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Post Nominals BA (Hons), MA, PhD, FHEA
Biography Dr Martin Robertson's passion for teaching and learning application and excellence has been applied successfully in his HE teaching and leadership roles in both the UK and in Australia. His involvement in academic quality assurance has also seen him sit in an executive capacity on a number of related university councils (UK & Australia). He has also been an active contributor to national (Scotland) and state (Victoria, Australia) government academic quality actions. In addition, Martin has both lead and contributed to public consultations (UK and Australia).

Martin has maintained his contact with the industry environment through supportive involvement in related agencies and non-executive directorship or committee roles. This applied activity drives his continued desire for providing a learning, teaching and research experience that is professionally and socially useful, and wherever possible allows for future directions. Sustainability, resilience, regenerative capacity, and social justice are key components of this work.

Martin's has led or co-lead 11 consultations projects for providers of large events (arts, agriculture and sport). As well as having been programme leader for 7 HE degree programmes (UK and Australia), he has also designed and led or co-led the following short professional development courses: 1) 'Leadership Development for Large Charity organisations' (Edinburgh); 2) a certified upskilling short course 'Sustainable, Entrepreneurial & Innovative Tourism Business Management' (Edinburgh) ; 3) an Honours (Research) degree in Business Management (Melbourne), and 4) a certificated Event Management training course for industry (Melbourne).

Martin completed 5 years as Adjunct Associate Professor, for the School for the Visitor Economy & the Institute of Sustainable Industries and Liveable Cities, Victoria University, Melbourne, and was Co-Chairperson of the Event Studies SIG for the Council for Australasian Tourism and Hospitality Education (CAUTHE) for 8 years. Martin is Associate Editor of three peer review journals. He has co-edited 8 academic journal special issues and has also co-edited 6 published books. He has over 80 related articles , chapter publications and report.
Research Interests Enthusiasm for all things relating to sustainability, the UN SDGs, and social benefits is present in the research Martin undertakes. Martin’s PhD, ‘Sustainable festivals and events – an inquiry of leadership and futures’, is one example of this research interest which became a funded place/ festival specific research project entitled, ‘Pathways to sustainability: Festival leadership and transformative futures'.

Martin has led or had a co-leadership role in other research projects, relating to the following areas – in no specific order:
Environmental and Net-Zero Evaluations; Bidding for International Meetings and Conferences; Business sponsorship of art festivals;
Sports events and rural development; Socio-cultural impacts of festival and events, and Visitor analysis and economic impact assessment of exhibition events.

His research foci are leadership, sustainability and place resilience; conference and business sustainable development; sports events and rural image and development; crowd management and psychology.
Teaching and Learning A desire for best quality in the learning & teaching environment for students has been paramount in his success in the design, leadership and teaching of multiple undergraduate and postgraduate course modules and degree programmes (in the UK and in Australia). This desire is further evidenced by five teaching and learning related awards and in his positions as external examiner/adviser (the UK and Australia).
PhD Supervision Availability Yes
PhD Topics Festivals, or Music festivals, or Business events, or Sport events, or Charity Organisations and:
- Sustainability
- Future-resilience
- Communications
- Socio-cultural development or impacts
- Community
- Leadership
- Transformation
- Pathway to Net Zero