UK Editor, Event Management - an international journal (2016-21)
Dr Martin Robertson's Recognition (113)
External Examiner (PhD) - Sheffield Hallam University (2020) (Emma Abson)
Associate Editor, Frontiers in Sport and Active Living (Sport, Lesure and Tourism) (2020-Ongoing)
External Panel Member (MSc Tourism Validation/Approval) - University of Highlands and Islands (2020)
ATHE Award for Innovation - Building Leadership and Management Capacity in the Visitor Economy (2018-2019)
The Knowledge effect of conferences (Convention Edinburgh News Event) August, 2019)
Editorial Board Member, Journal of Tourism Futures (2015-2018)
Co-editor: Special issue - �Events futures: innovation, creativity and collaboration� International Journal of Festival and Event Management Vol 9 (2018, Issue 2)
Adjunct Associate Professor, Institute for Sustainable Industries & Liveable Cities, Victoria University, Melbourne (2019-2021)
Lead co-editor: ' Special issue - 'Critical Event Studies � Issues and Perspectives' Event Management - an international journal Vol 22 (2018, Issue 6)
Business Tourism Group Member, Edinburgh Tourism Action Group (2019-present)
External Examiner (PhD) - Leeds Beckett University (2019) (Alistair Palferman )
Business Event Committee Member (Edinburgh Tourism Action Group)