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Prof Luca Mora's Recognition (194)

Organiser of the workshop “Global Study on Smart City Governance” at Smart City Expo World Congress 2022, in collaboration with the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) and CAF - the Development Bank of Latina America | Barcelona, S

Reviewer for Government Information Quarterly (Elsevier, ISSN: 0740-624X)

Reviewer for International Review of Administrative Sciences (SAGE, ISSN 0020-8523)

Reviewer for International Journal of Urban Sciences (Taylor & Francis, ISSN 1226-5934)

Second Supervisor: Mie Weile, Bridging for the future: how digital competence development can accelerate innovation in public organizations, PhD Degree, Technical University of Denmark (Expected award year: 2026)

News: Edinburgh-based expert in smart city innovation joins �32 million international research project | Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce

Leadership Excellence Award (Nominated) - Edinburgh Napier University, Above & Beyond Awards 2020-21

Research and Innovation Award (Winner) - Edinburgh Napier University, Above & Beyond Awards 2020-21

Guest Editor for the Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal (Emerald, ISSN: 0951-3574) - Special Issue "Accountability for a Connected Society: The Unaccounted Effects of Digital Transformations�, in collaboration with Prof Giuseppe Grossi (Nord U

FinEst Twins | Period: 2019-26 | Funder: European Commission - Horizon 2020; Estonian Government | Overall value: �32,000,000 | Role: Co-Investigator

GreenTwins | Period: 2021-23 | Funder: European Commission - Horizon 2020; Estonian Government | Overall value: �1,300,000 | Role: Co-Investigator

Organizing Collaborative Ecosystems for Sustainable Smart City Transitions | Period: 2021-25 | Funder: European Commission - Horizon 2020; Estonian Government | Overall value: �65,000 | Role: Principal Investigator

The unfolding, assemblage, and governance mechanisms of sustainable smart city transitions | Period: 2021-25 | Funder: European Commission - Horizon 2020; Estonian Government | Overall value: �65,000 | Role: Principal Investigator

Director of Studies: Ioannis Lykouras, Sustainable Smart City Transitions in the Education Sector: The Case of Higher Education Institutions, PhD Degree, Tallinn University of Technology (Expected award year: 2025)

Academic Consultant (Urban data Ecosystems), European Commission

Academic Consultant (Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Urban Development), United Nations

Academic Consultant (Governance of Smart City Projects), United Nations

Academic Consultant (Governance of Smart City Transitions), CAF - Development Bank of Latin America

Director of Studies: Dominik Beckers, The Unfolding, Assemblage, and Governance Mechanisms of Sustainable Smart City Transitions, PhD Degree, Tallinn University of Technology (Expected award year: 2025)

Director of Studies: Francesco Tonnarelli, Places Matter: Examining the Overlooked Geographies of Smart City Transitions, PhD Degree, Tallinn University of Technology (Expected award year: 2025)