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MARCIC rules OK? Liability in the law of nuisance in Scotland for escapes from overloaded sewers (2008)
Journal Article
McManus, F. (2008). MARCIC rules OK? Liability in the law of nuisance in Scotland for escapes from overloaded sewers. Journal of Water Law, 19, 61-69

The purpose of this article is to discuss the potential liability in the law of nuisance of Scottish Water for harm which is caused by escapes of sewage from public sewers which, although perfectly adequate when they were originally constructed, beco... Read More about MARCIC rules OK? Liability in the law of nuisance in Scotland for escapes from overloaded sewers.

Food Law. (2004)
Book Chapter
McManus, F. (2004). Food Law. In N. Whitty (Ed.), Stair Memorial Encyclopedia on the Laws of Scotland (1-107). LexisNexis Butterworths