Studies of low-field nuclear magnetic resonance and Raman spectrometries for process analytical chemistry
McGill, C. A. Studies of low-field nuclear magnetic resonance and Raman spectrometries for process analytical chemistry. (Thesis). University of Strathclyde.
Outputs (45)
Fungal remediation of soils contaminated with persistent organic pollutants (2001)
Book Chapter
Singleton, I. (2001). Fungal remediation of soils contaminated with persistent organic pollutants. In G. M. Gadd (Ed.), Fungi in Bioremediation (79-96). Cambridge University Press. studies have shown that fungi are able to degrade a wide range of organic pollutants (see other chapters) and have great potential for use as inoculants to remediate contaminated soil. However, soil is a heterogeneous environment and... Read More about Fungal remediation of soils contaminated with persistent organic pollutants.
Effect of species, plant part, and season of harvest on n-alkane concentrations in the cuticular wax of common rangeland grasses from southern Africa (2001)
Journal Article
Smith, D., Mayes, R. W., & Raats, J. G. (2001). Effect of species, plant part, and season of harvest on n-alkane concentrations in the cuticular wax of common rangeland grasses from southern Africa. Australian journal of agricultural research, 52, 875-882. use of plant alkane concentrations to measure diet composition of herbivores has been shown to be a reliable technique in animals grazing temperate, sown pastures that contain a relatively small number of plant species. There is potential to deve... Read More about Effect of species, plant part, and season of harvest on n-alkane concentrations in the cuticular wax of common rangeland grasses from southern Africa.
Avaliação do padrão circadiano das atividades de alimentação e ruminação de bovinos no pantanal pelo uso de aparelho registrador eletrônico portátil (2001)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Santos, S. A., Smith, D., & Costa, C. (2001, July). Avaliação do padrão circadiano das atividades de alimentação e ruminação de bovinos no pantanal pelo uso de aparelho registrador eletrônico portátil. Presented at Reunião Annual da sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia
Strategic marginalisation and coping mechanisms: farm households in North West France (2001)
Book Chapter
McCleery, A. (2001). Strategic marginalisation and coping mechanisms: farm households in North West France. In R. Byron, & J. Hutson (Eds.), Community Development on the North Atlantic Margin Pages (95-112). Ashgate Publishing
Spatial patterns of mangrove ecosystems: the Bragantinian mangroves of northern Brazil (Braganca, Para). (2001)
Journal Article
Krause, G., Schories, D., Glaser, M., & Diele, K. (2001). Spatial patterns of mangrove ecosystems: the Bragantinian mangroves of northern Brazil (Braganca, Para). Ecotropica, 7, 97-107
Evaluation of 3 techniques for determining diet composition. (2001)
Journal Article
Henley, S. R., Smith, D., & Raats, J. G. (2001). Evaluation of 3 techniques for determining diet composition. Journal of range management, 54, 582-588Over a period of four days, three goats were employed to compare three techniques applied to the study of herbivore diet selection, namely direct observation, faecal analysis and the recently developed remote control oesophageal fistula valve. Direct... Read More about Evaluation of 3 techniques for determining diet composition..
Estimating the mortality rate of humpback whale calves in the central North Pacific ocean. (2001)
Journal Article
Gabriele, C. M., Straley, J. M., Mizroch, S. A., Baker, C. S., Craig, A. S., Herman, L. M., Glockner-Ferrari, D., Ferrari, M. J., Cerchio, S., von Ziegasar, O., Darling, J., McSweeney, D., Quinn, T. J., & Jacobsen, J. K. (2001). Estimating the mortality rate of humpback whale calves in the central North Pacific ocean. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 79, 589-600. histories of individually identified female humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in their winter and summer ranges were used to investigate mortality of North Pacific humpback whale calves. We compiled records collected between 1979 and... Read More about Estimating the mortality rate of humpback whale calves in the central North Pacific ocean..
Examination of faecal samples as a method of identifying pollen exposure in dogs. (2001)
Journal Article
Fraser, M., McNeil, P. E., & Caulton, E. (2001). Examination of faecal samples as a method of identifying pollen exposure in dogs. Veterinary Record, 149, 424-426.
Bacteriostatic activity of human lactoferrin against Staphylococcus aureusis a function of its iron-binding properties and is not influenced by antibiotic resistance. (2001)
Journal Article
Aguila, A., Herrera, A. G., Morrison, D., Cosgrove, B., Perojo, A., Montesinos, I., Perez, J., Sierra, G., Gemmell, C. G., & Brock, J. H. (2001). Bacteriostatic activity of human lactoferrin against Staphylococcus aureusis a function of its iron-binding properties and is not influenced by antibiotic resistance. FEMS Immunology and Medical Microbiology, 31, 145-152. in vitro antistaphylococcal activity of lactoferrin and the antibiotic resistance of clinical Staphylococcus aureus isolates obtained from three different sites of infection were examined. Antibiotic, but not lactoferrin resistance correlated wit... Read More about Bacteriostatic activity of human lactoferrin against Staphylococcus aureusis a function of its iron-binding properties and is not influenced by antibiotic resistance..