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All Outputs (216)

Captive and contestable port hinterlands: modelling and visualization using GIS. (2011)
Book Chapter
Kronbak, J., & Cullinane, K. (2011). Captive and contestable port hinterlands: modelling and visualization using GIS. In K. Cullinane (Ed.), International Handbook Of Maritime Economics (348-362). Edward Elgar Publishing

This paper presents the results of a research project using a geographical information system (GIS)-based model to illustrate and asses captive and contestable port hinterlands. Thematic maps can be generated by this model in order to visualize the c... Read More about Captive and contestable port hinterlands: modelling and visualization using GIS..

Thick-Film ceramic strain sensors for structural health monitoring (2011)
Journal Article
Jabir, S. A. A., & Gupta, N. K. (2011). Thick-Film ceramic strain sensors for structural health monitoring. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 60, 3669-3676.

Structural Health Monitoring represents one of the primary field applications for new sensor technologies. Different kinds of sensors to monitor stability anomalies of civil structures are deployed on different kinds of building materials. Observatio... Read More about Thick-Film ceramic strain sensors for structural health monitoring.

Thermal model for performance prediction of integrated collector storage systems (2011)
Journal Article
Garnier, C., Muneer, T., & Currie, J. (2011). Thermal model for performance prediction of integrated collector storage systems. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 3,

The result of many years of global research on solar water heating systems has outlined the promising approach of integrated collector storage solar water heaters (ICS-SWHs) in cold climates. This research paper aims to model the field performance of... Read More about Thermal model for performance prediction of integrated collector storage systems.

Inter-relationship between mean-daily irradiation and temperature, and decomposition models for hourly irradiation and temperature (2011)
Journal Article
Gago, E. J., Etxebarria, S., Tham, Y. W., Aldali, Y., & Muneer, T. (2011). Inter-relationship between mean-daily irradiation and temperature, and decomposition models for hourly irradiation and temperature. International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies, 6, 22-37.

Terrestrial temperature records have existed for centuries. These records are available for very many locations. Temperature is indeed the most widely measured meteorological parameter. In contrast, solar radiation being a parameter of secondary impo... Read More about Inter-relationship between mean-daily irradiation and temperature, and decomposition models for hourly irradiation and temperature.

Social experimentation for active ageing: Edinburgh stakeholders interviews. (2011)
Fuertes, V., McQuaid, R. W., & Egdell, V. (2011). Social experimentation for active ageing: Edinburgh stakeholders interviews

The Edinburgh Stakeholder Interviews presented in this report are part of QeC-ERAN’s (European Areas Regeneration Network – Quartiers en Crise) ‘Social Experimentation for Active Ageing’ transnational project.
The overall aim of QeC-ERAN ‘Social Exp... Read More about Social experimentation for active ageing: Edinburgh stakeholders interviews..

Intra-regional and inter-regional geographical mobility. (2011)
Book Chapter
Egdell, V., & McQuaid, R. W. (2011). Intra-regional and inter-regional geographical mobility. In C. Larsen, R. Hasberg, A. Schmid, M. Bittner, & F. Clément (Eds.), Measuring Geographical Mobility in Regional Labour Market Monitoring – State of the Art and Perspectives (152-161). Rainer Hampp Verlag

Detection of DNA base variation and cytosine methylation at a single nucleotide site using a highly sensitive fluorescent probe (2011)
Journal Article
Duprey, J.-L. H. A., Zhao, Z.-Y., Bassani, D. M., Manchester, J., Vyle, J. S., & Tucker, J. H. R. (2011). Detection of DNA base variation and cytosine methylation at a single nucleotide site using a highly sensitive fluorescent probe. Chemical Communications, 47, 6629.

A fluorescent DNA probe containing an anthracene group attached via an anucleosidic linker can identify all four DNA bases at a single site as well as the epigenetic modification C/5-MeCvia a hybridisation sensing assay.

Freedom to learn: a radically revised pedagogy to facilitate lifewide learning in the academic curriculum. (2011)
Book Chapter
Cowan, J. (2011). Freedom to learn: a radically revised pedagogy to facilitate lifewide learning in the academic curriculum. In N. J. Jackson (Ed.), Learning for a Complex World (122-136). Authorhouse™

Higher education has progressed fairly steadily to a common pedagogical approach which centres on the idea of alignment. In this arrangement, intended learning outcomes are identified and declared; learning activities which will enable the desired le... Read More about Freedom to learn: a radically revised pedagogy to facilitate lifewide learning in the academic curriculum..

You are where you have been: the privacy implications of location and tracking technologies (2011)
Journal Article
Clarke, R., & Wigan, M. (2011). You are where you have been: the privacy implications of location and tracking technologies. Journal of Location Based Services, 5, 138-155.

A decade ago, technologies that could provide information about the location of a motor vehicle, or a computer, or a person, were in their infancy. A wide range of tools are now in use and in prospect, which threaten to strip away another layer of th... Read More about You are where you have been: the privacy implications of location and tracking technologies.

Helping Eastern students to master Western critical thinking (2011)
Journal Article
Chiu, Y.-C. J., & Cowan, J. (2011). Helping Eastern students to master Western critical thinking. Asia Pacific education review, 6, 103-111.

It is possible that some of the problems that confront Eastern learners when they are asked to engage in critical thinking come from the misleading association of the title with criticising negatively and even with disagreeing. In some other educa... Read More about Helping Eastern students to master Western critical thinking.

Enhancing the effectiveness of travel awareness campaigns via the inclusion of theoretical-based content. (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Carreno, M., Gauce, K., & Welsch, J. (2011, May). Enhancing the effectiveness of travel awareness campaigns via the inclusion of theoretical-based content

Travel awareness campaigns are one of the most commonly used ‘mobility management interventions’, which aim to change individuals’ travel choices and behaviour to more sustainable transport modes. However, despite the widespread uptake of this measur... Read More about Enhancing the effectiveness of travel awareness campaigns via the inclusion of theoretical-based content..

Evaluation of the accuracy of mathematical models through use of multiple metrics. (2011)
Journal Article
Caliskan, N., Jadraque, E., Tham, Y. W., & Muneer, T. (2011). Evaluation of the accuracy of mathematical models through use of multiple metrics. Sustainable Cities and Society SCC, 1, 63-66.

Engineering practise heavily relies on the development and use of mathematical models. In this article a number of appropriate metrics have been selected to provide an insight in the validation of models and also to obtain a figure of merit for any g... Read More about Evaluation of the accuracy of mathematical models through use of multiple metrics..

Energy cooperatives as a means of achieving sustainability within the housing sector. (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Borthwick, S., & Muneer, T. (2011, June). Energy cooperatives as a means of achieving sustainability within the housing sector. Presented at CIC Start Online Conference 2011 - Resilience of Buildings, Neighbourhoods and Cities

TRI members Sarah Borthwick and Prof Tariq Muneer have presented a video entitled "Energy Co-operatives as a Means of Achieving Sustainability within the Housing Sector" as part of a 4-day online conference on the "Resilience of Buildings, Neighbourh... Read More about Energy cooperatives as a means of achieving sustainability within the housing sector..

‘Green’ fiscal measures for lessening the environmental impact of private vehicle ownership – a review. (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Borthwick, S., & Carreno, M. (2011, May). ‘Green’ fiscal measures for lessening the environmental impact of private vehicle ownership – a review

Given the increasing concerns surrounding climate change, the paper focuses upon the transport sector and the use of taxation policy to help curb rising amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Through various environmental reforms, Governments can... Read More about ‘Green’ fiscal measures for lessening the environmental impact of private vehicle ownership – a review..

Frequency-based maritime container assignment model for global liner services. (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bell, M. G. H., Angeloudis, P., Liu, X., Fonzone, A., & Hosseinloo, S. H. (2011, January). Frequency-based maritime container assignment model for global liner services. Presented at 90th Annual TRB Meeting

This paper transposes the classic frequency-based transit assignment method of Spiess and Florian to containers demonstrating its promise as the basis for a global maritime container assignment model. In this model, containers are carried by shipping... Read More about Frequency-based maritime container assignment model for global liner services..