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Curriculum Development Informed by Comprehensive Educational Evaluation; experiences of the School of Health & Social Care.

Mahoney, Catherine



Background – The Bachelor of Nursing programme at Edinburgh Napier University was reviewed and a new programme of education commenced in September 2016. All preregistration nursing programmes are a 50/50 spilt between University and Clinical Practice Partners. Wide consultation with practice partners, service users/carers, partner HEIs, and of key policies was conducted to ensure a programme that is fit for purpose, addresses local and national priorities, meets NMC Pre-Registration Education Standards (2010) and is academically excellent. The new BN programme is applicable to adult, child, mental health and learning disabilities nursing. The Curriculum Development Project was set up to
facilitate evaluation of the current programme and development of a new curriculum.
Methods – To enable comprehensive evaluation and planning for the new curriculum, ten working groups were set up as follows: Underlying Philosophy; External Partnership Voice; Service User/Carer Engagement; Clinical Practice; Clinical Skills; Assessment & Feedback; NMC & Policy Mapping; Recruitment; E-portfolio. Each working group defined their focus and remits in relation the programme evaluation and how they would inform the development of the new curriculum. The Steering Group and Operational Group agreed useful evaluation activities in light of current healthcare policy drivers including the Integration of Health and Social Care (Scottish Government, 2013; 2014), Workforce Planning and Development (Scottish Government, 2013).
Methods of evaluation included; survey, focus groups and one to one interviews and were conducted as follows:
• Newly Qualified Nurse Survey – to collect the opinions of new nurses about content and value of pre and post registration education
• Service User/Carer survey – to gather views on the current programme and provide a resource group to inform curriculum development
• External Partnership survey – to explore the ‘external partnership voice’ with regards to their views about the current programme and future educational needs of registered nurses and how these can be met in partnership.
• Service user and carer day – to provide a “listening” day for the related working group members to hear the views about nursing education and the role of the nurse in any given field
• Student opinion – explore student opinion via student reference group about current and future pre-registration education
Findings – The findings from each stage evaluation were triangulated and synthesised to inform a ‘shared vision’. The following themes evolved as being key to the development of
the new curriculum; a programme approach enabling integration and shared expertise; a learning, teaching and assessment strategy to enable fluidity and alignment between theory and practice; values and evidence based curriculum to empower confident, responsible and compassionate professionals.
Conclusion – this project enabled an educational evaluation process which was comprehensive and inclusive; subsequently informing the pedagogical approach to the new nursing programme. The work was commended by the Nursing & Midwifery Council. Thenew programme draws on current evidence from curricula theory and design in order to create a student centred approach to learning and teaching.


Mahoney, C. (2017, February). Curriculum Development Informed by Comprehensive Educational Evaluation; experiences of the School of Health & Social Care. Presented at Teaching Fellow Conference

Presentation Conference Type Presentation / Talk
Conference Name Teaching Fellow Conference
Start Date Feb 1, 2017
End Date Feb 1, 2017
Deposit Date Sep 11, 2017
Keywords Nurse education,
Public URL