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Unsteady optical and thermal behaviour of crossed compound parabolic concentrator with solar cell

Li, W.G.; Paul, Manosh C.; Sellami, Nazmi; Mallick, Tapas K.; Knox, Andrew R.


W.G. Li

Manosh C. Paul

Tapas K. Mallick

Andrew R. Knox


In reality, a solar panel with concentrator is subject to variable sunlight radiation, wind speed and environmental air temperature in a day, accordingly the solar output power is changed in a wide range of 2W-13W, causing a degraded electric performance [1-3]. Thus it is necessary to characterise optical and thermal behaviour of a crossed compound parabolic concentrator (CCPC) with solar cell in its design stage to optimise its configuration. Presently, the CCPC optical and thermal performance characterisation is usually based on steady-state physics models, see [4-8], for example, thus ignored unsteady variation of air flow and heat transfer in concentrator. In this contribution, we investigate the optical and thermal performance of an isolated CCPC with solar cell from the solar panel in [6,7] by means of ANSYS CFX. The CCPC with solar cell is subject to a variable sunlight radiation intensity, wind speed and air temperature from 6am to 17pm a day which were measured in [6] on 20th March 2009.


Li, W., Paul, M. C., Sellami, N., Mallick, T. K., & Knox, A. R. (2015, April). Unsteady optical and thermal behaviour of crossed compound parabolic concentrator with solar cell. Presented at 11th Photovoltaic Science Application and Technology (PVSAT-11), Leeds

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name 11th Photovoltaic Science Application and Technology (PVSAT-11)
Start Date Apr 15, 2015
End Date Apr 17, 2015
Publication Date 2015
Deposit Date Dec 13, 2021
Book Title 11th Photovoltaic Science, Applications and Technology Conference, PVSAT-11 University of Leeds, Leeds, UK, Wednesday 15th - Friday 17th April 2015 - Conference Proceedings
ISBN 9780904963816
Public URL