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Issues in caregiving for older people with intellectual disabilities and their ageing family carers: a review and commentary (2013)
Journal Article
Ryan, A., Taggart, L., Truesdale-Kennedy, M., & Slevin, E. (2014). Issues in caregiving for older people with intellectual disabilities and their ageing family carers: a review and commentary. International Journal of Older People Nursing, 9(3), 217-226.

In keeping with worldwide demographic changes and an ageing population, people with intellectual disabilities are living longer and all the evidence suggest that this trend will continue. This ‘new’ population of older people and their ca... Read More about Issues in caregiving for older people with intellectual disabilities and their ageing family carers: a review and commentary.

Empathy in mental health nursing: learned, acquired or lost? (2013)
Journal Article
Kane, G. M., Snowden, A., & Martin, C. R. (2013). Empathy in mental health nursing: learned, acquired or lost?. British Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 2(1), 28-36.

Empathy is a key dimension within the philosophical architecture of everyday mental health nursing practice. Surprisingly, there have been few investigations on this important psychological domain in mental health practitioners. This investigation so... Read More about Empathy in mental health nursing: learned, acquired or lost?.

Complexity and specificity of experimentally-induced expectations in motion perception (2013)
Journal Article
Gekas, N., Chalk, M., Seitz, A., & Series, P. (2013). Complexity and specificity of experimentally-induced expectations in motion perception. Journal of Vision, 13(4), Article 8.

Abstract Our perceptions are fundamentally altered by our expectations, i.e., priors about the world. In previous statistical learning experiments (Chalk, Seitz, & Seriès, 2010), we investigated how such priors are formed by presenting subjects with... Read More about Complexity and specificity of experimentally-induced expectations in motion perception.

House of Commons Science and Technology Committee Inquiry: Bridging the valley of death: improving the commercialisation of research (2013)
Society for Applied Microbiology. (2013). House of Commons Science and Technology Committee Inquiry: Bridging the valley of death: improving the commercialisation of research. London: House of Commons Science and Technology Committee

Contributor to written evidence, as a co-author of the evidence submitted by Society for Applied Microbiology (Ev w63-w68).

Electromagnetic modeling of ellipsoidal nanoparticles for sensing applications (2013)
Journal Article
Spada, L. L., Iovine, R., & Vegni, L. (2013). Electromagnetic modeling of ellipsoidal nanoparticles for sensing applications. Optical Engineering, 52(5), 051205.

We present a new analytical study of metallic nanoparticles, working in the infrared and visible frequency range. The structure consists of triaxial ellipsoidal resonating inclusions embedded in a dielectric environment. Our aim is to develop a new a... Read More about Electromagnetic modeling of ellipsoidal nanoparticles for sensing applications.

The application of soft computing methods for MPPT of PV system: A technological and status review (2013)
Journal Article
Salam, Z., Ahmed, J., & Merugu, B. S. (2013). The application of soft computing methods for MPPT of PV system: A technological and status review. Applied Energy, 107, 135-148.

With the availability of powerful and low cost computing power, maximum power point tracking (MPPT) that utilizes soft computing (SC) techniques are attracting substantial interests from the PV communities. Due to their flexibility and ability to han... Read More about The application of soft computing methods for MPPT of PV system: A technological and status review.

iPhone ECG application for community screening to detect silent atrial fibrillation: a novel technology to prevent stroke. (2013)
Journal Article
Lau, J. K., Lowres, N., Neubeck, L., Brieger, D. B., Sy, R. W., Galloway, C. D., Albert, D. E., & Freedman, S. B. (2013). iPhone ECG application for community screening to detect silent atrial fibrillation: a novel technology to prevent stroke. International Journal of Cardiology, 165(1), 193-194.

Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common sustained arrhythmia, and its prevalence increases with age. In those aged 65 or older, screening studies reveal the prevalence (in AF at time of screening) to be 4.4%, with 1.4% of those having previously... Read More about iPhone ECG application for community screening to detect silent atrial fibrillation: a novel technology to prevent stroke..

Biomonitoring study of an estuarine coastal ecosystem, the Sacca di Goro lagoon, using Ruditapes philippinarum (Mollusca: Bivalvia) (2013)
Journal Article
Sacchi, A., Mouneyrac, C., Bolognesi, C., Sciutto, A., Roggieri, P., Fusi, M., Beone, G. M., & Capri, E. (2013). Biomonitoring study of an estuarine coastal ecosystem, the Sacca di Goro lagoon, using Ruditapes philippinarum (Mollusca: Bivalvia). Environmental Pollution, 177, 82-89.

Coastal lagoons are constantly subjected to releases of chemical pollutants, and so organisms may be exposed to such toxicants. This study investigated through a multivariate approach the physiological status of bivalve Ruditapes philippinarum, farme... Read More about Biomonitoring study of an estuarine coastal ecosystem, the Sacca di Goro lagoon, using Ruditapes philippinarum (Mollusca: Bivalvia).

The London 2012 Summer Olympic Games - an analysis of usage of the Olympic Village ‘Polyclinic’ by competing athletes (2013)
Journal Article
Vanhegan, I. S., Palmer-Green, D., Soligard, T., Steffen, K., O'Connor, P., Bethapudi, S., Budgett, R., Haddad, F. S., & Engebretsen, L. (2013). The London 2012 Summer Olympic Games - an analysis of usage of the Olympic Village ‘Polyclinic’ by competing athletes. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 47(7), 415-419.

Background The London 2012 Summer Olympic Games involved 10 568 elite athletes representing 204 competing nations. To manage the varied healthcare needs of this diverse population, a Polyclinic was constructed in the athletes’ village.

A... Read More about The London 2012 Summer Olympic Games - an analysis of usage of the Olympic Village ‘Polyclinic’ by competing athletes.

The X-Factor: An evaluation of common methods used to analyse major inter-segment kinematics during the golf swing (2013)
Journal Article
Brown, S. J., Selbie, W. S., & Wallace, E. S. (2013). The X-Factor: An evaluation of common methods used to analyse major inter-segment kinematics during the golf swing. Journal of Sports Sciences, 31(11), 1156-1163.

A common biomechanical feature of a golf swing, described in various ways in the literature, is the interaction between the thorax and pelvis, often termed the X-Factor. There is no consistent method used within golf biomechanics literature however t... Read More about The X-Factor: An evaluation of common methods used to analyse major inter-segment kinematics during the golf swing.

The consequences of polyandry for population viability, extinction risk and conservation (2013)
Journal Article
Holman, L., & Kokko, H. (2013). The consequences of polyandry for population viability, extinction risk and conservation. Philosophical Transactions B: Biological Sciences, 368(1613), Article 20120053.

Polyandry, by elevating sexual conflict and selecting for reduced male care relative to monandry, may exacerbate the cost of sex and thereby seriously impact population fitness. On the other hand, polyandry has a number of possible population-level b... Read More about The consequences of polyandry for population viability, extinction risk and conservation.

Telemonitoring for chronic heart failure: the views of patients and healthcare professionals - a qualitative study (2013)
Journal Article
Fairbrother, P., Ure, J., Hanley, J., McCloughan, L., Denvir, M., Sheikh, A., & McKinstry, B. (2014). Telemonitoring for chronic heart failure: the views of patients and healthcare professionals - a qualitative study. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 23(1-2), 132-144.

Aims and objectives

To understand the views of patients and professionals on the acceptability and perceived usefulness of telemonitoring in the management of chronic heart failure in the context of day-to-day care provision.

There... Read More about Telemonitoring for chronic heart failure: the views of patients and healthcare professionals - a qualitative study.

Increased cancer awareness among British adolescents after a school-based educational intervention: a controlled before-and-after study with 6-month follow-up (2013)
Journal Article
Kyle, R. G., Forbat, L., Rauchhaus, P., & Hubbard, G. (2013). Increased cancer awareness among British adolescents after a school-based educational intervention: a controlled before-and-after study with 6-month follow-up. BMC Public Health, 13, Article 190.

Background: There is a lack of evidence around the effectiveness of school-based interventions designed to raise adolescents' cancer awareness. To address this deficit this study assessed the impact of an intervention delivered in the United Kingdom... Read More about Increased cancer awareness among British adolescents after a school-based educational intervention: a controlled before-and-after study with 6-month follow-up.

Nursing education: the disseminated model: Nicola Braid and Samuel Abdulla review results of a pilot project in three Scottish universities that was intended to increase the number of nurses in remote and rural areas (2013)
Journal Article
Braid, N., & Abdulla, S. (2013). Nursing education: the disseminated model: Nicola Braid and Samuel Abdulla review results of a pilot project in three Scottish universities that was intended to increase the number of nurses in remote and rural areas. Learning Disability Practice, 16(2), 16-20.

Nicola Braid and Samuel Abdulla review results of a pilot project in three Scottish universities that was intended to increase the number of nurses in remote and rural areas

In Scotland, learning disability nursing education is provided by institu... Read More about Nursing education: the disseminated model: Nicola Braid and Samuel Abdulla review results of a pilot project in three Scottish universities that was intended to increase the number of nurses in remote and rural areas.

Increasing libraries' content findability on the web with search engine optimization (2013)
Journal Article
Onaifo, D., & Rasmussen, D. (2013). Increasing libraries' content findability on the web with search engine optimization. Library Hi Tech, 31(1), 87-108.

Purpose – The aim of this paper is to examine the phenomenon of search engine optimization (SEO) as a mechanism for improving libraries' digital content findability on the web. Design/methodology/approach – The study applies web analytical tools, suc... Read More about Increasing libraries' content findability on the web with search engine optimization.

"What she told us made the world of difference": carers’ perspectives on a hospice at home service. (2013)
Journal Article
McKay, E. A., Taylor, A. E., & Armstrong, C. (2013). "What she told us made the world of difference": carers’ perspectives on a hospice at home service. Journal of Palliative Care, 29(3), 170-177

This paper explores the expectations and needs of current and bereaved carers whose relatives received care at home from a palliative care team. Aim: A hospice at home service was established in 2006 to provide patients with care in their own homes.... Read More about "What she told us made the world of difference": carers’ perspectives on a hospice at home service..

Function and Regulation of Yeast Ribonucleotide Reductase: Cell Cycle, Genotoxic Stress, and Iron Bioavailability (2013)
Journal Article
Puig, S., Sanvisens, N., & Llanos, R. D. (2013). Function and Regulation of Yeast Ribonucleotide Reductase: Cell Cycle, Genotoxic Stress, and Iron Bioavailability. Biomedical Journal, 36(2),

All eukaryotic organisms require an adequate, balanced concentration of deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates (dNTPs) in order to assure accurate DNA replication and repair, and to maintain genomic integrity. The rate‑limiting step in dNTP synthesis is c... Read More about Function and Regulation of Yeast Ribonucleotide Reductase: Cell Cycle, Genotoxic Stress, and Iron Bioavailability.

The challenges of Big Data: future risks, governance and trust. (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Buchanan, W. J. (2013, March). The challenges of Big Data: future risks, governance and trust. Paper presented at The Future of Cyber Security 2013

The emphasis in computer security is moving from end point security towards data controls, and this is becoming an increasing threat as we move into an era build around Big Data. This presentation thus outlines the change in emphasis of security cont... Read More about The challenges of Big Data: future risks, governance and trust..