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Project-focused literature on public-private partnership (PPP) in developing countries: a critical review (2022)
Journal Article
Almeile, A. M., Chipulu, M., Ojiako, U., Vahidi, R., & Marshall, A. (2024). Project-focused literature on public-private partnership (PPP) in developing countries: a critical review. Production Planning and Control, 35(7), 683-710.

Set within the context of developing countries, we conduct a state of the art systematic review of project-focused, public-private partnership literature published between 1997 and 2021. The outcome of this review provides critical insight into trend... Read More about Project-focused literature on public-private partnership (PPP) in developing countries: a critical review.

An Evaluation of Ireland’s Sustainable Freight Transport Policy (2022)
Journal Article
Zhang, X., Plant, E., & Valantasis Kanellos, N. (2022). An Evaluation of Ireland’s Sustainable Freight Transport Policy. Logistics, 6(3), Article 65.

Background: The Irish government has put forth sustainable transport policy measures, yet the emphasis is mainly on the active travel and sustainable mobility for passenger transport. Contrariwise, freight transport has not received equal considerati... Read More about An Evaluation of Ireland’s Sustainable Freight Transport Policy.

A Weighted and Normalized Gould–Fernandez brokerage measure (2022)
Journal Article
Zádor, Z., Zhu, Z., Smith, M., & Gorgoni, S. (2022). A Weighted and Normalized Gould–Fernandez brokerage measure. PLOS ONE, 17(9), Article e0274475.

The Gould and Fernandez local brokerage measure defines brokering roles based on the group membership of the nodes from the incoming and outgoing edges. This paper extends on this brokerage measure to account for weighted edges and introduces the Wei... Read More about A Weighted and Normalized Gould–Fernandez brokerage measure.

An Autoethnography of “Making It” in Academia: Writing an ECR “Journey” of Facebook, Assemblage, Affect, and the Outdoors (2022)
Journal Article
Stanley, P. (2023). An Autoethnography of “Making It” in Academia: Writing an ECR “Journey” of Facebook, Assemblage, Affect, and the Outdoors. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 52(3), 404-431.

While much has been written to guide early career researchers (ECRs) and those charged with socializing them into academic ontologies, much less is known about ECRs’ own experiences of becoming academic. This article presents a narrative, new-materia... Read More about An Autoethnography of “Making It” in Academia: Writing an ECR “Journey” of Facebook, Assemblage, Affect, and the Outdoors.

Grand Challenges and OR: the Cost of Living Crisis (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Weaver, M. (2022, September). Grand Challenges and OR: the Cost of Living Crisis. Presented at OR64: OR For a Better World Together, University of Warwick

Each year we pose a “grand challenge” to provide an opportunity to identify how OR can be used to help solve real-world issues in our host city region, the UK and beyond. We have not been short of challenges in the past, be it the climate emergency,... Read More about Grand Challenges and OR: the Cost of Living Crisis.

Cash Holding Dynamics and Competition Intensity: Evidence from UK firms (2022)
Journal Article
Adamolekun, G., Jones, E., & Li, H. (2023). Cash Holding Dynamics and Competition Intensity: Evidence from UK firms. Managerial and Decision Economics, 44(1), 641-662.

Using a quasi-natural experiment and various measures of competition intensity, we examine whether an increase in product market competition is a key driver of firm cash holdings. We find that firms increase cash holdings when competition is intense.... Read More about Cash Holding Dynamics and Competition Intensity: Evidence from UK firms.

Leadership skills with classroom instruction integration in hospitality management higher education (2022)
Journal Article
Sisson, A. D., & Roberts, K. R. (2023). Leadership skills with classroom instruction integration in hospitality management higher education. Journal of Teaching in Travel and Tourism, 23(2), 208-228.

To move from the gap between industry and academia, educators must review and change instructional content to meet industry demands. By addressing the industry imperative for leadership skills, this exploratory study evaluates the most prominent lead... Read More about Leadership skills with classroom instruction integration in hospitality management higher education.

Digital Transformation in the Music Industry: How the COVID-19 Pandemic Has Accelerated New Business Opportunities (2022)
Book Chapter
Oliver, P., & Lalchev, S. (2022). Digital Transformation in the Music Industry: How the COVID-19 Pandemic Has Accelerated New Business Opportunities. In G. Morrow, D. Nordgård, & P. Tschmuck (Eds.), Rethinking the Music Business: Music Contexts, Rights, Data, and COVID-19 (55-72). Springer.

This chapter focuses on digital transformation—its meaning within, and impact on, the global music industry—and explores its role as facilitator of the development and establishment of creative business innovations. Such innovations are significant b... Read More about Digital Transformation in the Music Industry: How the COVID-19 Pandemic Has Accelerated New Business Opportunities.

Investigating the effects of service recovery strategies on consumer forgiveness and post-trust in the food delivery sector (2022)
Journal Article
Gannon, M., Taheri, B., Thompson, J., Rahimi, R., & Okumus, B. (2022). Investigating the effects of service recovery strategies on consumer forgiveness and post-trust in the food delivery sector. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 107, Article 103341.

Underpinned by coping theory, this study investigates the extent to which service recovery strategies (e.g., firm-level apologies; compensation; feedback loops) stimulate customer forgiveness and post-trust following service failure. Adopting a two-s... Read More about Investigating the effects of service recovery strategies on consumer forgiveness and post-trust in the food delivery sector.

Social network analysis and festival relationships: personal, organisational and strategic connections (2022)
Jarman, D. Social network analysis and festival relationships: personal, organisational and strategic connections. (Thesis). Tilburg University.

In the world of festivals and creative communities, relationships matter. Festival managers and producers understand the overlapping links, both professional and private, amongst their colleagues. Freelancers and graduates developing their careers ap... Read More about Social network analysis and festival relationships: personal, organisational and strategic connections.

Competition Law Damages Actions in Respect of Forex Rate Fixing Cartels: Where the Passing-on Defence Appears to Reach its Limits (2022)
Journal Article
Stirling, G. (2022). Competition Law Damages Actions in Respect of Forex Rate Fixing Cartels: Where the Passing-on Defence Appears to Reach its Limits. Global Competition Litigation Review, 15(3), 97-104

This article discusses the recent decision of the Court of Appeal of England and Wales in Allianz Global Investors GmbH v Barclays Bank Plc. Overturning a decision of the High Court, the Court of Appeal held that losses incurred by investment funds a... Read More about Competition Law Damages Actions in Respect of Forex Rate Fixing Cartels: Where the Passing-on Defence Appears to Reach its Limits.

Anti-Suit Injunctions and Geopolitics in Transnational SEPs Litigation (2022)
Journal Article
Colangelo, G., & Torti, V. (2023). Anti-Suit Injunctions and Geopolitics in Transnational SEPs Litigation. European Journal of Legal Studies, 14(2), 45-84.

Anti-suit injunctions have recently emerged as a phenomenon significantly affecting the dynamics of standard essential patent (SEP) litigation. The role played by these patents in the Internet of Things scenario and the willingness of national courts... Read More about Anti-Suit Injunctions and Geopolitics in Transnational SEPs Litigation.

Making our way through multilingualism – reflexivity and decision-making of language students (2022)
Ratz, S. Making our way through multilingualism – reflexivity and decision-making of language students. (Thesis). London Metropolitan University.

This thesis investigates reflexivity and decision-making of language students by examining the interplay between what students care about (their multilingual ‘concerns’), and how they understand and act on their structural environments (through multi... Read More about Making our way through multilingualism – reflexivity and decision-making of language students.

Interpretative Tools (2022)
Book Chapter
Urquhart, E. (2022). Interpretative Tools. In D. Buhalis (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing. Edward Elgar Publishing

The entry focusses on a central activity, not only for visitor attractions, but for other leisure, tourism and destinations environments. Interpretation involves a variety of tools and techniques used to communicate the significance of assets within... Read More about Interpretative Tools.

Implicit Bias Training is Dead, Long Live Implicit Bias Training: The evolving role of human resource development in combatting implicit bias within organizations (2022)
Book Chapter
McFadden, C. (2022). Implicit Bias Training is Dead, Long Live Implicit Bias Training: The evolving role of human resource development in combatting implicit bias within organizations. In P. Holland, T. Bartram, T. Garavan, & K. Grant (Eds.), The Emerald Handbook of Work, Workplaces and Disruptive Issues in HRM (383-398). Emerald.

Informalization in gig food delivery in the UK: the case of hyper flexible and precarious work (2022)
Journal Article
Mendonça Cardoso, P., Kougiannou, N. K., & Clark, I. (2023). Informalization in gig food delivery in the UK: the case of hyper flexible and precarious work. Industrial Relations, 62(1), 60-77.

This article examines the process of informalization of work in platform food delivery work in the UK. Drawing on qualitative data, this article provides new analytical insight into what drives individual formal couriers to both supply and demand inf... Read More about Informalization in gig food delivery in the UK: the case of hyper flexible and precarious work.