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A strategic review of the offsite construction sector in Scotland. (2013)
Smith, S., Hairstans, R., Macdonald, R., & Sanna, F. (2013). A strategic review of the offsite construction sector in Scotland. Edinburgh, Scotland: Scottish Government

The offsite construction sector covers a wide spectrum of companies and supply chains across Scotland. This study primarily involved a review of the offsite construction sector for homes and buildings. The following key points have been extracted for... Read More about A strategic review of the offsite construction sector in Scotland..

Practical Donkey and Mule Nutrition (2013)
Book Chapter
Smith, D., & Burden, F. (2013). Practical Donkey and Mule Nutrition. In R. J. Geor, M. Coenen, & P. Harris (Eds.), Equine Applied and Clinical Nutrition: Health, Welfare and Performance (106-140). Saunders

Driving cycle pattern for cars in medium sized city of India. (2013)
Book Chapter
Sinha, S., & Kumar, R. (2013). Driving cycle pattern for cars in medium sized city of India. In A. Fujiwara (Ed.), Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (224). Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies

The regulatory modified Indian driving cycle has uniform acceleration and
deceleration pattern and uniform speed as it is adopted from European driving cycle. In
medium sized city of Patna in India, the driving pattern changes substantially especia... Read More about Driving cycle pattern for cars in medium sized city of India..

Learning to solve bin packing problems with an immune inspired hyper-heuristic. (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Sim, K., Hart, E., & Paechter, B. (2013, September). Learning to solve bin packing problems with an immune inspired hyper-heuristic

Motivated by the natural immune system's ability to defend the body by generating and maintaining a repertoire of antibodies that collectively cover the potential pathogen space, we describe an artificial system that discovers and maintains a reperto... Read More about Learning to solve bin packing problems with an immune inspired hyper-heuristic..

An exploration of the interpretation and application of the use of due regard in pre-registration nursing programmes. (2013)
Scott, J. A., Pollock, C., Conlon, M. M. M., & Pollard, M. (2013). An exploration of the interpretation and application of the use of due regard in pre-registration nursing programmes. Edinburgh, Scotland: Nurse Education Scotland

Due Regard relates to ensuring NMC-approved processes are in place to enable students to achieve the required standards of proficiency for safe and effective practice, defining crucial details such as the appropriate clinical backgrounds, experience... Read More about An exploration of the interpretation and application of the use of due regard in pre-registration nursing programmes..

An exploration of the interpretation and application of the Due Regard Principle in Practice learning. (2013)
Scott, J. A., Pollock, C., Conlon, M. M. M., & Miller, L. (2013). An exploration of the interpretation and application of the Due Regard Principle in Practice learning. Scotland: NHS Scotland

This is the second stage of a project on ‘Due Regard’. Project one explored and investigated Due
Regard in practice in Scotland. Project two (this project) evaluated a pilot of the effectiveness and
validity of a practice learning environment Equiv... Read More about An exploration of the interpretation and application of the Due Regard Principle in Practice learning..

Review of article-Cristina Hanganu-Bresch’s and Carol Berkenkotter’s “Narrative Survival: Personal and Institutional Accounts of Asylum Confinement. (2013)
Journal Article
Schwan, A. (2013). Review of article-Cristina Hanganu-Bresch’s and Carol Berkenkotter’s “Narrative Survival: Personal and Institutional Accounts of Asylum Confinement. Journal of Literature and Science, 6, 82-83.

No abstract available.

Item is a review of the following journal article - Cristina Hanganu-Bresch and Carol Berkenkotter, “Narrative Survival: Personal and Institutional Accounts of Asylum Confinement.” Literature and Medicine 30.1 (2012): 12-41... Read More about Review of article-Cristina Hanganu-Bresch’s and Carol Berkenkotter’s “Narrative Survival: Personal and Institutional Accounts of Asylum Confinement..

The use of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for improving quality of life for inflammatory bowel disease patients: study protocol for a pilot randomised controlled trial with embedded process evaluation (2013)
Journal Article
Schoultz, M., Atherton, I., Hubbard, G., & Watson, A. J. M. (2013). The use of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for improving quality of life for inflammatory bowel disease patients: study protocol for a pilot randomised controlled trial with embedded process evaluation. Trials, 14(1), 431.


Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic condition with an unpredictable disease course. Rates of anxiety and depression among IBD patients in relapse (active disease symptoms) as well as in remission are higher than in the genera... Read More about The use of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for improving quality of life for inflammatory bowel disease patients: study protocol for a pilot randomised controlled trial with embedded process evaluation.

Sobre a definição da zona de apicum e a sua importância ecológica para populações de caranguejo-uca, Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763). (Linnaeus, 1763). Translated title “Definition of the Apicum-zone and its ecological importance for populations of the mangrove crab Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763)”. (2013)
Journal Article
Schmidt, A. J., Bemvenuti, C. E., & Diele, K. (2013). Translated title “Definition of the Apicum-zone and its ecological importance for populations of the mangrove crab Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763)”. Boletim técnico-científico do CEPENE / Ministério do Meio Ambiente, Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis, Centro de Pesquisa e Gestão de Recursos Pesqueiros do Litoral Nordeste, 19, 9-25

This paper contributes to the ongoing discussion regarding the unfortunate recent changes to the protected area status of Brazilian mangrove ecosystems - thus published in Portuguese and in a Brazilian journal freely available to the wider public and... Read More about Sobre a definição da zona de apicum e a sua importância ecológica para populações de caranguejo-uca, Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763). (Linnaeus, 1763). Translated title “Definition of the Apicum-zone and its ecological importance for populations of the mangrove crab Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763)”..

TDM and sustainability: international experiences. (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Saleh, W., Kumar, R., Ziolkowski, R., & Ostrowski, K. (2013, December). TDM and sustainability: international experiences. Paper presented at 6th International Symposium on Travel Demand Management

Some Remarks on the Homotopy-Analysis Method and Series Solutions to the Blasius Equation (2013)
Journal Article
Robin, W. (2013). Some Remarks on the Homotopy-Analysis Method and Series Solutions to the Blasius Equation. International Mathematical Forum, 8, 1205-1213.

We present an new angle on the introduction of the homotopy-analysis method of Liao [6]. The homotopy-analysis method is then applied to produce a series solution of the Blasius problem in two different ways and comparison made with the work of Wang... Read More about Some Remarks on the Homotopy-Analysis Method and Series Solutions to the Blasius Equation.

On the Rodrigues Formula Solution of the Hypergeometric-Type Differential Equation (2013)
Journal Article
Robin, W. (2013). On the Rodrigues Formula Solution of the Hypergeometric-Type Differential Equation. International Mathematical Forum, 8, 1455-1466.

In this paper, we present a new systematic approach to the solution of the hypergeometric-like differential equation and its associated equation. The method produces, tout court, the general solution of these equations in the form of a combination of... Read More about On the Rodrigues Formula Solution of the Hypergeometric-Type Differential Equation.

A quality-driven approach to game physics engine development using the Entity Component System. (2013)
Journal Article
Reilly, C., & Chalmers, K. (2013). A quality-driven approach to game physics engine development using the Entity Component System. The Computer Games Journal, 2, 125

The games industry is a broad, multi-discipline industry, which continues to grow in terms of revenue and cultural significance. Despite the accolades of this “recession-proof” industry, video game projects often fail either to deliver on time and on... Read More about A quality-driven approach to game physics engine development using the Entity Component System..

Construction and form-finding of a post-formed timber grid-shell. (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Pone, S., Colabella, S., Parenti, B., Lancia, D., Fiore, A., D'Amico, B., Portioli, F., Landolfo, R., D'Aniello, M., & Ceraldi, C. (2013, July). Construction and form-finding of a post-formed timber grid-shell

In this paper, the design procedure and construction phases of a post-formed timber
grid-shell are described. For form-finding and verification of structural safety, two different
numerical models were developed. A particle-springs system tool was... Read More about Construction and form-finding of a post-formed timber grid-shell..

Timber Post-formed Gridshell: Digital Form-finding / drawing and building tool. (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Pone, S., Colabella, S., D'Amico, B., Fiore, A., Lancia, D., & Parenti, B. (2013, September). Timber Post-formed Gridshell: Digital Form-finding / drawing and building tool. Presented at International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS) Symposium 2013 - BEYOND THE LIMITS OF MAN

Summary: This research deals with design, structural analysis and construction of timber post-formed gridshells. Starting from the scale modelling experience, from 1:20 to 1:1 scale, a digital form-finding strategy was early developed with a Building... Read More about Timber Post-formed Gridshell: Digital Form-finding / drawing and building tool..

Panel member for the afternoon plenary session. (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Pollock, C. (2013, February). Panel member for the afternoon plenary session. Presented at Research and innovation in recruitment, selection and retention conference

Value chain management: an illustration using variability mapping and decision frontier analysis. (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Pearson, M. (2013, July). Value chain management: an illustration using variability mapping and decision frontier analysis. Presented at 5th European Conference on Intelligent Management Systems in Operations

We address uncertainty and confusion in value chain management through the use of recently developed phase plane and decision frontier analysis. The new methodology enables the distinction between the concept of local, self-inflicted, uncertainty and... Read More about Value chain management: an illustration using variability mapping and decision frontier analysis..