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Inter-relationship between mean-daily irradiation and temperature, and decomposition models for hourly irradiation and temperature

Gago, E J; Etxebarria, S; Tham, Yieng Wei; Aldali, Yasser; Muneer, Tariq


E J Gago

S Etxebarria

Yieng Wei Tham

Yasser Aldali


Terrestrial temperature records have existed for centuries. These records are available for very many locations. Temperature is indeed the most widely measured meteorological parameter. In contrast, solar radiation being a parameter of secondary importance and also in view of the excessive measurement cost and the associated due care, it is recorded very infrequently. This article presents evaluation of a new type of model for mean-daily and hourly solar radiation based on temperature. The proposed model is of a very simple constitution and does not require any secondary meteorological parameters as required by other group of models that are available in literature. Furthermore, hourly temperature models are also presented that only require mean-daily temperature data. A comparison was undertaken regarding the performance of the presently proposed and previous models. It was found that the present models are able to provide reliable irradiation and hourly temperature estimates with a good accuracy.


Gago, E. J., Etxebarria, S., Tham, Y. W., Aldali, Y., & Muneer, T. (2011). Inter-relationship between mean-daily irradiation and temperature, and decomposition models for hourly irradiation and temperature. International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies, 6, 22-37.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date 2011
Deposit Date Apr 13, 2012
Publicly Available Date Jan 30, 2020
Print ISSN 1748-1317
Electronic ISSN 1748-1325
Publisher Oxford University Press
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 6
Pages 22-37
Keywords Solar radiation; solar energy; solar radiation; regression models;
Public URL
Publisher URL


Inter-relationship between mean-daily irradiation and temperature, and decomposition models for hourly irradiation and temperature (646 Kb)

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