Title Traffic and granular flow 03
ISBN 9783540258148
Keywords Pedestrian flow; Video tracking; Infrared tracking; Empirical data; Computing; Data analysis;
Public URL
Contract Date May 16, 2017


A comparison of video and infrared based tracking of pedestrian movements.pdf (1.8 Mb)

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