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Prof Luca Mora's Recognition (194)

Reviewer for Urban Studies (Sage, ISSN: 0042-0980)

Reviewer for Nature Communications (Springer Nature Publishing AG, ISSN: 2041-1723)

Organiser of the RSA Scotland Annual Conference 2019 | Edinburgh, Scotland

Lead Guest Editor for Organization Studies (SAGE, ISSN: 0170-8406) - Special Issue "Boosting Urban Sustainability through Organizing Collaborative Ecosystems for Smart City Development", in collaboration with Dr Francesco Paolo Appio (Universit� C�te d'Az

Reviewer for Public Management Review (Taylor & Francis, ISSN: 1471-9037)

Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management (IEEE, ISSN: 0018-9391)

Winner of the Enterprise Award (Edinburgh Napier University's Above and Beyond Awards 2017-19) (Deleted)

Book proposal reviewer for Oxford University Press

Reviewer for The Canadian Geographer (Taylor & Francis, ISSN: 0008-3658)

Scientific Committee Member, 3rd International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Planning for Cities and Regions (SSPCR 2019) | Bozen, Italy

Chair of the Track "Thriving Governance and Citizenship in a Smart World" at the 3rd International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Planning for Cities and Regions (SSPCR 2019) | Bozen, Italy

Lead Guest Editor for Regional Studies (Taylor & Francis, ISSN: 0034-3404) - Special Issue "Towards a Technology-enabled Approach to Smart Specialisation Development", in collaboration with Dr Anastasia Panori (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki), Prof

Invited Keynote Speaker at Kristianstad University - GRIP Seminar Series | Kristianstad, Sweden

Grant Reviewer for the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Italian Switzerland

Enterprise Award (Winner) - Edinburgh Napier University, Above & Beyond Awards 2018-19

Academic Advisor (Smart City Policy Development), Zhejiang Provincial Government

Reviewer for Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science (Sage, ISSN: 2399-8083)

Reviewer for European Planning Studies (Taylor & Francis, ISSN: 0965-4313)

Invited by University of Cambridge to collaborate in delivering a China-UK bilateral workshop | Wuhan, China

Reviewer for Futures (Elsevier, ISSN: 0016-3287)