Elizabeth Adamson
Leadership in Compassionate Care: Executive Summary- Enhancing patient care by promoting compassionate practice.
Adamson, Elizabeth; Cook, F; Crowther, Carol; Dewar, Belinda; Donaldson, Jayne H; Gloag, Anne; Gray, Morag; Gentleman, Mandy; Hornett, Melanie; Horsburgh, Dorothy; Kalorkoti, Jenny; King, Linda; Macdonald, Alison; McIntosh, Iain; Morrow, Billie; Pullin, Simon; Ross, Janis; Smith, Stephen; Taylor, Scott; Tierney-Moore, Heather; Tocher, Ria; Waugh, Anne
F Cook
Carol Crowther
Belinda Dewar
Jayne H Donaldson
Anne Gloag
Morag Gray
Ms Mandy Gentleman M.Gentleman@napier.ac.uk
Melanie Hornett
Dorothy Horsburgh
Jenny Kalorkoti
Linda King
Alison Macdonald
Iain McIntosh
Billie Morrow
Simon Pullin
Janis Ross
Dr Stephen Smith Ste.Smith@napier.ac.uk
Associate Professor
Scott Taylor
Heather Tierney-Moore
Ria Tocher
Anne Waugh
The Leadership in Compassionate Care
Programme (LCCP) commenced in 2007 as a
three year programme of work. Initial funding
was received from a private benefactor
and the two organisations involved in the
programme (NHS Lothian and Edinburgh
Napier University) were required to match
this funding. The work of the programme
developed beyond the initial funding. A
Lead Nurse and four Senior Nurses were
appointed to deliver the programme and a
wide range of staff from both organisations
were actively involved and participated with
this team. The impetus for this programme
arose from local and National concerns
about care focussed on patients and their
relatives experiencing a lack of empathy
and compassion, acknowledging that it is
often small acts of kindness and a human
connection, alongside clinical competence
that is appreciated by patients and relatives
Adamson, E., Cook, F., Crowther, C., Dewar, B., Donaldson, J. H., Gloag, A., Gray, M., Gentleman, M., Hornett, M., Horsburgh, D., Kalorkoti, J., King, L., Macdonald, A., McIntosh, I., Morrow, B., Pullin, S., Ross, J., Smith, S., Taylor, S., Tierney-Moore, H., …Waugh, A. (2012). Leadership in Compassionate Care: Executive Summary- Enhancing patient care by promoting compassionate practice. Edinburgh, Scotland: NHS Lothian/Edinburgh Napier University
Report Type | Research Report |
Publication Date | 2012-06 |
Deposit Date | Aug 13, 2013 |
Publicly Available Date | Aug 13, 2013 |
Peer Reviewed | Not Peer Reviewed |
Keywords | Nursing; leadership; care; compassion; |
Public URL | http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/id/eprint/6207 |
Contract Date | Aug 13, 2013 |
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