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Dr Jamie Thompson's Outputs (4)

Investigating the effectiveness of virtual influencers in prosocial marketing (2024)
Journal Article
Igarashi, R., Bhoumik, K., & Thompson, J. (2024). Investigating the effectiveness of virtual influencers in prosocial marketing. Psychology and Marketing, 41(9), 2121-2135.

Heeding the rising popularity of virtual influencers on social media, many established brands are beginning to collaborate with them. Although virtual influencers are perceived as novel and exciting, their effectiveness in different areas of consumer... Read More about Investigating the effectiveness of virtual influencers in prosocial marketing.

Abusive supervision in commercial kitchens: Insights from the restaurant industry (2024)
Journal Article
Taheri, B., Thompson, J., Mistry, T., Okumus, B., & Gannon, M. (2024). Abusive supervision in commercial kitchens: Insights from the restaurant industry. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 120, Article 103789.

This mixed-method study investigates how abusive supervision and bullying impact job satisfaction and turnover intentions among employees in an environment plagued by ingrained incivility: commercial kitchens. Underpinned by social learning theory, w... Read More about Abusive supervision in commercial kitchens: Insights from the restaurant industry.

Enhancing graduate employability – exploring the influence of experiential simulation learning on life skill development (2024)
Journal Article
Scheuring, F., & Thompson, J. (online). Enhancing graduate employability – exploring the influence of experiential simulation learning on life skill development. Studies in Higher Education,

Skills and knowledge which increase the likelihood of university graduates finding employment is an increasingly important factor for higher education institutions. Even though subject matter expertise remains a primary objective, supporting students... Read More about Enhancing graduate employability – exploring the influence of experiential simulation learning on life skill development.