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Outputs (22)

Re-evaluating the East-West divide in the European Union (2024)
Journal Article
Volintiru, C., Surubaru, N.-C., Epstein, R. A., & Fagan, A. (2024). Re-evaluating the East-West divide in the European Union. Journal of European Public Policy, 31(3), 782-800.

This introduction argues that the East-West divide in Europe continues to be politically salient since the fall of the Berlin Wall and two decades since the accession of most East Central European (ECE) countries to the European Union. We re-evaluate... Read More about Re-evaluating the East-West divide in the European Union.

The European budget after COVID-19. Challenges, Prospects and Opportunities (2020)
Surubaru, N.-C. (2020). The European budget after COVID-19. Challenges, Prospects and Opportunities

During the European Council this week all eyes are, again, on the negotiations for the future European Union (EU) budget. Analysts tended to focus mainly on two things. First, the evolution of the sums of money that will be agreed on for the future E... Read More about The European budget after COVID-19. Challenges, Prospects and Opportunities.

Europe to the rescue? EU funds and the COVID-19 crisis – who gets what, how and why (2020)
Surubaru, N.-C. (2020). Europe to the rescue? EU funds and the COVID-19 crisis – who gets what, how and why

During the European Council this week all eyes are, again, on the negotiations for the future European Union (EU) budget. Analysts tended to focus mainly on two things. First, the evolution of the sums of money that will be agreed on for the future E... Read More about Europe to the rescue? EU funds and the COVID-19 crisis – who gets what, how and why.

One decade onwards: assessing the impact of European Union membership on Bulgaria and Romania (2020)
Journal Article
Surubaru, N.-C., & Nitoiu, C. (2021). One decade onwards: assessing the impact of European Union membership on Bulgaria and Romania. European Politics and Society, 22(2), 161-166.

The main aim of this Special Issue is to critically analyse the impact of the EU on Bulgaria and Romania, during their first decade as members of the European community, in several poignant areas of membership. The rationale for this endeavour is two... Read More about One decade onwards: assessing the impact of European Union membership on Bulgaria and Romania.

European funds in Central and Eastern Europe: drivers of change or mere funding transfers? Evaluating the impact of European aid on national and local development in Bulgaria and Romania (2020)
Journal Article
Surubaru, N.-C. (2021). European funds in Central and Eastern Europe: drivers of change or mere funding transfers? Evaluating the impact of European aid on national and local development in Bulgaria and Romania. European Politics and Society, 22(2), 203-221.

In recent years, there have been numerous academic and policy debates on the delivery mechanisms of European Union (EU) funds in member states. Studies focused on issues arising, for instance, during the management and implementation of EU aid at the... Read More about European funds in Central and Eastern Europe: drivers of change or mere funding transfers? Evaluating the impact of European aid on national and local development in Bulgaria and Romania.

Evaluating the Determinants of EU Funds Absorption across Old and New Member States – the Role of Administrative Capacity and Political Governance (2019)
Journal Article
Incaltarau, C., Pascariu, G. C., & Surubaru, N. (2020). Evaluating the Determinants of EU Funds Absorption across Old and New Member States – the Role of Administrative Capacity and Political Governance. Journal of Common Market Studies, 58(4), 941-961.

This article assesses the impact of administrative capacity and political governance factors on the absorption of structural and cohesion funds (SCF). We drew on EU-27 country level data and developed a dynamic panel data model for the 2007–15 implem... Read More about Evaluating the Determinants of EU Funds Absorption across Old and New Member States – the Role of Administrative Capacity and Political Governance.

The Sibiu Summit and the future of the European integration project: rekindle or embracing the status-quo? (2019)
Surubaru, N.-C. (2019). The Sibiu Summit and the future of the European integration project: rekindle or embracing the status-quo?

On the 9th of May 2019, 69 years from the Schuman Declaration and 15 years following the Big Bang Enlargement of the European Union (EU), the heads of state and government met in the small Saxon town of Sibiu (Romania) to discuss about the future of... Read More about The Sibiu Summit and the future of the European integration project: rekindle or embracing the status-quo?.

Governing EU Cohesion Policy in central and eastern Europe: the interplay between administrative capacity and political factors. The case of Structural Funds absorption in Bulgaria and Romania (2007–2013) (2018)
Surubaru, N.-C. Governing EU Cohesion Policy in central and eastern Europe: the interplay between administrative capacity and political factors. The case of Structural Funds absorption in Bulgaria and Romania (2007–2013). (Thesis). Loughborough University

This dissertation examines how new European Union (EU) member states manage and implement European Cohesion Policy (CP). It assess the administrative and political factors that might explain the variation in the financial absorption of Structural Fun... Read More about Governing EU Cohesion Policy in central and eastern Europe: the interplay between administrative capacity and political factors. The case of Structural Funds absorption in Bulgaria and Romania (2007–2013).