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Outputs (18)

The impact of gender perceptions and professional values on women’s careers in nursing (2015)
Journal Article
McIntosh, B., McQuaid, R., & Munro, A. (2015). The impact of gender perceptions and professional values on women’s careers in nursing. Gender in management an international journal, 30(1), 26-43.

– This purpose of this paper is to engage two enduring sets of assumptions within nursing: firstly, that woman with children should prioritise the care of children; and secondly, that nursing standards require nurses to put their profession... Read More about The impact of gender perceptions and professional values on women’s careers in nursing.

Motherhood and its impact on career progression (2012)
Journal Article
McIntosh, B., McQuaid, R., Munro, A., & Dabir-Alai, P. (2012). Motherhood and its impact on career progression. Gender in Management: An International Journal, 27(5), 346-364.

Purpose – After many years of equal opportunities legislation, motherhood still limits womens' career progress even in a feminized occupation such as nursing. While the effect of motherhood, working hours, career breaks and school aged children upon... Read More about Motherhood and its impact on career progression.

Is regulation good for skill development? Mediating actors and workplace practice in adult social care in England (2011)
Journal Article
Rainbird, H., Leeson, E., & Munro, A. (2011). Is regulation good for skill development? Mediating actors and workplace practice in adult social care in England. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 22(18), 3727-3741.

The Care Standards Act (2000) regulates the provision of care services in the UK, specifying induction and competence requirements for managers and workers, and that workers should have access to 3 days of training a year. Applying Dickens' concept... Read More about Is regulation good for skill development? Mediating actors and workplace practice in adult social care in England.

Making equalities work? Scottish trade unions’ approaches to equal opportunities (2007)
Journal Article
Lindsay, C., Munro, A., & Wise, S. (2007). Making equalities work? Scottish trade unions’ approaches to equal opportunities. Equal Opportunities International, 26(5), 465-481.

Purpose – This paper seeks to analyse trade unions’ approaches to equal opportunities in Scotland, focusing on issues of: recruitment of membership from different groups; promoting diversity in post‐holding; and the role of “key equalities issues” i... Read More about Making equalities work? Scottish trade unions’ approaches to equal opportunities.

Running Faster to Stay in the Same Place? The Intended and Unintended Consequences of Government Policy for Workplace Learning in Britain (2005)
Book Chapter
Rainbird, H., Munro, A., & Senker, P. (2005). Running Faster to Stay in the Same Place? The Intended and Unintended Consequences of Government Policy for Workplace Learning in Britain. In N. Bascia, A. Cumming, A. Datnow, K. Leithwood, & D. Livingstone (Eds.), International Handbook of Educational Policy; Springer International Handbooks of Education (885-901). Springer.

Recent policy debates have emphasised the significance of workplace learning to the vision of the ‘learning society’ and the ‘knowledge-based economy’. Whereas these terms trip relatively easily off the tongue, identifying what they mean in terms of... Read More about Running Faster to Stay in the Same Place? The Intended and Unintended Consequences of Government Policy for Workplace Learning in Britain.