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Development of a Concourse for a Q-Method Study about Midwives’ 2perspectives of Woman-Centered Care (2016)
Journal Article
Fontein-Kuipers, Y. (2017). Development of a Concourse for a Q-Method Study about Midwives’ 2perspectives of Woman-Centered Care. Health Education and Care, 1(2), 31-36.

Objective: To transparently describe the development of a Q-set for a Q-method study about midwives’ perspectives of woman-centered care.

Research design: Q-methodology is a relevant study approach to identify key viewpoints that are relevant for... Read More about Development of a Concourse for a Q-Method Study about Midwives’ 2perspectives of Woman-Centered Care.

An Intervention to Prevent and Reduce Maternal Distress in the Netherlands - Its Development from Start to Finish (2016)
Journal Article
Kuipers, Y. F. (2016). An Intervention to Prevent and Reduce Maternal Distress in the Netherlands - Its Development from Start to Finish. Women's Health International, 2(1),

Prevalence rates and the health problems related to maternal distress instigated the development of an intervention to prevent and reduce maternal distress during pregnancy. Intervention Mapping served as a framework for the intervention development.... Read More about An Intervention to Prevent and Reduce Maternal Distress in the Netherlands - Its Development from Start to Finish.

Maternal Distress-Every Unhappy Pregnant Woman is Unhappy in Her Own Way (2016)
Journal Article
Fontein-Kuipers, Y. (2016). Maternal Distress-Every Unhappy Pregnant Woman is Unhappy in Her Own Way. Journal of Psychiatry and Mental Health, 1(1),

Maternal distress varies in prevalence rates and displays various complaints, signs and symptoms. Additionally, multiple factors and causes contribute to both women’s vulnerability and manifestation of maternal distress. Worldwide maternal distress p... Read More about Maternal Distress-Every Unhappy Pregnant Woman is Unhappy in Her Own Way.

Midwives’ perceptions of influences on their behaviour of woman-centered care: a qualitative study (2016)
Journal Article
Fontein-Kuipers, Y., Boele, A., & Stuij, C. (2016). Midwives’ perceptions of influences on their behaviour of woman-centered care: a qualitative study. Frontiers in Women’s Health, 1(2), 36-42.

Aim: To explore Dutch pregnant women’s experiences of shared-decision making about place of birth to better understand this process for midwifery care purposes.

Design: Qualitative exploratory study with a constant comparison/grounded theory desig... Read More about Midwives’ perceptions of influences on their behaviour of woman-centered care: a qualitative study.

The effect of Wazzup Mama?! An antenatal intervention to prevent or reduce maternal distress in pregnancy (2016)
Journal Article
Fontein-Kuipers, Y. J., Ausems, M., de Vries, R., & Nieuwenhuijze, M. J. (2016). The effect of Wazzup Mama?! An antenatal intervention to prevent or reduce maternal distress in pregnancy. Archives of Women's Mental Health, 19(5), 779-788.

We evaluated the effect of the intervention WazzUp Mama?! on antenatal maternal distress in a non-randomized pre-post study including healthy women in 17 Dutch midwifery practices. The control group (n = 215) received antenatal care-as-usual. The exp... Read More about The effect of Wazzup Mama?! An antenatal intervention to prevent or reduce maternal distress in pregnancy.

WazzUp Mama?! The development of an intervention to prevent and reduce maternal distress during pregnancy (2016)
Kuipers, Y. WazzUp Mama?! The development of an intervention to prevent and reduce maternal distress during pregnancy. (Thesis). Maastricht University.

Intervention Mapping was used as a framework to develop a midwife-led intervention to prevent or reduce maternal distress during pregnancy. An extensive needs assessment showed that both pregnant women and midwives needed to be taught to recognise th... Read More about WazzUp Mama?! The development of an intervention to prevent and reduce maternal distress during pregnancy.

Using Intervention Mapping for Systematic Development of a Midwife-Delivered Intervention for Prevention and Reduction of Maternal Distress during Pregnancy (2015)
Journal Article
Kuipers, Y., van Limbeek, E., Ausems, M., de Vries, R., & Nieuwenhuijze, M. (2015). Using Intervention Mapping for Systematic Development of a Midwife-Delivered Intervention for Prevention and Reduction of Maternal Distress during Pregnancy. International Journal of Women's Health and Wellness, 1(1),

The authors describe how Intervention Mapping was used to develop a midwife-led intervention to prevent or reduce maternal distress during pregnancy. An extensive needs assessment showed that both pregnant women and midwives needed to be taught to re... Read More about Using Intervention Mapping for Systematic Development of a Midwife-Delivered Intervention for Prevention and Reduction of Maternal Distress during Pregnancy.

Factors influencing maternal distress among Dutch women with a healthy pregnancy (2015)
Journal Article
Fontein-Kuipers, Y., Ausems, M., Budé, L., Van Limbeek, E., De Vries, R., & Nieuwenhuijze, M. (2015). Factors influencing maternal distress among Dutch women with a healthy pregnancy. Women and Birth, 28(3), e36-e43.

Background: Maternal distress is a public health concern. Assessment of emotional wellbeing is not integrated in Dutch antenatal care. Midwives need to understand the influencing factors in order to
identify women who are more vulnerable to experien... Read More about Factors influencing maternal distress among Dutch women with a healthy pregnancy.

Reducing maternal anxiety and stress in pregnancy: what is the best approach? (2015)
Journal Article
Fontein-Kuipers, Y. (2015). Reducing maternal anxiety and stress in pregnancy: what is the best approach?. Current Opinion in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 27(2), 128-132.

Purpose of review
To briefly review results of the latest research on approaching antenatal maternal anxiety and stress as distinct constructs within a broad spectrum of maternal antenatal distress and the preventive strategic role of the maternal h... Read More about Reducing maternal anxiety and stress in pregnancy: what is the best approach?.

Midwifery care in the community during the woman’s pregnancy (2014)
Book Chapter
Kuipers, Y. (2014). Midwifery care in the community during the woman’s pregnancy. In R. Mander, & V. Fleming (Eds.), Becoming a midwife (28-40). (2nd edn.). Routledge.

Stories such as this made me realise that pregnancy is a major event in the life of a woman and her family and represents a journey to motherhood. How to become a caring, safe and considerate midwife to accompany the woman’s journey is influenced by t... Read More about Midwifery care in the community during the woman’s pregnancy.

Antenatal interventions to reduce maternal distress: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised trials (2014)
Journal Article
Fontein-Kuipers, Y., Nieuwenhuijze, M., Ausems, M., Budé, L., & de Vries, R. (2014). Antenatal interventions to reduce maternal distress: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised trials. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 121(4), 389-397.

Background: Maternal distress can have adverse health outcomes
for mothers and their children. Antenatal interventions may reduce maternal distress.

Objective: To assess the effectiveness of antenatal interventions for the reduction of maternal d... Read More about Antenatal interventions to reduce maternal distress: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised trials.

Dutch midwives' behavioural intentions of antenatal management of maternal distress and factors influencing these intentions: An exploratory survey (2013)
Journal Article
Fontein-Kuipers, Y. J., Budé, L., Ausems, M., de Vries, R., & Nieuwenhuijze, M. J. (2014). Dutch midwives' behavioural intentions of antenatal management of maternal distress and factors influencing these intentions: An exploratory survey. Midwifery, 30(2), 234-241.

Objective: to explore midwives' behavioural intentions and the determinants of these intentions with regard to the management of antenatal care of women with maternal distress.

Design: an exploratory survey using a questionnaire. Descriptive stati... Read More about Dutch midwives' behavioural intentions of antenatal management of maternal distress and factors influencing these intentions: An exploratory survey.

A Clinical Decision (2008)
Journal Article
Kuipers, Y. (2008). A Clinical Decision. MIDIRS midwifery digest, 18(1), 35-38

Making the transition from 'being delivered' to 'giving birth' A literature review and reflection on the potential for introducing the UK model of 'caseload midwifery' to the Netherlands midwifery (2008)
Journal Article
Kuipers, Y. (2008). Making the transition from 'being delivered' to 'giving birth' A literature review and reflection on the potential for introducing the UK model of 'caseload midwifery' to the Netherlands midwifery. MIDIRS midwifery digest, 17(1), 35-40

This article reviews the literature about the use of caseload midwifery based on the UK model and explores the best
way to implement this into Dutch community midwifery