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Construction and form-finding of a post-formed timber grid-shell.

Pone, Sergio; Colabella, Sofia; Parenti, Bianca; Lancia, Daniele; Fiore, Andrea; D'Amico, Bernardino; Portioli, F; Landolfo, R; D'Aniello, M; Ceraldi, C


Sergio Pone

Sofia Colabella

Bianca Parenti

Daniele Lancia

Andrea Fiore

F Portioli

R Landolfo

M D'Aniello

C Ceraldi


Paulo J. da Sousa Cruz


In this paper, the design procedure and construction phases of a post-formed timber
grid-shell are described. For form-finding and verification of structural safety, two different
numerical models were developed. A particle-springs system tool was used to get feed-backs on
the allowable shape and element’s cross section without the use of scale models. The structural
response and the different construction phases of the prototype were analyzed through finite
element modelling, involving material and geometric non-linearities. The mechanical properties
used in the modelling were derived from experimental investigation. To validate the formfinding
procedure, a comparison of the results of numerical analysis and experimental outcomes
is presented.


Pone, S., Colabella, S., Parenti, B., Lancia, D., Fiore, A., D'Amico, B., Portioli, F., Landolfo, R., D'Aniello, M., & Ceraldi, C. (2013, July). Construction and form-finding of a post-formed timber grid-shell

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Start Date Jul 24, 2013
End Date Jul 26, 2013
Publication Date 2013
Deposit Date Mar 22, 2016
Publisher CRC Press
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Pages 245-252
Book Title Structures and Architecture: Concepts, Applications and Challenges
ISBN 978-0-415-66195-9
Keywords Post-formed timber grid-shell; structural safety; particle-springs system tool; finite element modelling;
Public URL