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Outputs (17)

Advocating for Change - Enabling Authentic Assessment at Scale (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Mahoney, C., Bastow, F., & Finnan, G. (2024, June). Advocating for Change - Enabling Authentic Assessment at Scale. Presented at International AHE Conference 2024, Manchester

Background: Authentic assessment aims to connect learning to real-world issues which are meaningful to the learner (Villarroel et al 2018; Gillard-Cook; West 2014; Rule 2007). This paper reports an evidence-based authentic assessment on a Bachelor of... Read More about Advocating for Change - Enabling Authentic Assessment at Scale.

Using applied drama in nursing and healthcare education: A handbook for educators (2023)
Kyle, R., Mermikides, A., Tizzard-Kleister, K., Mahoney, C., Dinetto, S., & Richardson, S. Using applied drama in nursing and healthcare education: A handbook for educators. Routledge

In recent years there has been increasing interest in the interconnection between the performing arts and the performance of care. Applied drama has been used by educators to enable students to engage with concepts such as person centredness, compass... Read More about Using applied drama in nursing and healthcare education: A handbook for educators.

Drama-based education improves student nurses’ attitudes to interprofessional working and nursing advocacy: a pre-test post-test study (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kyle, R., Bastow, F., Harper McDonald, B., & Mahoney, C. (2022, September). Drama-based education improves student nurses’ attitudes to interprofessional working and nursing advocacy: a pre-test post-test study. Paper presented at NET Conference 2022, Lancaster

In this session we share findings from our study examining the impact of the use of drama-based education on student nurses’ attitudes towards interprofessional working and nursing advocacy. We discuss the development and evaluation of two plays crea... Read More about Drama-based education improves student nurses’ attitudes to interprofessional working and nursing advocacy: a pre-test post-test study.

Dramatic Effect - enhancing nurse education through performance (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Mahoney, C., Bastow, F., & Harper-McDonald, B. (2019, September). Dramatic Effect - enhancing nurse education through performance. Paper presented at RAISE Annual Conference, Newcastle Upon Tyne

Health and social care integration (HCI) is an important policy priority across the United Kingdom. HCI is a complex process, not least because it results in blurring and redefinition of professional roles. Because nurses are at the forefront of HCI... Read More about Dramatic Effect - enhancing nurse education through performance.

Media Depictions of “Unacceptable” Workplace Violence towards Nurses (2018)
Journal Article
Hoyle, L., Smith, E., Mahoney, C., & Kyle, R. (2018). Media Depictions of “Unacceptable” Workplace Violence towards Nurses. Policy, Politics, and Nursing Practice,

Violence and aggression towards nurses are global concerns. Despite repeated research on causal factors and widespread “zero tolerance” campaigns, rates of violence and aggression have not declined. Violence and aggression towards nurses can negativ... Read More about Media Depictions of “Unacceptable” Workplace Violence towards Nurses.

Dramatic Effect: Enhancing Nurse Education Through Performance (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hoyle, L., Bastow, F., Mahoney, C., Kyle, R., & Veitch, L. (2017, December). Dramatic Effect: Enhancing Nurse Education Through Performance

Health and social care education programmes use the ‘professional world’ to enhance authentic learning. This real-word learning is one of the most powerful pedagogical experiences a student can have. Authentic learning employs innovative and motivati... Read More about Dramatic Effect: Enhancing Nurse Education Through Performance.

Nurses’ views on the impact of mass media on the public perception of nursing and nurse–service user interactions (2017)
Journal Article
Hoyle, L. P., Kyle, R., & Mahoney, C. (2017). Nurses’ views on the impact of mass media on the public perception of nursing and nurse–service user interactions. Journal of Research in Nursing, 22(8), 586-596.

Aims: To examine nurses’ views on the impact that mass media has on service users and how this affects nurse/service user interactions.
Background: Internationally, the mass media is an important source of health information for the public. Media... Read More about Nurses’ views on the impact of mass media on the public perception of nursing and nurse–service user interactions.

Curriculum Development Informed by Comprehensive Educational Evaluation; experiences of the School of Health & Social Care. (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Mahoney, C. (2017, February). Curriculum Development Informed by Comprehensive Educational Evaluation; experiences of the School of Health & Social Care. Presented at Teaching Fellow Conference

Background – The Bachelor of Nursing programme at Edinburgh Napier University was reviewed and a new programme of education commenced in September 2016. All preregistration nursing programmes are a 50/50 spilt between University and Clinical Practice... Read More about Curriculum Development Informed by Comprehensive Educational Evaluation; experiences of the School of Health & Social Care..

Discussion Forums as an assessment Tool in Online Learning (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Mahoney, C. (2012, April). Discussion Forums as an assessment Tool in Online Learning. Presented at Academic Development Conference, Edinburgh

Mahoney, C. (2012, April). Discussion Forums as an assessment Tool in Online Learning. Presented at Academic Development Conference, Edinburgh.

Investigation into Maintaining Naso-gastric Feeding for Stroke Patients. A Mixed Methods Study. (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Mahoney, C. (2009, March). Investigation into Maintaining Naso-gastric Feeding for Stroke Patients. A Mixed Methods Study. Presented at Postgraduate Research Conference, Edinburgh Napier University

Mahoney, C. (2009, March). Investigation into Maintaining Naso-gastric Feeding for Stroke Patients. A Mixed Methods Study. Presented at Postgraduate Research Conference, Edinburgh Napier University

Mittens Intervention for Tube Tugging After Stroke (2005)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Mahoney, C., Horsburgh, D., Rowat, A., Alder, B., Dennis, M., & Taylor, P. (2005, October). Mittens Intervention for Tube Tugging After Stroke. Poster presented at Scottish Stroke Conference, Perth

Mittens Intervention for Tube Tugging After Stroke (2005)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Mahoney, C., Rowat, A., Horsburgh, D., Lewis, S., Taylor, P., Alder, E., & Dennis, M. (2005, May). Mittens Intervention for Tube Tugging After Stroke. Poster presented at British Stroke Association, Harrogate

Mahoney, C. (2005, May). Mittens Intervention for Tube Tugging After Stroke. Poster presented at British Stroke Association, Harrogate.

Mittens Intervention for Tube Tugging After Stroke (2005)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Mahoney, C. (2005, April). Mittens Intervention for Tube Tugging After Stroke. Presented at Postgraduate Research Conference, Edinburgh

Mahoney, C. (2005, April). Mittens Intervention for Tube Tugging After Stroke. Presented at Postgraduate Research Conference, Edinburgh.