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Outputs (105)

Contested National Tragedies: An Ethical Dimension (2009)
Book Chapter
Wight, C. (2009). Contested National Tragedies: An Ethical Dimension. In R. Sharpley, & P. R. Stone (Eds.), The Darker Side of Travel: The Theory and Practice of Dark Tourism (129-144). Channel View Publications.

This chapter explores some of the intrinsically western ethical complexities associated with the production and consumption of dark tourism attractions, focusing specifi cally on contested narratives of national tragedy and dis-graced mo... Read More about Contested National Tragedies: An Ethical Dimension.

Autonomie und Loyalität in strategischen Unternehmensnetzwerken: Eine Mehrebenenbetrachutung (2009)
Book Chapter
Backhaus, C., Blut, M., Evanschitzky, H., & Woisetschläger, D. M. (2009). Autonomie und Loyalität in strategischen Unternehmensnetzwerken: Eine Mehrebenenbetrachutung. In G. Schreyögg, & J. Sydow (Eds.), Verhalten in Organisationen (141-178). Gabler.

Die Möglichkeit der Netzwerkpartner, in gewissen Grenzen autonom Entscheidungen treffen zu können, stellt eine wesentliche Voraussetzung für die Funktionsfähigkeit eines Netzwerks dar. Entsprechend zeigt eine Vielzahl von Untersuchungen positive Eins... Read More about Autonomie und Loyalität in strategischen Unternehmensnetzwerken: Eine Mehrebenenbetrachutung.

International Perspectives of Festivals and Events. (2009)
Ali-Knight, J., Robertson, M., Fyall, A., & Ladkin, A. (Eds.). (2009). International Perspectives of Festivals and Events. Elsevier

In a fast-moving industry where new theory and practice is implemented rapidly, this is essential reading for any advanced student or researcher in festivals and events.

The dissonance between insider and outsider perspectives of the 'Chinese problem': Implications for one of the UK's largest undergraduate programmes (2009)
Book Chapter
Smith, P. V., & Zhou, V. X. (2009). The dissonance between insider and outsider perspectives of the 'Chinese problem': Implications for one of the UK's largest undergraduate programmes. In T. Coverdale-Jones, & P. Rastall (Eds.), Internationalising the university: The Chinese context (130-146). Palgrave Macmillan

No abstract available.

Power and politeness: a study of social interaction in business meetings with multicultural participation (2009)
Journal Article
Victoria, M. (2009). Power and politeness: a study of social interaction in business meetings with multicultural participation. ESP Across Cultures, 129-140

In today's increasingly global economy, members of the same work team do not necessarily work in the same country or on the same continent. They speak different mother tongues and belong to different cultural backgrounds. Yet they are faced with the... Read More about Power and politeness: a study of social interaction in business meetings with multicultural participation.