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Outputs (25)

Confronting the smart city governance challenge (2025)
Journal Article
Mora, L., Gerli, P., Batty, M., Binet Royall, E., Carfi, N., Coenegrachts, K.-F., de Jong, M., Facchina, M., Janssen, M., Meijer, A., Pasi, G., Perrino, M., Raven, R., Sagar, A., Sancino, A., Santi, P., Sharp, D., Trencher, G., van Zoonen, L., Westerberg, P., …Ziemer, G. (online). Confronting the smart city governance challenge. Nature Cities,

Governance inefficiencies threaten the potential of smart city projects to deliver equitable urban transformations. Current strategies often hinder implementation, and risk harmful technological effects on communities. Tackling this challenge demands... Read More about Confronting the smart city governance challenge.

Scaling to new heights: methodological insights for uplifting research on grassroots digital innovation (2025)
Journal Article
Gerli, P., Neves da Rocha, F., & Mora, L. (2025). Scaling to new heights: methodological insights for uplifting research on grassroots digital innovation. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 12, Article 126.

The Covid-19 pandemic has further evidenced the potential of grassroots actors as initiators of digital innovations, in the form of open-source applications, platform cooperatives, and other crowdsourced digital artifacts. These innovations played a... Read More about Scaling to new heights: methodological insights for uplifting research on grassroots digital innovation.

World Smart Cities Outlook 2024 (2024)
Gerli, P., Mora, L., Neves Da Rocha, F., & Nguyen, H. (2024). World Smart Cities Outlook 2024. United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat)

The World Smart Cities Outlook 2024 provides a comprehensive analysis of the current state of people-centred smart city development globally. Serving as a foundational reference for drafting the International Guidelines on People-Centred Smart Cities... Read More about World Smart Cities Outlook 2024.

Building a Good Digital Society from the Grassroots: Harnessing the Tradition of Community-led Initiatives in the Governance of Digital Services and Infrastructures (2024)
Gerli, P. (2024). Building a Good Digital Society from the Grassroots: Harnessing the Tradition of Community-led Initiatives in the Governance of Digital Services and Infrastructures. British Academy

Over the past two decades, community broadband networks, platform cooperatives, and data cooperatives have emerged as promising models to counterbalance market distortions and power asymmetries in the governance of digital infrastructures, services a... Read More about Building a Good Digital Society from the Grassroots: Harnessing the Tradition of Community-led Initiatives in the Governance of Digital Services and Infrastructures.

Co‐constructing cooperative value ecosystems: A critical realist perspective (2024)
Journal Article
Zhang, J., Zamani, E. D., Gerli, P., & Mora, L. (2025). Co‐constructing cooperative value ecosystems: A critical realist perspective. Information Systems Journal, 35(2), 504-544.

This study focuses on digital platform cooperatives (DPCs) and investigates how social value is created within platform cooperativism for fostering a more equitable and inclusive digital landscape. We explore and theorise the outcomes of social value... Read More about Co‐constructing cooperative value ecosystems: A critical realist perspective.

Breaking barriers for breaking ground: A categorisation of public sector challenges to smart city project implementation (2024)
Journal Article
Akgün, E. Z., Gerli, P., Mora, L., & McTigue, C. (online). Breaking barriers for breaking ground: A categorisation of public sector challenges to smart city project implementation. Public Policy and Administration,

Smart city technologies provide promising solutions for local governments to tackling societal challenges and enhancing public service provision. The global embrace of these digital innovations represents a new era in public sector advancements. Howe... Read More about Breaking barriers for breaking ground: A categorisation of public sector challenges to smart city project implementation.

Addressing inequalities in smart places: a primer for public administrations and third sector organisations (2024)
Gerli, P., Ferreri, M., Lauri, C., Regalia, M., & Williams, A. (2024). Addressing inequalities in smart places: a primer for public administrations and third sector organisations. The British Academy, Accademia dei Lincei

Over the past 15 years, a variety of initiatives that claim to make places smarter have been launched at different geographic levels and scales, with smart cities and smart villages being just the most prominent examples of this phenomenon. Despite t... Read More about Addressing inequalities in smart places: a primer for public administrations and third sector organisations.

Affrontare le disuguaglianze negli smart places: una guida per le amministrazioni pubbliche e le organizzazioni del terzo settore (2024)
Gerli, P., Ferreri, M., Lauri, C., Regalia, M., & Williams, A. (2024). Affrontare le disuguaglianze negli smart places: una guida per le amministrazioni pubbliche e le organizzazioni del terzo settore. The British Academy, Accademia dei Lincei

Negli ultimi 15 anni sono state lanciate, a diversi livelli geografici, una varietà di iniziative che puntano a promuovere lo sviluppo socio-economico attraverso l’implementazione di soluzioni tecnologiche innovative. Smart cities e smart villages so... Read More about Affrontare le disuguaglianze negli smart places: una guida per le amministrazioni pubbliche e le organizzazioni del terzo settore.

Friends or enemies? Unraveling niche-regime interactions in grassroots digital innovations (2024)
Journal Article
Gerli, P., Mora, L., Zhang, J., & Sancino, A. (2024). Friends or enemies? Unraveling niche-regime interactions in grassroots digital innovations. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 202, Article 123342.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, grassroots digital innovations (GDIs) have gained traction as innovation niches, providing an alternative to the prevailing mainstream regime dominating smart city transitions. Drawing upon interviews with experts and pr... Read More about Friends or enemies? Unraveling niche-regime interactions in grassroots digital innovations.

Managing smart city governance: A playbook for local and regional governments (2023)
Beckers, D., Gerli, P., Mora, L., Thabit, S., & Tonnarelli, F. (2023). Managing smart city governance: A playbook for local and regional governments. Nairobi, Kenya: United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat)

This playbook and its recommendations are primarily aimed at municipal governments and their political leaders, local administrators, and public officials who are involved in smart city initiatives. The recommendations, which are delineated in the su... Read More about Managing smart city governance: A playbook for local and regional governments.