Invited Speaker at RSA Winter Conference 2012 | London, United Kingdom
Prof Luca Mora's Recognition (194)
Invited Speaker at the Smart City Exhibition 2013 | Bologna, Italy
Invited Speaker at the 1st International City Regeneration Congress | Tampere, Finland
Invited Speaker at the 1st International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Planning for Cities and Regions | Bozen, Italy
Invited Keynote Speaker at Innovation Day | Pisa, Italy
Invited Speaker at the 2nd International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Planning for Cities and Regions | Bozen, Italy
Invited Speaker at the 3rd Conference of the RSA Research Network on Smart City-Regional Governance for Sustainability | Gdansk, Poland
Invited Speaker at the RSA Annual Conference 2017 | Dublin, Ireland
Invited Speaker at the 10th International Conference for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development | Thessaloniki, Greece
Invited Speaker at the 27th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development | Rome, Italy
Visiting Professor at P�le Universitaire L�onard de Vinci, �cole de Management L�onard de Vinci | Paris, France
Visiting Researcher at Aristotle Univeristy of Thessaloniki, Urban and Regional Innovation Research (URENIO) | Thessaloniki, Greece
Organiser of the 7th Summer Workshop of Italian PhD Programmes in Architectural Technology | Mantua, Italy
Organiser and Chair of the conference "Funding the Smart City: Comparing Alternative Solutions" | Bologna, Italy
Organiser and Chair of the conference "Smart Culture: ICT and the Enhancement of Cities' Cultural Heritage" | Bologna, Italy
Organiser of a Discussion Panel on Smart Specialisation at Trinity College Dublin - RSA Annual Conference 2017 | Dublin, Ireland
Organiser and Co-chair of the 2nd Annual International Conference of the Urban Research and Education Knowledge Alliance (U!REKA) | Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Scientific Committee Member, 1st Euro-Mediterranean Conference and Exhibition (SmartBlueCity 2016) | Limassol, Cyprus
Scientific Committee Member, 3rd Euro-Mediterranean Conference and Exhibition (SmartBlueCity 2018) | Larnaca, Cyprus
Best Dissertation Award (Winner) - Polytechnic University of Milan