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Achieving Sustainability in Commercial Buildings in Nigeria: The FM Approach

Olaniyi, Olayinka ; Smith, Andrew


Olayinka Olaniyi


People around the world are beginning to aspire to live and work in sustainable buildings (SBs), that is, buildings that are comfortable, healthy and have low impact on the environment. However, many buildings in Nigeria, particularly commercial buildings, are far from being comfortable and healthy. Many are in a state of deterioration due to poor design, unsustainable construction practices and mismanagement. Nigeria has a history of unsustainable building practices, mismanagement of buildings and poor maintenance culture with no consideration for its impact on the environment. FM is viewed as a practice, process and profession that can promote sustainability in Nigerian buildings. The purpose of this study is to determine the extent of sustainable facilities management (FM) practice in the management of commercial buildings in Nigeria and identify barriers to it, in order to develop a solution model that will proffer ways of overcoming these barriers and ultimately determine sustainable methods by which facility managers in Nigeria can effectively manage commercial properties. The study reviews FM functions in relation to BREEAM-NC UK, LEED-NC US, ISO Sustainability in Building Construction and BS Building Regulation PD 6501: Part 3: 1985 in order to identify sustainable FM functions in buildings. There is a need to investigate sustainable FM practice in the management of commercial buildings in Nigeria as commercial buildings are the economic powerhouse of the nation, serving the whole of the country in respect of imports and locally manufactured goods; and contributing more than 70% of the national economic output. This study is a work in progress and it presents a theoretical review on the extent of sustainable FM in developed countries, especially the United Kingdom (UK), and comparing it with the development of sustainable FM in developing countries and Nigeria in particular. The findings so far, identify commitment of senior management personnel, as a major driver to the course of sustainable FM and the three main barriers to sustainable FM practice in corporate organisations, as lack of training and tools, lack of relevant laws and regulation, and lack of knowledge and awareness. Nevertheless, there remains the urgent need to investigate barriers of sustainable FM practice in the management of commercial buildings in Nigeria.


Olaniyi, O., & Smith, A. (2018). Achieving Sustainability in Commercial Buildings in Nigeria: The FM Approach. Journal of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering, 3(1), 1-4.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Dec 4, 2017
Online Publication Date Jan 17, 2018
Publication Date 2018-02
Deposit Date Apr 17, 2018
Publicly Available Date Apr 18, 2018
Journal Journal of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering
Publisher Science Publishing Group
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 3
Issue 1
Pages 1-4
Keywords Sustainability; Sustainable Facilities Management; Nigeria
Public URL
Publisher URL
Contract Date Apr 17, 2018


Achieving Sustainability In Commercial Buildings In Nigeria - The FM Approach (165 Kb)

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