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Outputs (40)

Witch City's ‘Haunted Happenings’: Managing Authenticity and Edutainment in Salem, Massachusetts (2023)
Book Chapter
Stewart, H., Todd, L., & Ali-Knight, J. (2023). Witch City's ‘Haunted Happenings’: Managing Authenticity and Edutainment in Salem, Massachusetts. In G. Rossetti, B. Wyatt, & J. Ali-Knight (Eds.), Festivals and Edutainment (26-40). Routledge.

The infamous Salem Witch Trials resulted in the deaths of 20 innocent Puritans accused of witchcraft in 1692. Today, Salem, Massachusetts, has positioned itself as a modern-day Halloween Town where a ‘Disneyfied’ interpretation of its tragic history... Read More about Witch City's ‘Haunted Happenings’: Managing Authenticity and Edutainment in Salem, Massachusetts.

Guest editorial: Special issue introduction repurposing and repositioning events: real, responsible and revolutionary futures (2023)
Journal Article
Abreu Novais, M., Ali-Knight, J., Holmes, K., Lockstone-Binney, L., Robertson, M., & Stewart, H. (2023). Guest editorial: Special issue introduction repurposing and repositioning events: real, responsible and revolutionary futures. International Journal of Event and Festival Management, 14(2), 137-140.

[Abstract unavailable.]

Festival hiatus, resilience and innovation during COVID-19: learnings from the Edinburgh festivals (2023)
Journal Article
Ali-Knight, J., Kerr, G., Stewart, H., & Holmes, K. (2023). Festival hiatus, resilience and innovation during COVID-19: learnings from the Edinburgh festivals. International Journal of Event and Festival Management, 14(2), 170-188.

In this paper, we explore how Edinburgh’s key Festivals have adapted to the COVID-19 pandemic. Their response presents the emergence of more innovative festival delivery models and a different imagining of the festival space.

Design/met... Read More about Festival hiatus, resilience and innovation during COVID-19: learnings from the Edinburgh festivals.

Events innovation and resilience during uncertainty: reflections from the festival city! (2023)
Journal Article
Ali-Knight, J. (2023). Events innovation and resilience during uncertainty: reflections from the festival city!. Event Management, 27(4),

As I sit at my desk, as the nights draw in and the temperatures fall, my mind is transported to the summer of 2022 and the re-emergence of Edinburgh as a Festival City (world leading apparently!) as it was the first time the festivals had been able t... Read More about Events innovation and resilience during uncertainty: reflections from the festival city!.

We can make festivals fit for the climate change fight (2022)
Newspaper / Magazine
Kerr, G., & Ali-Knight, J. (2022). We can make festivals fit for the climate change fight. The Scotsman

As world leaders gather for COP27 in Egypt to discuss how we keep temperature rises below catastrophic levels, people may well be thinking about how they can do their bit at home and in their work. For those who put on festivals, by their nature draw... Read More about We can make festivals fit for the climate change fight.

Destination Net Zero – Net Zero Events Baseline Review (2022)
Robertson, M., Ali-Knight, J., Barnes, C. A., Brogan, J., Brown, C., Myers, K., & Wharmby, C. (2022). Destination Net Zero – Net Zero Events Baseline Review. VisitScotland

Guided by the key themes of measuring, monitoring, decarbonisation and adaptation, an extensive body of knowledge in these four areas relating to carbon emission and management in the context of events is reviewed and condensed for confident referenc... Read More about Destination Net Zero – Net Zero Events Baseline Review.

Covid & Innovation within Edinburgh's Festivals: Post-Covid-19 Recovery, Innovation & Technology (2022)
Stewart, H., Ali-Knight, J., Kerr, G., & Holmes, K. (2022). Covid & Innovation within Edinburgh's Festivals: Post-Covid-19 Recovery, Innovation & Technology. Edinburgh Napier University

The COVID-19 pandemic created a global hiatus for events and festivals. The requirement for whole countries to stay at home and avoid contact with other people led to numerous events and festivals being paused, cancelled or redeveloped into a virtual... Read More about Covid & Innovation within Edinburgh's Festivals: Post-Covid-19 Recovery, Innovation & Technology.