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Outputs (23)

The impact of organizational dehumanization on creative performance through self-esteem threat: the moderating role of work locus of control (2024)
Journal Article
Talpur, Q.-U.-A., Khan, R., Malik, M. A. R., & Murtaza, G. (2025). The impact of organizational dehumanization on creative performance through self-esteem threat: the moderating role of work locus of control. Personnel Review, 54(1), 130-149.

This paper aims to enhance our understanding of how organizational dehumanization affects employees’ creative performance. We propose the self-esteem threat as a mediator in the relationship between organizational dehumanization and employee... Read More about The impact of organizational dehumanization on creative performance through self-esteem threat: the moderating role of work locus of control.

Reciprocity Between Organizational Dehumanization and Taking Charge at Work: The Role of Thriving (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Khan, R., Murtaza, G., & Talpur, Q.-U.-A. (2024, August). Reciprocity Between Organizational Dehumanization and Taking Charge at Work: The Role of Thriving. Presented at Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA

This study explores the reciprocal relationship between organizational dehumanization and employees taking charge at work. Specifically, we test the negative impact of organizational dehumanization on taking charge at work and how this reduced taking... Read More about Reciprocity Between Organizational Dehumanization and Taking Charge at Work: The Role of Thriving.

When and how is abusive supervision enacted toward competent subordinates? The role of supervisors' power loss concern and downward envy (2024)
Journal Article
Azeem, M. U., Haq, I. U., Murtaza, G., & Khan, R. (2025). When and how is abusive supervision enacted toward competent subordinates? The role of supervisors' power loss concern and downward envy. Applied Psychology, 74(1), Article e12559.

In general, supervisor abuse is directed toward low-performing subordinates. Similarly, envy is typically felt by professionals in lower ranks toward those in higher positions. By contrast, this study investigates the counterintuitive relationship be... Read More about When and how is abusive supervision enacted toward competent subordinates? The role of supervisors' power loss concern and downward envy.

The Curvilinear Linkage between Workplace Interruptions and Task Performance: The Role of Mindfulness (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Talpur, Q. U. A., Murtaza, G., Khan, R., & Hobfoll, S. (2023, August). The Curvilinear Linkage between Workplace Interruptions and Task Performance: The Role of Mindfulness. Presented at Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston, USA

This study tests the interactive model of workplace interruptions such as intrusions, distractions, discrepancy detections, and breaks with task performance. Specifically, we suggest the curvilinear role of workplace interruptions in predicting task... Read More about The Curvilinear Linkage between Workplace Interruptions and Task Performance: The Role of Mindfulness.

Investing in resources: An interaction model of personal resources, commitment, and work achievement (2023)
Journal Article
Neveu, J., Khan, R., & Murtaza, G. (2024). Investing in resources: An interaction model of personal resources, commitment, and work achievement. Journal of Personality, 92(2), 361-377.

Management practice commonly assumes that the value of a work-goal dictates the nature of motivation processes. We investigate instead how individuals invest resources from the perspective of their own value system. Drawing from Conservati... Read More about Investing in resources: An interaction model of personal resources, commitment, and work achievement.

Gossip 2.0: The role of social media and moral attentiveness on counterproductive work behaviour (2022)
Journal Article
Murtaza, G., Neveu, J., Khan, R., & Talpur, Q. (2023). Gossip 2.0: The role of social media and moral attentiveness on counterproductive work behaviour. Applied Psychology, 72(4), 1478-1505.

This study investigates how negative workplace gossip (NWG) affects counterproductive work behaviour (CWB) through emotional exhaustion. We seek to advance a more nuanced view of negative gossip regarding CWB by exploring the contingency roles of soc... Read More about Gossip 2.0: The role of social media and moral attentiveness on counterproductive work behaviour.

Effects of perceived organisational politics and effort–reward imbalance on work outcomes – the moderating role of mindfulness (2022)
Journal Article
Murtaza, G., Roques, O., Talpur, Q.-U.-A., Khan, R., & Haq, I. U. (2024). Effects of perceived organisational politics and effort–reward imbalance on work outcomes – the moderating role of mindfulness. Personnel Review, 53(1), 76-98.

The purpose of this study is to examine the moderating effects of mindfulness on the relationships between work stressors (perceived organisational politics [POP] and effort–reward imbalance [ERI]) and work outcomes (job burnout [J... Read More about Effects of perceived organisational politics and effort–reward imbalance on work outcomes – the moderating role of mindfulness.

Organizational Dehumanization: Its Nomological Network and Measurement (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Caesens, G., Kiewitz, C., Kim, H.-Y., Lagios, C., Murtaza, G., Bell, C., Brison, N., Khan, R., Stinglhamber, F., & Talpur, Q.-U.-A. (2022, August). Organizational Dehumanization: Its Nomological Network and Measurement. Presented at Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Seattle, USA

Despite its prevalence in the modern workplace, organizational dehumanization is an intrinsically negative phenomenon that entails a wide range of deleterious consequences, for both employees and organizations. While an increasing number of theoretic... Read More about Organizational Dehumanization: Its Nomological Network and Measurement.