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Outputs (23)

Viewpoint: Linking training policy and practice to organizational goals (1997)
Journal Article
O’Donnell, D., & Garavan, T. N. (1997). Viewpoint: Linking training policy and practice to organizational goals. Journal of European industrial training, 21(9), 301-309.

Argues that a human resource development (HRD) strategy, in alliance with a global‐arching human resource management (HRM) strategy, is the most effective way to link training policy and practice to organizational goals. Both manufacturing and servi... Read More about Viewpoint: Linking training policy and practice to organizational goals.

Training, development, education and learning: different or the same? (1997)
Journal Article
Garavan, T. N. (1997). Training, development, education and learning: different or the same?. Journal of European industrial training, 21(2), 39-50.

Attempts to discuss the concepts of training, development, education and learning with regard to employees in terms of their substantive differences. Discusses how these concepts have evolved historically within human resource management and develop... Read More about Training, development, education and learning: different or the same?.

Interpersonal skills training for quality service interactions (1997)
Journal Article
Garavan, T. N. (1997). Interpersonal skills training for quality service interactions. Industrial and Commercial Training, 29(3), 70-77.

Achieving improvements in customer service is now recognized as a major challenge facing manufacturing and service industries throughout the world. This challenge is particularly pertinent to the tourism and hospitality sector. Notions of quality in... Read More about Interpersonal skills training for quality service interactions.

The information age: implications for education and training in a small economy (1997)
Journal Article
Garrihy, D., & Garavan, T. N. (1997). The information age: implications for education and training in a small economy. Industrial and Commercial Training, 29(7), 208-217.

Information technology presents considerable challenges and opportunities to society. Ireland, as a member of the European Union with a small, open economy which is highly influenced by international trends, has a particular interest in this new phe... Read More about The information age: implications for education and training in a small economy.

Entrepreneurship in the small hotel sector (1997)
Journal Article
Glancey, K., & Pettigrew, M. (1997). Entrepreneurship in the small hotel sector. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 9(1), 21-24.

Reports the findings from a study of entrepreneurial activity in the small hotel sector in a Scottish town, St Andrews. Applies bodies of theory on the small entrepreneurial firm, developed for other sectors of the economy, to an examination of smal... Read More about Entrepreneurship in the small hotel sector.

Pre-implementation issues in the adoption of manufacturing management software (1997)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Wybrow, D. H., & MacKerron, G. (1997, April). Pre-implementation issues in the adoption of manufacturing management software. Presented at Fifth International Conference on Factory 2000 - The Technology Exploitation Process

The North Cape Group is based in Scotland and makes garments and accessories. Within the group, the production planning process has been carried o with the emphasis on meeting the requirements of the Sales Department. With the potential adoption of c... Read More about Pre-implementation issues in the adoption of manufacturing management software.

Compterised accounting in Silicon Glen. (1997)
Journal Article
Steven, G. (1997). Compterised accounting in Silicon Glen. Account : magazine voor accountants, belastingadviseurs, advocaten, notarissen en andere financiële dienstverleners, 9,

Venture capital and small tourism and hospitality firms (1997)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Taylor, S., Simpson, J., & Howie, H. (1997, November). Venture capital and small tourism and hospitality firms. Presented at Hospitality Business Development, EuroCHRIE/IAHMS, Sheffield, UK

Abstract not available.

An investigation into the relationships between area social characteristics and road accident casualties (1997)
Journal Article
Abdalla, I. M., Raeside, R., Barker, D., & McGuigan, D. R. (1997). An investigation into the relationships between area social characteristics and road accident casualties. Accident analysis and prevention, 29(5), 583-593.

This paper reports on the analysis of a data base created by merging road casualty information and census data for the former Lothian region in Scotland. The data base was established by assigning resident postcodes to each casualty record and relati... Read More about An investigation into the relationships between area social characteristics and road accident casualties.