COMPASS: optimised co-modal passenger transport fro reducing carbon emissions - An assessment of the potential impact of ICT solutions on a co-modal transport system.
Biosca, O., Ulied, A., Bielefeldt, C., Calvet, M., Larrea, E., de Stasio, C., Schnell, O., Mandel, B., Bak, M., Borkowski, P., Matthews, B., Chen, H., Shibayama, T., Lemmerer, H., Enei, R., Cooper, J., Fonzone, A., & Stewart, K. (2013). COMPASS: optimised co-modal passenger transport fro reducing carbon emissions - An assessment of the potential impact of ICT solutions on a co-modal transport system. Edinburgh, Scotland: European Commission
This deliverable is the synthesis of the work carried out in WP6 of the COMPASS project, centred on
the assessment of ITS transport solutions to improve co-modality in Europe.
A framework for the assessment of solutions is provided in chapter 1 of...
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