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All Outputs (26)

Nexus between Building-Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) and Cultural Heritage: Optical Characterisation of Screen-Printed Traditional Symbols on Solar Cells (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Awuku, S. A., Bennadji, A., Muhammad-Sukki, F., Prabhu, R., & Sellami, N. (2024, June). Nexus between Building-Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) and Cultural Heritage: Optical Characterisation of Screen-Printed Traditional Symbols on Solar Cells. Presented at 4th Annual Conference Solar And Wind Power, Edinburgh

This preliminary study adopts a screen-printing technique to transfer traditional Adinkra symbols onto monocrystalline solar cells. The study reveals that custom patterns for the top contact design of solar cells are achievable through direct screen-... Read More about Nexus between Building-Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) and Cultural Heritage: Optical Characterisation of Screen-Printed Traditional Symbols on Solar Cells.

Aero-Servo-Elastic Simulation of the International Energy Agency’s 15MW Reference Wind Turbine for Direct-Drive Generator Integrity Modelling (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bichan, M., Jaen-Sola, P., Sellami, N., & Muhammad-Sukki, F. (2024, June). Aero-Servo-Elastic Simulation of the International Energy Agency’s 15MW Reference Wind Turbine for Direct-Drive Generator Integrity Modelling. Presented at ASWEC 2024: 4th Annual Conference Solar and Wind Power, Edinburgh

This paper presents the development of a full turbine model and subsequent aero-servo-elastic simulation of the IEA 15MW Reference Wind Turbine, such that aerodynamic loads can be obtained and then applied to a simplified drivetrain in Finite-Element... Read More about Aero-Servo-Elastic Simulation of the International Energy Agency’s 15MW Reference Wind Turbine for Direct-Drive Generator Integrity Modelling.

Preface: The 4th Annual Conference Solar and Wind Power (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Sellami, N., Muhammad-Sukki, F., & Sola, P. (2024, June). Preface: The 4th Annual Conference Solar and Wind Power. Presented at ASWEC 2024: 4th Annual Conference on Solar and Wind Power, Edinburgh

Abstract not available.

Sustainable Preservation: Design of Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Panels for Listed Buildings in Scotland with Consideration of Cleaning Methods (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Shobande, R., & Sellami, N. (2024, June). Sustainable Preservation: Design of Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Panels for Listed Buildings in Scotland with Consideration of Cleaning Methods. Presented at ASWEC 2024: 4th Annual Conference Solar and Wind Power, Edinburgh

Improving energy efficiency in listed buildings to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) by using a monocrystalline solar PV system with the Dar-Al-Arqam mosque in Edinburgh as a case study. Leveraging PVsyst simulation software, various solar PV de... Read More about Sustainable Preservation: Design of Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Panels for Listed Buildings in Scotland with Consideration of Cleaning Methods.

Full turbine modelling of the NREL 15MW reference wind turbine for the transient thermal and structural analyses of the direct -drive generator structure (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bichan, M., Jaen-Sola, P., Sellami, N., & Muhammad Sukki, F. (2023, August). Full turbine modelling of the NREL 15MW reference wind turbine for the transient thermal and structural analyses of the direct -drive generator structure. Presented at SCEBE Research Degree Conference 2023, Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh

Modeling and Simulation of Heterojunction Solar Cell; Determination of Optimal Values (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Lawal, S. M., Fough, N., Sellami, N., & Muhammad-Sukki, F. (2023). Modeling and Simulation of Heterojunction Solar Cell; Determination of Optimal Values. In NEWCAS 2023: Conference Proceedings.

A heterojunction solar cell of ZnSe/ZnO/CIGS/Si structure has been simulated in order to determine the optimal values. The performed modeling and Simulation is used to get an idea and identify the optimal values that can be use in the manufacturing p... Read More about Modeling and Simulation of Heterojunction Solar Cell; Determination of Optimal Values.

Enhancing the appearance of Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) through the application of Traditional Symbols: A Case Study (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Awuku, S. A., Bennadji, A., Muhammad-Sukki, F., & Sellami, N. (2021, November). Enhancing the appearance of Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) through the application of Traditional Symbols: A Case Study. Presented at 3rd International Conference on Energy and Power (ICEP2021), Chiang Mai, Thailand

Over the past years, advanced renewable technologies such as Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) has transformed to become more efficient, reliable, less costly and attractive. A migration to Net-Zero Energy Buildings (NZEB) and push for Green B... Read More about Enhancing the appearance of Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) through the application of Traditional Symbols: A Case Study.

A unified global investigation on the spectral effects of soiling losses of PV glass substrates: preliminary results (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Micheli, L., Fernández, E. F., Smestad, G. P., Alrashidi, H., Sarmah, N., Sellami, N., Hassan, I. A., Kasry, A., Nofuentes, G., Sood, N., & et al. (2017, June). A unified global investigation on the spectral effects of soiling losses of PV glass substrates: preliminary results. Presented at 2017 IEEE 44th Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (PVSC), Washington, DC, USA

The present work reports on the initial results of an international collaboration aiming to investigate the spectral effects of soiling losses. Identical glass coupons have been exposed outdoors for eight weeks in different locations worldwide, and w... Read More about A unified global investigation on the spectral effects of soiling losses of PV glass substrates: preliminary results.

Experimental and numerical investigation of thermal performance of a crossed compound parabolic concentrator with PV cell (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Li, W., Paul, M., Sellami, N., Mallick, T., & Knox, A. (2016, July). Experimental and numerical investigation of thermal performance of a crossed compound parabolic concentrator with PV cell. Presented at 12th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Malaga, Spain

Crossed compound parabolic concentrator (CCPC) is a solar energy device used to increase the photovoltaic (PV) cell electrical power output. CCPC’s thermal and optical performance issues are equally important for a PV cell or module to work under a f... Read More about Experimental and numerical investigation of thermal performance of a crossed compound parabolic concentrator with PV cell.

An Experimental Investigation into Passive Temperature Regulation of a Novel WICPV System with Phase Change Material (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Sharma, S., Sellami, N., Tahir, A., & Mallick, T. (2016, June). An Experimental Investigation into Passive Temperature Regulation of a Novel WICPV System with Phase Change Material. Presented at 32nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Munich, Germany

A novel Window-Integrated Concentrated Photovoltaic (WICPV) system proposed suitable for window integration, has been fabricated and characterised at 1000 Wm-2 (higher irradiance)and 500 Wm-2 (lower irradiance). This paper investigates the use of a c... Read More about An Experimental Investigation into Passive Temperature Regulation of a Novel WICPV System with Phase Change Material.

Scalable solar thermoelectrics and photovoltaics (SUNTRAP) (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Sweet, T. K., Rolley, M., Min, G., Knox, A., Gregory, D., Paul, D., …et al. (2016). Scalable solar thermoelectrics and photovoltaics (SUNTRAP). In AIP Conference Proceedings.

This paper presents the design, manufacture and electrical test of a novel integrated III:V low concentrator photovoltaic and thermoelectric device for enhanced solar energy harvesting efficiency. The PCB-based platform is a highly reliable means of... Read More about Scalable solar thermoelectrics and photovoltaics (SUNTRAP).

Experimental performance of concentrating photovoltaic thermal module (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Adeilla, S., Sellami, N., & Tapas, M. (2016). Experimental performance of concentrating photovoltaic thermal module. In 2016 7th International Renewable Energy Congress (IREC).

A concentrating photovoltaic thermal system is composed of multiple concentrator modules which designed with wide acceptance angle such (Hyperbolic Profile) to collect high illumination flux that can be used for building integrated applications, in o... Read More about Experimental performance of concentrating photovoltaic thermal module.

Four-axis test platform to emulate solar azimuth and elevation for accurate measurement of PV devices (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Siviter, J., Ashraf, A., Mullen, P., Montecucco, A., Knox, A., Selami, N., & Mallick, T. (2015, April). Four-axis test platform to emulate solar azimuth and elevation for accurate measurement of PV devices. Presented at Photovoltaic Science, Applications And Technology Conference & Exhibition, Leeds

The use of a solar source simulator in obtaining experimental data for a PV cell is well documented and current solar source technology is advanced in closely reproducing natural light in a laboratory setting. A test system is proposed by the authors... Read More about Four-axis test platform to emulate solar azimuth and elevation for accurate measurement of PV devices.

Unsteady optical and thermal behaviour of crossed compound parabolic concentrator with solar cell (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Li, W., Paul, M. C., Sellami, N., Mallick, T. K., & Knox, A. R. (2015, April). Unsteady optical and thermal behaviour of crossed compound parabolic concentrator with solar cell. Presented at 11th Photovoltaic Science Application and Technology (PVSAT-11), Leeds

In reality, a solar panel with concentrator is subject to variable sunlight radiation, wind speed and environmental air temperature in a day, accordingly the solar output power is changed in a wide range of 2W-13W, causing a degraded electric perform... Read More about Unsteady optical and thermal behaviour of crossed compound parabolic concentrator with solar cell.

Optical and heat transfer performance of a novel non-imaging concentrator (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Sellami, N., Meng, X., Xia, X., Knox, A. R., & Mallick, T. K. (2015). Optical and heat transfer performance of a novel non-imaging concentrator. In AIP Conference Proceedings.

In this study, the Crossed Compound Parabolic Concentrator CCPC is modified to demonstrate for the first time a new generation of solar concentrators working simultaneously as an electricity generator and thermal collector. It is designed to have two... Read More about Optical and heat transfer performance of a novel non-imaging concentrator.

Enhancing the performance of BICPV systems using phase change materials (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Tahir, A. A., Sharma, S., Sellami, N., Reddy, K., & Mallick, T. K. (2015, April). Enhancing the performance of BICPV systems using phase change materials. Presented at 11 th International Conference on Concentrator Photovoltaic Systems (CPV-11), Aix-les-Bains, France

Building Integrated Concentrated Photovoltaic (BICPV) systems have three main benefits for integration into built environments, namely, (i) generating electricity at the point of use (ii) allowing light efficacy within the building envelope and (iii)... Read More about Enhancing the performance of BICPV systems using phase change materials.

Coupled simulation of performance of a crossed compound parabolic concentrator with solar cell (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Li, W., Paul, M. C., Sellami, N., Meng, X.-L., Mallick, T. K., Fernandez, E. F., Knox, A. R., Montecucco, A., Siviter, J., Mullen, P., & et al. (2015, March). Coupled simulation of performance of a crossed compound parabolic concentrator with solar cell. Presented at The 7th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE2015), Abu Dhabi, UAE

An optimal installation of a compound parabolic concentrator (CCPC) into a scalable solar thermoelectrics and photovoltaics system is desirable by applying analytical tools to improve the optical and thermal performance of a CCPC with a solar cell. I... Read More about Coupled simulation of performance of a crossed compound parabolic concentrator with solar cell.

Optical performances of refractive Crossed Compound Parabolic Concentrator CCPC (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Sellami, N., & Mallick, T. (2014, September). Optical performances of refractive Crossed Compound Parabolic Concentrator CCPC. Presented at 29th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam

The design of solar concentrators depends on its application (thermal or PV) and on the tracking system that will be used. Low geometrical concentration ratios (Cg) are <10x and generally tend to be static concentrators; in this case they have to be...

Development of a concentrated photovoltaic thermal hybrid system for heat and power generation in Nigeria (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Zamani Naman, G., Ivaturi, A., Sundaram, S., Bobbili, P., Sellami, N., Sarmah, N., Mallick, T. K., & Upadhyaya, H. (2014, April). Development of a concentrated photovoltaic thermal hybrid system for heat and power generation in Nigeria. Presented at PVSAT-10: 10th Photovoltaic Science, Applications and Technology Conference, Loughborough University