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Outputs (7)

Employability attributes: Meeting deadlines, time management (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Cameron, J., Gutu, M., & Kurtzke, S. (2024, June). Employability attributes: Meeting deadlines, time management. Presented at Marketing Professional Advisory Group Meeting, Edinburgh Napier University, UK

This talk aims to excavate marketing practitioner insights on whether meeting deadlines and time management are important graduate attributes that should be carefully considered in an employability-focused curriculum. The presentation sets out debat... Read More about Employability attributes: Meeting deadlines, time management.

Pedagogical paradox or tension? What our research on assessment deadlines is telling us about constructive alignment (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Cameron, J., Gutu, M., & Kurtzke, S. (2024, June). Pedagogical paradox or tension? What our research on assessment deadlines is telling us about constructive alignment. Presented at The Gathering: Edinburgh Napier's Learning & Teaching Conference, Edinburgh, UK

In this 15-minute talk, we present the theoretical twists and turns of our research on deadline extensions at The Business School, Edinburgh Napier University. We share preliminary findings of our quantitative data analysis on high-stakes assessments... Read More about Pedagogical paradox or tension? What our research on assessment deadlines is telling us about constructive alignment.

EU Tourism and Student Identities in a pre-Brexit UK (2023)
Journal Article
Anastasiadou, C., Pilcher, N., Gutu, M., & Panyik, E. (2023). EU Tourism and Student Identities in a pre-Brexit UK. Annals of Tourism Research, 99, Article 103545.

The EU has long advocated cultural tourism to construct a shared, supranational European identity. Drawing on data collected prior to the UK Brexit referendum, the paper compares EU discourse in selected tourism policy documents, and the travel exper... Read More about EU Tourism and Student Identities in a pre-Brexit UK.

Developing and deploying marketing agility in an emerging economy: the case of Blue Skies (2018)
Journal Article
Osei, C., Amankwah-Amoah, J., Khan, Z., Omar, M., & Gutu, M. (2019). Developing and deploying marketing agility in an emerging economy: the case of Blue Skies. International Marketing Review, 36(2), 190-212.

In almost every large business, there is a growing recognition of the importance of organisational agility in improving their marketing responsiveness and business survival. However, limited insights have been offered by scholars on multinational en... Read More about Developing and deploying marketing agility in an emerging economy: the case of Blue Skies.

FDI in Botswana: Beacon in the Dark: A Review of Literature (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Gutu, M., Anastasiadou, C., Omar, M., & Osei, C. (2017, September). FDI in Botswana: Beacon in the Dark: A Review of Literature. Presented at Re-connecting Management Research with the Disciplines: Shaping the Research Agenda with the Social Sciences, University of Warwick, Warwick

No abstract available.

Foreign Direct Investment in Zimbabwe and Botswana: the elephant in the room (2017)
Book Chapter
Gutu, M., Anastasiadou, C., Omar, M., & Osei, C. (2017). Foreign Direct Investment in Zimbabwe and Botswana: the elephant in the room. In A. Ahmed (Ed.), Managing Knowledge and Innovation for Business Sustainability in Africa. Palgrave Macmillan.

Purpose: In Sub-Saharan Africa, FDI performance is considerably different between Zimbabwe and its neighbouring countries. This chapter examines FDI determinants for Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) with particular emphasis on the comparison between Zimbabwe... Read More about Foreign Direct Investment in Zimbabwe and Botswana: the elephant in the room.

Foreign Direct Investment in Zimbabwe and Botswana: The Desperation Game (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Gutu, M., Omar, M., Anastasiadou, C., & Osei, C. (2016, April). Foreign Direct Investment in Zimbabwe and Botswana: The Desperation Game. Paper presented at International Business in a Multi-speed Global Economy, Birkbeck, University of London

No abstract available.