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Paths Towards Sustainability: Social Cultural Evaluation of Festivals in Rural and Non-Urban Areas, an Analysis of Media Interpretations

Robertson, M.; Rogers, P.


P. Rogers


Marco Cestari

Jerome Agrusa


The economic and social composition of rural society has changed irrevocably. The role of the market town as economic epicentre of rural wealth has all but completely evaporated (Courtney & Errington, 2003). Rural areas, inclusive of mountainous ones, are witnessing, after many years of isolation, new regenerative activities. Within this environment alternative forms of economic support have grown. One growing element of that is tourism, of which events and festivals are seen as significant factors (Robertson & Darby, 2007). Events have the ability to draw positive effects for rural environments but the demand for these to be social cultural ones has received little attention (Reid, 2007).
As Getz (2008) indicates, the current research focus looks to explain the outcomes of events. He further points to the role that media content analysis can play in that. The research here uses a media framing technique (Entman, 1993; Van Gorp, 2007; Peel & Steen, 2007) to analyse the media coverage of the impacts of festivals and events. The results clarify that there is a marked change in the relationship between the community and their perception of the potential impacts of festivals on the rural area. These indicate the significance of – and the call for public and private sectors to ensure – event and festival plans based on socio-cultural factors as well as
economic development.


Robertson, M., & Rogers, P. (2008, June). Paths Towards Sustainability: Social Cultural Evaluation of Festivals in Rural and Non-Urban Areas, an Analysis of Media Interpretations. Presented at International Conference for Sustainable Tourism and Spirit of Hospitality in the Alpine Environment., Sappada, Italy

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name International Conference for Sustainable Tourism and Spirit of Hospitality in the Alpine Environment.
Start Date Jun 18, 2008
End Date Jun 20, 2008
Publication Date 2008
Deposit Date May 1, 2018
Publicly Available Date May 1, 2018
Print ISSN 1941-5842
Electronic ISSN 1941-5842
Publisher University of Texas Press
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Keywords Festival and Events; Rural; Triple Bottom Line; Social-Cultural Benefits and Disbenefits; Media Content Analysis, Media Framing
Public URL
Contract Date May 1, 2018
This output contributes to the following UN Sustainable Development Goals:

SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-Being

Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

SDG 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities

Reduce inequality within and among countries

SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals

Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development


Paths Towards Sustainability: Social Cultural Evaluation of Festivals in Rural and Non-Urban Areas, an Analysis of Media Interpretations (518 Kb)

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