Invited Keynote Speaker at Smart City Research Seminar of University of Li�ge - Smart City Institute | Li�ge, Belgium
Prof Luca Mora's Recognition (194)
Grant Funding Panel Member for the High North and Arctic Smart City Development Competition 2020 | Nord University, Norway
Scientific Committee Member, 4th Euro-Mediterranean Conference and Exhibition (SmartBlueCity 2020) | Athens, Greece
Member of the European Commission�s Smart Cities and Communities Action Clusters
Invited Speaker at the China-UK Bilateral Workshop organised by University of Cambridge and Huazhong University of Science Technology | Wuhan, China
Director of Studies: Francesco Tonnarelli, Places Matter: Examining the Overlooked Geographies of Smart City Transitions, PhD Degree, Tallinn University of Technology (Expected award year: 2025)
External supervisor: Xinyi Wu, Social Anthropology and Smart Cities, PhD Degree, The University of Edinburgh (Award year: 2022)
News: Dr Luca Mora collaborates with Zhejiang provincial government | Edinburgh Napier University News
News: Luca Mora, Visiting Professor: �As a researcher, mobility is part of the game� | EMLV Paris
News: Prof Mark Deakin and Dr Luca Mora complete the U!REKA bibliometric analysis | Urban Research and Education Knowledge Alliance (U!REKA) News
Magazine article: Developing smart and sustainable cities | The Red Triangle, Edinburgh Napier University
Magazine article: Collaboration crucial to increase offsite adoption | Project Scotland
Reviewer for Environment, Development and Sustainability (Springer, ISSN: 1573-2975)
Associate Editor - IET Smart Cities (Institution of Engineering and Technology)
Partnership Award (Nominated) - Edinburgh Napier University, Above & Beyond Awards 2019-20
Leadership Excellence Award (Nominated) - Edinburgh Napier University, Above & Beyond Awards 2019-20
Research and Innovation Award (Winner) - Edinburgh Napier University, Above & Beyond Awards 2019-20
Census of the Oglio Po Region�s Landscape Heritage | Period: 2013-14 | Funder: European Commission - EAFRD | Overall value: �60,000 | Role: Co-Investigator
Visiting Research Fellow at Edinburgh Napier University, School of Engineering and the Built Environment, Centre for Smart Cities | Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
PEOPLE | Period: 2012-13 | Funder: European Commission - 7th Framework Programme | Overall value: �3,200,000 | Role: Co-Investigator