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How is entrepreneurial marketing shaped by E-commerce technology: a case study of Chinese pure-play e-retailers (2023)
Journal Article
Hong, Y., Sawang, S., & Yang, H.-P. (. (2024). How is entrepreneurial marketing shaped by E-commerce technology: a case study of Chinese pure-play e-retailers. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, 30(2/3), 609-631.

The focus of this study is on how online-only retailers, known as pure-play e-retailers, leverage e-commerce platforms to identify and pursue market opportunities. Through the perspective of entrepreneurial marketing, this study aims to expl... Read More about How is entrepreneurial marketing shaped by E-commerce technology: a case study of Chinese pure-play e-retailers.

Healthcare Technology and Innovation Management Methods: Theoretical Interpretation (2023)
Book Chapter
Fascia, M., Koseda, E., & McIntosh, B. (2023). Healthcare Technology and Innovation Management Methods: Theoretical Interpretation. In M. Al Mubarak, & A. Hamdan (Eds.), Technological Sustainability and Business Competitive Advantage. Springer.

Today, the concept of technology and innovation management in healthcare is prevalent in the literature. Managers who interpret technology from a management perspective, interpret it as a significant factor in determining the starting point for an an... Read More about Healthcare Technology and Innovation Management Methods: Theoretical Interpretation.

Smart urbanism in Africa: when theories do not fit with contextual practices (2023)
Journal Article
Tonnarelli, F., & Mora, L. (2024). Smart urbanism in Africa: when theories do not fit with contextual practices. Regional Studies, 58(9), 1767-1777.

Theories of smart urbanism have overlooked the influence of contextual factors on the conception, planning and implementation of digital transformation practices across regions. To articulate this critique, we focus on African cities and draw on a di... Read More about Smart urbanism in Africa: when theories do not fit with contextual practices.

Multiple pathways to solve urban challenges: A shared portfolio approach towards smart city development (2023)
Journal Article
van den Ouweland, C., van Winden, W., & Mora, L. (2024). Multiple pathways to solve urban challenges: A shared portfolio approach towards smart city development. Public Policy and Administration, 39(2), 193-213.

Municipalities often collaborate with other stakeholders in smart city projects to develop and implement technological innovations to address complex urban issues. We propose the shared portfolio approach as an alternative way of collaborating, becau... Read More about Multiple pathways to solve urban challenges: A shared portfolio approach towards smart city development.

Industry 4.0 to Industry 5.0: Mapping the Transitions (2023)
Hamdan, A., Harraf, A., Buallay, A., Arora, P., & Alsabatin, H. (Eds.). (2023). Industry 4.0 to Industry 5.0: Mapping the Transitions. Springer.

Explores the causes and consequences of transition from Industry 4.0 to Industry 5.0

Highlights the human-centric approach of Industry 5.0

Discusses Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, and Human–Robot coworking in Industry 5.0

What is the role of CSR champions in facilitating employee CSR engagement? (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hejjas, K., Scarles, C., & Miller, G. (2023, August). What is the role of CSR champions in facilitating employee CSR engagement?. Paper presented at The 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, MA

Although corporate social responsibility (CSR) champions and employee CSR networks are increasingly used to embed CSR throughout organizations, there remains a lack of understanding relating to how leadership between co-workers, as opposed to manager... Read More about What is the role of CSR champions in facilitating employee CSR engagement?.

Mass shootings, investors’ panic, and market anomalies (2023)
Journal Article
Sakariyahu, R., Lawal, R., Yusuf, A., & Olatunj, A. (2023). Mass shootings, investors’ panic, and market anomalies. Economics Letters, 321, Article 111284.

Do mass shootings exacerbate investors’ sentiments towards the stock market? We empirically examine this question using 1,947 cases of mass shootings in the US from February 2014 to May 2023. We document that investors react negatively to mass shooti... Read More about Mass shootings, investors’ panic, and market anomalies.

Virtuous opinion change in structured groups (2023)
Journal Article
Bolger, F., Rowe, G., Hamlin, I., Belton, I., Crawford, M., Sissons, A., Taylor Browne Lūka, C., Vasilichi, A., & Wright, G. (2023). Virtuous opinion change in structured groups. Judgment and Decision Making, 18, Article e25.

Although the individual has been the focus of most research into judgment and decision-making (JDM), important decisions in the real world are often made collectively rather than individually, a tendency that has increased in recent times with the op... Read More about Virtuous opinion change in structured groups.

Tourism routes through a mobile lens: The case of China’s Chamagudao (2023)
Journal Article
Witte, A. (2023). Tourism routes through a mobile lens: The case of China’s Chamagudao. Tourist Studies, 23(3), 181-207.

This article examines how various stakeholders’ practices on the ground mobilise and immobilise the Chamagudao’s heritage as a historic trade and caravan route. The research is based on ethnographic fieldwork in Yunnan, China, following movements of... Read More about Tourism routes through a mobile lens: The case of China’s Chamagudao.

A review of strategic planning for dynamic supply chains: Preparing for uncertainty using scenarios (2023)
Journal Article
Crawford, M. M., & Plant‐O'Toole, E. (2023). A review of strategic planning for dynamic supply chains: Preparing for uncertainty using scenarios. Futures & Foresight Science, 5(3-4), Article e167.

This is a book review of Strategic Planning for Dynamic Supply Chains: Preparing for Uncertainty Using Scenarios by Shardul S. Phadnis, Yossi Sheffi, and Chris Caplice (Cham, Switzerland, 226 p, 2022). The book covers three case studies, presented as... Read More about A review of strategic planning for dynamic supply chains: Preparing for uncertainty using scenarios.

Construction and Engineering Higher Education: The Role of Pracademics in Recoupling Classical Experiential Educational Norms (2023)
Book Chapter
Forster, A. M., Pilcher, N., Murray, M., Tennant, S., Craig, N., & Galbrun, L. (2023). Construction and Engineering Higher Education: The Role of Pracademics in Recoupling Classical Experiential Educational Norms. In J. Dickinson, & T.-L. Griffiths (Eds.), Professional Development for Practitioners in Academia: Pracademia (211-227). Springer.

This chapter considers the development of construction and engineering education that historically chartered an increasingly decoupled trajectory from being practical in nature, to include progressively more theoretical instruction. Indeed, over the... Read More about Construction and Engineering Higher Education: The Role of Pracademics in Recoupling Classical Experiential Educational Norms.

The effects of green brand image on brand loyalty: The case of mainstream fast food brands (2023)
Journal Article
Watson, A., Perrigot, R., & Dada, O. (. (2024). The effects of green brand image on brand loyalty: The case of mainstream fast food brands. Business Strategy and the Environment, 33(2), 806-819.

While a number of studies have explored consumer attitudes and behaviors towards green brands, the importance of green brand image for mainstream brands is less well understood. This study seeks to explore if the green image of mainstream fast food b... Read More about The effects of green brand image on brand loyalty: The case of mainstream fast food brands.

#Chavcheck: Does TikTok facilitate the pornification of social class struggles? (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Logan-McFarlane, A. (2023, July). #Chavcheck: Does TikTok facilitate the pornification of social class struggles?. Paper presented at Netnocon 2023, University of Salford, Manchester, UK

In 2020, the ‘chav’ trope resurfaced globally on TikTok. The trend featured individuals performing ““chav checks”, heavy makeup tutorials, and showing off the UK’s “chavviest places” with the sound check “Hey yo, chav check” employed to mock “puffa j... Read More about #Chavcheck: Does TikTok facilitate the pornification of social class struggles?.

A flexible cost model for seaport-hinterland decisions in container shipping (2023)
Journal Article
Rodrigues, T. D. A., Mota, C., Ojiako, U., Chipulu, M., Marshall, A., & Dweiri, F. (2023). A flexible cost model for seaport-hinterland decisions in container shipping. Research in Transportation Business & Management, 49, Article 101016.

A seaport–hinterland system offers a wide range of service options for shippers and consignees to export or import containerized cargo. The present study, set within the context of Brazil, seeks to propose a flexible cost model to aid joint seaport–h... Read More about A flexible cost model for seaport-hinterland decisions in container shipping.

The effect of value chain importance on regional economic recovery (2023)
Journal Article
Zádor, Z., Zhu, Z., Smith, M., & Gorgoni, S. (2024). The effect of value chain importance on regional economic recovery. European Planning Studies, 32(4), 843-862.

This paper investigates the link between value chain importance and economic growth for the EU24 regions between 2008 and 2018. It finds that relying more on GVCs worsened regional growth during the financial crisis, but led to higher growth in the l... Read More about The effect of value chain importance on regional economic recovery.

The role of the entrepreneurial leader: A study of Nigerian SMEs (2023)
Journal Article
Omeihe, I., Harrison, C., Simba, A., & Omeihe, K. (2023). The role of the entrepreneurial leader: A study of Nigerian SMEs. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 49(2), 187-215.

Growing evidence points to the role of entrepreneurial leadership in enhancing positive business outcomes. Yet little is known about the entrepreneurial leadership attributes and skills exploited by entrepreneurial leaders within a developing economy... Read More about The role of the entrepreneurial leader: A study of Nigerian SMEs.

How can value co-creation be integrated into a customer experience evaluation? (2023)
Journal Article
Lee, H.-Y., Grinevich, V., & Chipulu, M. (2023). How can value co-creation be integrated into a customer experience evaluation?. European Management Journal, 41(4), 521-533.

With the arrival of the service economy, businesses across different sectors have to rely increasingly on service design, with its focus on the viewpoints of customers and their experiences. Existing frameworks for evaluating customer experience tend... Read More about How can value co-creation be integrated into a customer experience evaluation?.

There's No Such Thing As An Unbiased Future (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Crawford, M. (2023, July). There's No Such Thing As An Unbiased Future. Presented at Women In Data Science (WiDS) London 2023 Conference, Online

A keynote presentation and discussion on why our future(s) will never and can never be free of biases.

An ethical approach to sustainability and recovery operations in hotels (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bryde, M., Hejjas, K., Hannibal, C., & Foster, S. (2023, July). An ethical approach to sustainability and recovery operations in hotels. Paper presented at Production and Operations Management Society (OOMS), Paris, France

The climate disaster is here and as a result, the intensity and frequency of disasters, whether that is humanitarian, biological or natural, is set to increase (Institute for Economic & Peace (IEP), 2020). This may be cause for concern given that dis... Read More about An ethical approach to sustainability and recovery operations in hotels.