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Re-Thinking “Europe” with Central-Eastern Europe: Towards Non-Occidentalist and Decolonial Epistemics in/of Queer Studies (2025)
Book Chapter
Kulpa, R. (2025). Re-Thinking “Europe” with Central-Eastern Europe: Towards Non-Occidentalist and Decolonial Epistemics in/of Queer Studies. In Go West! Conceptual Explorations of “the West” in the History of Education ( 181-203). De Gruyter.

A simple question: What is Europe? is often focal for numerous disciplines such as area studies, cultural geography, history, postcolonial studies, and recently also gender & sexuality studies. Although richly diverse, perhaps one common thread among... Read More about Re-Thinking “Europe” with Central-Eastern Europe: Towards Non-Occidentalist and Decolonial Epistemics in/of Queer Studies.

Abstract Policing, Covid-19 and the ‘Rural Idyll’ in Scotland (2025)
Journal Article
Buchan, J., Horgan, S., Wooff, A., & Tatnell, A. (online). Abstract Policing, Covid-19 and the ‘Rural Idyll’ in Scotland. Policing and Society,

The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on rural ‘policing’ (broadly defined to include a range of institutions involved in order maintenance) remains relatively under-discussed and under-theorised. The pandemic created particular challenges for these se... Read More about Abstract Policing, Covid-19 and the ‘Rural Idyll’ in Scotland.

Citizen science enabled planning for species conservation in urban landscapes: the case of Barn Swallows Hirundo rustica in southern China (2025)
Journal Article
Chen, S., Liu, Y., Li, P., Patrick, S. C., Goodale, E., Safran, R. J., Zhao, X., Zhuo, X., Fu, J., Herr, C. M., & Pagani-Núñez, E. (2025). Citizen science enabled planning for species conservation in urban landscapes: the case of Barn Swallows Hirundo rustica in southern China. Landscape Ecology, 40(3), Article 65.

Context: Urbanization has detrimental effects on biodiversity, yet how species respond to urban planning zoning outcomes and environmental changes at different spatial scales when selecting urban breeding habitats remains understudied. Mitigating suc... Read More about Citizen science enabled planning for species conservation in urban landscapes: the case of Barn Swallows Hirundo rustica in southern China.

Good Laboratory Practice Buffer Preparation Exercise Workbook (2025)
Garden, C., & Cunningham, I. (2025). Good Laboratory Practice Buffer Preparation Exercise Workbook

This workbook and the accompanying video have been commissioned by Skills Development Scotland and prepared by Edinburgh Napier University with support from a member of the Life and Chemical Sciences Skills Group. The aim is to help you understand Go... Read More about Good Laboratory Practice Buffer Preparation Exercise Workbook.

A Crisis of Energy: War and Heat in the Professional Kitchens of North East England (2025)
Journal Article
Maclean, G., & Hill, D. (online). A Crisis of Energy: War and Heat in the Professional Kitchens of North East England. Current Sociology,

The invasion of Ukraine by Russia in February 2022 led to a dramatic increase in energy prices in the UK. Chefs interviewed in the North East of England were found already struggling with post-lockdown re-opening, now huge energy bills and food short... Read More about A Crisis of Energy: War and Heat in the Professional Kitchens of North East England.

Written evidence submitted by the research team of the following project: “Investigating the use of temporary accommodation for housing asylum seekers and refugees during the COVID-19 outbreak” (2025)
Guma, T., Maclean, G., Blake, Y., & Makutsa, R. (2025). Written evidence submitted by the research team of the following project: “Investigating the use of temporary accommodation for housing asylum seekers and refugees during the COVID-19 outbreak”

Written evidence submitted to Home Affairs Committee inquiry

Bespoke design of cage trap and patagial wing tag for the capture and study of black grouse Lyrurus tetrix at lek sites: assessment of effectiveness for future studies (2025)
Journal Article
Waltona, C., Ripodas Melero, A. I., & White, P. J. C. (online). Bespoke design of cage trap and patagial wing tag for the capture and study of black grouse Lyrurus tetrix at lek sites: assessment of effectiveness for future studies. Ringing and Migration,

Given new avenues for Black Grouse Lyrurus tetrix telemetry, and translocations to previously occupied areas, we designed a new cage trap for use at leks that was safe, reliable, and easily transportable, and a custom black-and-white wing-tag that wa... Read More about Bespoke design of cage trap and patagial wing tag for the capture and study of black grouse Lyrurus tetrix at lek sites: assessment of effectiveness for future studies.

Committee Advice on the safety of cannabidiol (CBD) isolate as a novel food for use in food supplements - RP354 [Food Standards Agency (FSA) and Food Standards Scotland (FSS) Regulated Product Dossier Assessment] (2025)
Foley, S. (2025). Committee Advice on the safety of cannabidiol (CBD) isolate as a novel food for use in food supplements - RP354 [Food Standards Agency (FSA) and Food Standards Scotland (FSS) Regulated Product Dossier Assessment]

An application was submitted to the Food Standards Agency (FSA) and Food Standards Scotland (FSS) in February 2021 from Bridge Farm Group. (“the applicant”) for the authorisation of cannabidiol (CBD) isolate as a novel food.

The novel food is a CB... Read More about Committee Advice on the safety of cannabidiol (CBD) isolate as a novel food for use in food supplements - RP354 [Food Standards Agency (FSA) and Food Standards Scotland (FSS) Regulated Product Dossier Assessment].

Wellbeing - Pete Robertson S 5 Ep 5 (2025)
Digital Artefact
Robertson, P. (2025). Wellbeing - Pete Robertson S 5 Ep 5. [Video]

This is a video on YouTube, in which Professor Pete Robertson is interviewed by Hoda Kilani for Hoda's Career Info. The conversation is wide-ranging but focuses particularly on career and wellbeing.