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Cardiac rehabilitation (2017)
Book Chapter
Maiorana, A., Neubeck, L., Williams, S., & Hill, K. (2017). Cardiac rehabilitation. In J.-P. Michel, B. L. Beattie, F. C. Martin, & J. Walston (Eds.), Oxford textbook of geriatric medicine (847-856). (3rd edition). Oxford University Press.

This chapter provides information on the process of rehabilitation, aims and objectives, measurement tools and instruments, selecting patients, patients unlikely to benefit from rehabilitation, physiotherapy, walking aids, occupational therapy, occup... Read More about Cardiac rehabilitation.

Cardiac Rehabilitation: Unraveling the Complexity of Referral and Current Models of Delivery (2017)
Journal Article
Astley, C. M., Neubeck, L., Gallagher, R., Berry, N., Du, H., Hill, M. N., & Clark, R. A. (2017). Cardiac Rehabilitation: Unraveling the Complexity of Referral and Current Models of Delivery. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 32(3), 236-243.

Evidence-based guidelines recommend strategies for reducing risk factors for secondary prevention of acute coronary syndromes, yet referral to and completion of programs to deliver this advice are poor. In this article we describe the complexity of f... Read More about Cardiac Rehabilitation: Unraveling the Complexity of Referral and Current Models of Delivery.

Incidence of postoperative atrial fibrillation recurrence in patients discharged in sinus rhythm after cardiac surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis (2017)
Journal Article
Lowres, N., Mulcahy, G., Jin, K., Gallagher, R., Neubeck, L., & Freedman, B. (2018). Incidence of postoperative atrial fibrillation recurrence in patients discharged in sinus rhythm after cardiac surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Interactive Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, 26(3), 504-511.

Post-operative atrial fibrillation (POAF) is associated with increased stroke risk and mortality post-discharge. POAF is often considered transient, however recurrence is likely under-recognized as symptoms are an unreliable guide. Surveillance post-... Read More about Incidence of postoperative atrial fibrillation recurrence in patients discharged in sinus rhythm after cardiac surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Acculturation is associated with higher prevalence of cardiovascular disease risk factors among Chinese immigrants in Australia: Evidence from a large population-based cohort (2017)
Journal Article
Jin, K., Gullick, J., Neubeck, L., Koo, F., & Ding, M. (2017). Acculturation is associated with higher prevalence of cardiovascular disease risk factors among Chinese immigrants in Australia: Evidence from a large population-based cohort. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology,

Background: Acculturation is associated with increased prevalence of cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk-factors among immigrants in Western countries. Little is known about acculturation effects on CVD risks among Chinese immigrants, one of the fastes... Read More about Acculturation is associated with higher prevalence of cardiovascular disease risk factors among Chinese immigrants in Australia: Evidence from a large population-based cohort.

Mobile Technology Use Across Age Groups in Patients Eligible for Cardiac Rehabilitation: Survey Study (2017)
Journal Article
Gallagher, R., Neubeck, L., Roach, K., Sadler, L., Glinatsis, H., Belshaw, J., Kirkness, A., Zhang, L., Gallagher, P., Paull, G., Gao, Y., Partridge, S. R., & Parker, H. (2017). Mobile Technology Use Across Age Groups in Patients Eligible for Cardiac Rehabilitation: Survey Study. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 5(10),

Background: Emerging evidence indicates mobile technology–based strategies may improve access to secondary prevention and reduce risk factors in cardiac patients. However, little is known about cardiac patients’ use of mobile technology, particularly... Read More about Mobile Technology Use Across Age Groups in Patients Eligible for Cardiac Rehabilitation: Survey Study.

Choice of Health Options In prevention of Cardiovascular Events (CHOICE) replication study two-year follow-up: is an extended program beneficial? (2017)
Journal Article
Neubeck, L., Freedman, B., Lowres, N., Hyund, K., Orchard, J., Briffa, T., Bauman, A., Rogers, K., & Redfern, J. (2017). Choice of Health Options In prevention of Cardiovascular Events (CHOICE) replication study two-year follow-up: is an extended program beneficial?. Heart, Lung and Circulation,

Background: Globally, attendance at cardiac rehabilitation (CR) is between 15-30%. Alternative models of individualised care are recommended to promote participation in CR, however there has been no prospective testing of different duration of such m... Read More about Choice of Health Options In prevention of Cardiovascular Events (CHOICE) replication study two-year follow-up: is an extended program beneficial?.

Cardiac Patients’ Experiences and Perceptions of Social Media: Mixed-Methods Study (2017)
Journal Article
Partridge, S. R., Grunseit, A. C., Gallagher, P., Freeman, B., O'Hara, B. J., Neubeck, L., Due, S., Paull, G., Ding, D., Bauman, A., Phongsavan, P., Roach, K., Sadler, L., Glinatsis, H., & Gallagher, R. (2017). Cardiac Patients’ Experiences and Perceptions of Social Media: Mixed-Methods Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 19(9), Article e323.

Background: Traditional in-person cardiac rehabilitation has substantial benefits for cardiac patients, which are offset by poor attendance. The rapid increase in social media use in older adults provides an opportunity to reach patients who are elig... Read More about Cardiac Patients’ Experiences and Perceptions of Social Media: Mixed-Methods Study.

A systematic review of cardiac rehabilitation registries (2017)
Journal Article
Poffley, A., Thomas, E., Grace, S. L., Neubeck, L., Gallagher, R., Niebauer, J., & O’Neil, A. (2017). A systematic review of cardiac rehabilitation registries. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology,

Introduction: Despite cardiac rehabilitation (CR) being recommended in clinical practice guidelines internationally these services are under-utilised, programs are not standardised and quality improvement methods and outcomes are rarely published. Na... Read More about A systematic review of cardiac rehabilitation registries.

A physical activity referral program improves risk factors in those who have completed cardiac rehabilitation. (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hanson, C., Neubeck, L., & Dodd-Reynolds, C. (2017, August). A physical activity referral program improves risk factors in those who have completed cardiac rehabilitation. Presented at 65th Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand Annual Scientific Meeting, Perth, Australia

Background: On completion of cardiac rehabilitation (CR), participants may be referred to community-based physical activity programs. There is limited data to determine additional benefits of these programs supplemental to CR.

Methods: Using longi... Read More about A physical activity referral program improves risk factors in those who have completed cardiac rehabilitation..

A Physical Activity Referral Program Improves Risk Factors in Those Who Have Completed Cardiac Rehabilitation (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hanson, C., Neubeck, L., & Dodd-Reynolds, C. (2017, August). A Physical Activity Referral Program Improves Risk Factors in Those Who Have Completed Cardiac Rehabilitation. Presented at Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand 65th Annual Scientific Meeting Clinical and Preventative Cardiology Symposium, Perth, Australia

Background: On completion of cardiac rehabilitation (CR),participants may be referred to community-based physical activity programs. There is limited data to determine additional benefits of these programs supplemental to CR.
Methods: Using l... Read More about A Physical Activity Referral Program Improves Risk Factors in Those Who Have Completed Cardiac Rehabilitation.

Life after cardiac rehabilitation; the benefits of a community-based physical activity program (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hanson, C., Neubeck, L., & Dodd-Reynolds, C. (2017, August). Life after cardiac rehabilitation; the benefits of a community-based physical activity program. Presented at 27th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australian Cardiovascular Health and Rehabilitation Association, Perth, Australia

Background: On completion of cardiac rehabilitation (CR), participants may be directed to community-based physical activity programs for those with chronic conditions. There is limited data to determine additional benefits of these programs supplemen... Read More about Life after cardiac rehabilitation; the benefits of a community-based physical activity program.

Holistic Needs Assessment in Brain Cancer Patients: A Systematic Review of Available Tools (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Afseth, J., Neubeck, L., Karatzias, T., & Grant, R. (2017, June). Holistic Needs Assessment in Brain Cancer Patients: A Systematic Review of Available Tools. Poster presented at British Neuro Oncology Conference

BACKGROUND: A diagnosis of brain cancer affects nearly 10 000 adults per year in the United Kingdom and has a devastating impact. This is due to the poor prognosis as well as a significant symptom burden, which often includes neurocognitive deficits.... Read More about Holistic Needs Assessment in Brain Cancer Patients: A Systematic Review of Available Tools.

Is there an app for that? Mobile phones and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease (2017)
Journal Article
Neubeck, L., Cartledge, S., Dawkes, S., & Gallagher, R. (2017). Is there an app for that? Mobile phones and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease. Current Opinion in Cardiology, 32(5), 567-571.

Purpose of review
Advances in technology coupled with increased penetration of mobile phones and smart devices are rapidly changing healthcare delivery. Mobile phone applications (‘apps’), text messages, and Internet platforms used alone or in combi... Read More about Is there an app for that? Mobile phones and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease.

Educational preparation, roles, and competencies to guide career development for cardiac rehabilitation nurses. (2017)
Journal Article
Lin, S. H. M., Neubeck, L., & Gallagher, R. (2017). Educational preparation, roles, and competencies to guide career development for cardiac rehabilitation nurses. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 32(3), 244-259.

Background: Cardiac rehabilitation is one of the most widely recommended strategies to reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease. The multicomponent nature of cardiac rehabilitation programs requires a multidisciplinary team of healthcare professio... Read More about Educational preparation, roles, and competencies to guide career development for cardiac rehabilitation nurses..

To screen or not to screen? Examining the arguments against screening for atrial fibrillation. (2017)
Journal Article
Neubeck, L., Orchard, J., Lowres, N., & Freedman, S. B. (2017). To screen or not to screen? Examining the arguments against screening for atrial fibrillation. Heart, Lung and Circulation, 26(9), 880-886.

Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common cardiac arrhythmia, with a lifetime risk of 1 in 4 of developing AF over the age of 40 years. Around 40% of patients are asymptomatic, which is of concern as AF is a major risk factor for stroke. Early dete... Read More about To screen or not to screen? Examining the arguments against screening for atrial fibrillation..

Screening for atrial fibrillation: a report of the AF-screen international collaboration. (2017)
Journal Article
Freedman, B., Camm, J., Calkins, H., Healey, J. S., Rosenqvist, M., Wang, J., Albert, C. M., Anderson, C. S., Antoniou, S., Benjamin, E. J., Boriani, G., Brachmann, J., Brandes, A., Chao, T.-F., Conen, D., Engdahl, J., Fauchier, L., Fitzmaurice, D. A., Friberg, L., Gersh, B. J., …Yan, B. P. (2017). Screening for atrial fibrillation: a report of the AF-screen international collaboration. Circulation, 135(19), 1851-1867.

Approximately 10% of ischemic strokes are associated with atrial fibrillation (AF) first diagnosed at the time of stroke. Detecting asymptomatic AF would provide an opportunity to prevent these strokes by instituting appropriate anticoagulation. The... Read More about Screening for atrial fibrillation: a report of the AF-screen international collaboration..

Examination of an eHealth literacy scale and a health literacy scale in a population with moderate to high cardiovascular risk: Rasch analyses (2017)
Journal Article
Richtering, S. S., Morris, R., Soh, S.-E., Barker, A., Bampi, F., Neubeck, L., Coorey, G., Mulley, J., Chalmers, J., Usherwood, T., Peiris, D., Chow, C. K., & Redfern, J. (2017). Examination of an eHealth literacy scale and a health literacy scale in a population with moderate to high cardiovascular risk: Rasch analyses. PLOS ONE, 12(4), Article e0175372.

Electronic health (eHealth) strategies are evolving making it important to have valid scales to assess eHealth and health literacy. Item response theory methods, such as the Rasch measurement model, are increasingly used for the psychom... Read More about Examination of an eHealth literacy scale and a health literacy scale in a population with moderate to high cardiovascular risk: Rasch analyses.

Self-management Following a Cardiac Event in People of Chinese Ethnicity Living in Western Countries: A Scoping Review (2017)
Journal Article
Zhang, L., Gallagher, R., Ding, D., & Neubeck, L. (2017). Self-management Following a Cardiac Event in People of Chinese Ethnicity Living in Western Countries: A Scoping Review. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health,

Health outcomes and impact of cardiovascular disease vary between populations, where ethnic minorities and immigrant groups are more likely to be disadvantaged. Compared with the majority residents, health outcomes, especially short-term mortality fr... Read More about Self-management Following a Cardiac Event in People of Chinese Ethnicity Living in Western Countries: A Scoping Review.

eHealth Literacy: Predictors in a Population With Moderate-to-High Cardiovascular Risk (2017)
Journal Article
Richtering, S. S., Hyun, K., Neubeck, L., Coorey, G., Chalmers, J., Usherwood, T., Peiris, D., Chow, C. K., & Redfern, J. (2017). eHealth Literacy: Predictors in a Population With Moderate-to-High Cardiovascular Risk. JMIR Human Factors, 4(1), e4.

Background: Electronic health (eHealth) literacy is a growing area of research parallel to the ongoing development of eHealth interventions. There is, however, little and conflicting information regarding the factors that influence eHealth literacy,... Read More about eHealth Literacy: Predictors in a Population With Moderate-to-High Cardiovascular Risk.