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Construction and Engineering Higher Education: The Role of Pracademics in Recoupling Classical Experiential Educational Norms

Forster, Alan M.; Pilcher, Nick; Murray, Mike; Tennant, Stuart; Craig, Nigel; Galbrun, Laurent


Alan M. Forster

Mike Murray

Stuart Tennant

Nigel Craig

Laurent Galbrun


Jill Dickinson

Teri-Lisa Griffiths


This chapter considers the development of construction and engineering education that historically chartered an increasingly decoupled trajectory from being practical in nature, to include progressively more theoretical instruction. Indeed, over the last half century, construction and engineering education has become increasingly theoretical, and is now arguably delivered by academic staff with little practical experience of the discipline. This could be detrimental to those learning an inherently vocational subject, and perhaps understandably, calls to recouple theory and practice have recently gained traction, through vehicles such as Higher Education Apprenticeships. Whilst largely seen as positive, such recoupling may potentially create problems for the current staff base that are often characterised as ‘career academics’ with often limited ‘real world’ experience. Conversely, academics with industrial experience (or pracademics) are arguably better equipped to bridge theory and practice. Yet, ‘pracademics’ frequently feel an insecurity of identity associated with ‘imposter syndrome’ in a research-dominated Higher Education (HE) context. However, rather than being imposters, we argue ‘pracademics’ have a lineage going back centuries. We highlight the important role that pracademics play in bridging theory and practice and allude to their importance in achieving high quality, contextualised student focused experiential learning that is set to be an increasingly important aspect of HE provision.


Forster, A. M., Pilcher, N., Murray, M., Tennant, S., Craig, N., & Galbrun, L. (2023). Construction and Engineering Higher Education: The Role of Pracademics in Recoupling Classical Experiential Educational Norms. In J. Dickinson, & T.-L. Griffiths (Eds.), Professional Development for Practitioners in Academia: Pracademia (211-227). Springer.

Acceptance Date May 31, 2023
Online Publication Date Aug 1, 2023
Publication Date 2023
Deposit Date Aug 4, 2023
Publisher Springer
Pages 211-227
Series Title Knowledge Studies in Higher Education
Series Number 13
Series ISSN 2566-7106
Book Title Professional Development for Practitioners in Academia: Pracademia
Chapter Number 15
ISBN 9783031337451, 9783031337482
Keywords Pracademic identity, Practice-theory gap, Experiential learning, Construction and engineering, Imposter syndrome, Career academics, Higher Education, Apprenticeships, Higher education policy