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Law enforcement and mental health: The missing middle (2022)
Book Chapter
Thomas, S., White, C., Dougall, N., & Heyman, I. (2022). Law enforcement and mental health: The missing middle. In I. Bartkowiak-Théron, J. Clover, D. Martin, R. Southby, & N. Crofts (Eds.), Law enforcement and public health: Partners for Community Safety and Wellbeing (111-123). Springer.

Commonly, in the course of their duties, the police will come into contact with people who have a lived experience of mental illness. It is acknowledged that these contacts can and do happen for a wide variety of reasons and in a broad range of circu... Read More about Law enforcement and mental health: The missing middle.

The We Can Quit2 smoking cessation trial: knowledge exchange and dissemination following a community-based participatory research approach (2022)
Journal Article
Castello, S., Darker, C., Vance, J., Dougall, N., Bauld, L., & Hayes, C. B. (2022). The We Can Quit2 smoking cessation trial: knowledge exchange and dissemination following a community-based participatory research approach. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(4), Article 2333.

Background: ‘We Can Quit2’ pilot randomised controlled trial determined the feasibility [of conducting a community-based trial of We Can Quit, a peer-delivered stop-smoking programme (group support, combination nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), and... Read More about The We Can Quit2 smoking cessation trial: knowledge exchange and dissemination following a community-based participatory research approach.

Naloxone In Police Scotland: Pilot evaluation (2022)
Hillen, P., Speakman, E., Dougall, N., Heyman, I., Murray, J., Jamieson, M., Aston, E., & McAuley, A. (2022). Naloxone In Police Scotland: Pilot evaluation. Edinburgh: Drug Deaths Taskforce, Scottish Government

This report describes the independent findings of an evaluation of a Police Scotland test of change (pilot) of the carriage and administration of naloxone as an emergency first aid measure to persons suspected of experiencing an opioid overdose. The... Read More about Naloxone In Police Scotland: Pilot evaluation.

An Application of PRECIS-2 to Evaluate Trial Design in a Pilot Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial of a Community-based Smoking Cessation Intervention for Women Living in Disadvantaged Areas of Ireland (2022)
Journal Article
Darker, C., Loudon, K., O'Connell, N., Castello, S., Burke, E., Vance, J., Reynolds, C., Buggy, A., Dougall, N., Williams, P., Dobbie, F., Bauld, L., & Hayes, C. B. (2022). An Application of PRECIS-2 to Evaluate Trial Design in a Pilot Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial of a Community-based Smoking Cessation Intervention for Women Living in Disadvantaged Areas of Ireland. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 8(1), Article 19.

“We Can Quit2” (WCQ2) was a pilot cluster randomised controlled trial with an embedded process evaluation assessing the feasibility and acceptability of ‘We Can Quit’ (WCQ), a peer-delivered community-based stop-smoking programme for wome... Read More about An Application of PRECIS-2 to Evaluate Trial Design in a Pilot Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial of a Community-based Smoking Cessation Intervention for Women Living in Disadvantaged Areas of Ireland.

Policing and health collaboration: Landscape review 2021 (2021)
Bath, R., Blackstock, M., Borrett, J., Cook, T., Dougall, N., Forbes, R., Hawley, J., Heyman, I., Hindle, L., James, S., Lunn, J., Moss, J., Newland, R., Pearce-Smith, N., Plugge, E., Quinton, P., Sondhi, A., Srivastava, J., Taylor, K., Williams, E., & Wylam, J. (2021). Policing and health collaboration: Landscape review 2021. College of Policing

Peer-delivery of a gender-specific smoking cessation intervention for women living in disadvantaged communities in Ireland We Can Quit2 (WCQ2) – a pilot cluster randomized controlled trial (2021)
Journal Article
Hayes, C. B., Patterson, J., Castello, S., Burke, E., O’Connell, N., Darker, C. D., Bauld, L., Vance, J., Ciblis, A., Dobbie, F., Loudon, K., Devane, D., & Dougall, N. (2022). Peer-delivery of a gender-specific smoking cessation intervention for women living in disadvantaged communities in Ireland We Can Quit2 (WCQ2) – a pilot cluster randomized controlled trial. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 24(4), 564-573.

Introduction. The We Can Quit2 (WCQ2) pilot trial assessed the feasibility of ‘We Can Quit’ (WCQ), a community-based stop-smoking programme delivered by trained community facilitators, based on the socio-ecological framework and developed using a Com... Read More about Peer-delivery of a gender-specific smoking cessation intervention for women living in disadvantaged communities in Ireland We Can Quit2 (WCQ2) – a pilot cluster randomized controlled trial.

Suicide prevention: Safety Plans Intervention for children and Young People - a scoping review of effectiveness (2021)
Digital Artefact
Abbott-Smith, S., Ring, N., Dougall, N., & Davey, J. (2021). Suicide prevention: Safety Plans Intervention for children and Young People - a scoping review of effectiveness. []

The aim of this scoping review is to identify and map the available evidence around effectiveness of Safety Planning Intervention (SPI) for Children and young people (CYP), as there has been no systematic review of SPI for CYP. Although recentlly the... Read More about Suicide prevention: Safety Plans Intervention for children and Young People - a scoping review of effectiveness.

Discerning the adverse effects of psychological therapy: consensus between experts by experience and therapists (2021)
Journal Article
McGlanaghy, E., Jackson, J.-L., Morris, P., Prentice, W., Dougall, N., & Hutton, P. (2022). Discerning the adverse effects of psychological therapy: consensus between experts by experience and therapists. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 29(2), 579-589.

Measurement of adverse effects of psychological therapy is inconsistent due to ambiguity about the concept. The perspective of people undertaking psychological therapy (that is, experts by experience) has largely been overlooked. This study will inve... Read More about Discerning the adverse effects of psychological therapy: consensus between experts by experience and therapists.

Vulnerability assessment across the frontline of law enforcement and public health: a systematic review (2021)
Journal Article
Enang, I., Murray, J., Dougall, N., Aston, E., Wooff, A., Heyman, I., & Grandison, G. (2022). Vulnerability assessment across the frontline of law enforcement and public health: a systematic review. Policing and Society, 32(4), 540-559.

Assessing vulnerability is an international priority area across law enforcement and public health (LEPH). Most contacts with frontline law enforcement professions now relate to ‘vulnerability’; frontline health responders are experiencing a similar... Read More about Vulnerability assessment across the frontline of law enforcement and public health: a systematic review.

ICD-11 Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD) in parents with perinatal bereavement: Implications for treatment and care (2021)
Journal Article
Hollins Martin, C. J., Patterson, J., Paterson, C., Welsh, N., Dougall, N., Karatzias, T., & Williams, B. (2021). ICD-11 Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD) in parents with perinatal bereavement: Implications for treatment and care. Midwifery, 96, Article 102947.

The 11th revision of the WHO International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) has identified Complex PTSD (CPTSD) as a new condition.
Aim: To explore whether the new diagnosis of CPTSD (ICD11) is relevant to women who have experienced perinatal be... Read More about ICD-11 Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD) in parents with perinatal bereavement: Implications for treatment and care.