In vitro assessment of engineered nanomaterials using a hepatocyte cell line: cytotoxicity, pro-inflammatory cytokines and functional markers
Journal Article
Kermanizadeh, A., Pojana, G., Gaiser, B. K., Birkedal, R., Bilanicˇová, D., Wallin, H., Jensen, K. A., Sellergren, B., Hutchison, G. R., Marcomini, A., & Stone, V. (2013). In vitro assessment of engineered nanomaterials using a hepatocyte cell line: cytotoxicity, pro-inflammatory cytokines and functional markers. Nanotoxicology, 7(3), 301-313.
Effects on the liver C3A cell line treated with a panel of engineered nanomaterials (NMs) consisting of two zinc oxide particles (ZnO; coated 100 nm and uncoated 130 nm), two multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs), one silver (Ag < 20 nm), one 7 nm a... Read More about In vitro assessment of engineered nanomaterials using a hepatocyte cell line: cytotoxicity, pro-inflammatory cytokines and functional markers.