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Outputs (699)

Creating a Cross-Race Effect Inventory to Postdict Eyewitness Accuracy (2025)
Journal Article
Toredi, D., Mansour, J., Jones, S., Skelton, F., & McIntyre, A. (in press). Creating a Cross-Race Effect Inventory to Postdict Eyewitness Accuracy. Law and Human Behavior,

Objective: The Cross-Race Effect (CRE) is a reliable and robust phenomenon, whereby individuals better recognize faces that belong to their race compared to another race. Our goal was to produce items for a self-report Inventory (i.e., CRE-I) that br... Read More about Creating a Cross-Race Effect Inventory to Postdict Eyewitness Accuracy.

Exploring Adolescent Contraceptive Use: The Voices of Parents/Guardians from a Selected Hospital in Lesotho (2025)
Journal Article
Molefe, S. P., & Nyangu, I. (2025). Exploring Adolescent Contraceptive Use: The Voices of Parents/Guardians from a Selected Hospital in Lesotho. International Journal of HIV/AIDS Prevention, Education and Behavioural Science, 11(1),

Sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services have drawn much attention in most African countries. Special focus had been directed toward the utilization of sexual and reproductive health services by adolescents aged 15 to 19 years old. However, litt... Read More about Exploring Adolescent Contraceptive Use: The Voices of Parents/Guardians from a Selected Hospital in Lesotho.

The Adoption of Artificial Intelligence in Family Law - Brand New or Well-known Idea? (2024)
Journal Article
Piegzik, M. A. (2024). The Adoption of Artificial Intelligence in Family Law - Brand New or Well-known Idea?. Folia Iuridica Universitatis Wratislaviensis, 13(2), 26-51.

On 30 November 2022, sensing artificial intelligence's (AI) capacities have become at people's fingertips more than ever. The public release of ChatGPT, based on the GPT-3.5 engine, was a pinnacle in the long-standing discussion about AI. In a short... Read More about The Adoption of Artificial Intelligence in Family Law - Brand New or Well-known Idea?.

The resonance of Mike Jackson's work with the use of systems ideas in community operational research (2024)
Journal Article
Herron, R. J. M., Mendiwelso Bendek, Z., Salinas Navarro, D. E., Vilalta‐Perdomo, E., & Weaver, M. W. (online). The resonance of Mike Jackson's work with the use of systems ideas in community operational research. Systems Research and Behavioral Science,

The body of work of Mike Jackson covers several major themes in OR/Systems Thinking and articulates key aspects of Critical Systems Thinking; with an interest throughout in applications to complex social challenges. In this paper, as a direct respons... Read More about The resonance of Mike Jackson's work with the use of systems ideas in community operational research.

Editorial: Moving Artificial Intelligence Scholarship: Navigating the AI Frontier in Higher Education (2024)
Journal Article
Vahed, A., Reis, C., Singh, S., & Drumm, L. (2024). Editorial: Moving Artificial Intelligence Scholarship: Navigating the AI Frontier in Higher Education. African Journal of Inter/Multidisciplinary Studies, 6(1), 1-3.

The swift and pervasive rise of artificial intelligence (AI), particularly Generative AI (GenAI), is reshaping the educational landscape globally. As we navigate a future shaped by developments in AI, the need for critical engagement, ethical framewo... Read More about Editorial: Moving Artificial Intelligence Scholarship: Navigating the AI Frontier in Higher Education.

Capacity and incapacity: an appropriate border for non-consensual interventions? (2024)
Journal Article
Stavert, J. (2025). Capacity and incapacity: an appropriate border for non-consensual interventions?. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 98, Article 102042.

Those who support decision-making capacity as a criterion for non-consensual interventions for persons with mental disabilities (mental illness, learning disability, neurodivergence, acquired brain injury and dementia) argue that it creates parity be... Read More about Capacity and incapacity: an appropriate border for non-consensual interventions?.

« L’attente silencieuse »: Antiquités javanaises et photographie au xixe siècle dans les Indes orientales néerlandaises (2024)
Journal Article
Supartono, A. (2024). « L’attente silencieuse »: Antiquités javanaises et photographie au xixe siècle dans les Indes orientales néerlandaises. Photographica, 9, 62-80.

This essay discusses the significant role of archaeological expeditions in the early development of photography in the Dutch East Indies (colonial Indonesia). In the wake of competitive archaeological treasure hunts in the 19th century, the camera wa... Read More about « L’attente silencieuse »: Antiquités javanaises et photographie au xixe siècle dans les Indes orientales néerlandaises.

Thought Experiments in Design Ethics (2024)
Journal Article
Buwert, P., & Sinclair, M. (2024). Thought Experiments in Design Ethics. Temes de Disseny, 40, 54-73.

How is the designer to approach questions of responsibility, obligation, or right and wrong in relation to their role in creating, sustaining and altering the complex worlds which we inhabit together? Every design decision stands as the first teeteri... Read More about Thought Experiments in Design Ethics.

Politics without principle: potential borders and the ethics of anti-trafficking online (2024)
Journal Article
Mendel, J., & Sharapov, K. (online). Politics without principle: potential borders and the ethics of anti-trafficking online. Environment & Planning C: Politics & Space,

Anti-trafficking has been spreading in a novel way, with moral certitude (where human trafficking is deemed uniquely wrong, and this wrongness is taken as a founding principle for anti-trafficking action) accompanied by little or no accountability. T... Read More about Politics without principle: potential borders and the ethics of anti-trafficking online.

English as a Lingua Franca: Intercultural Interaction in an Asian 'Third Space' Context (2024)
Journal Article
Victoria, M., Xu, F. H., & Pilcher, N. (online). English as a Lingua Franca: Intercultural Interaction in an Asian 'Third Space' Context. Asian Englishes,

In many studies on English as a Lingua Franca (ELF), the prevailing perspective has primarily focused on ELF as the use of English for communication among speakers who do not share English as their first language. However, recent scholarship has emph... Read More about English as a Lingua Franca: Intercultural Interaction in an Asian 'Third Space' Context.

‘On the perimeter and fringe of war’: Norman Nicholson, Rural Modernity and Wartime (2024)
Journal Article
Frayn, A. (2024). ‘On the perimeter and fringe of war’: Norman Nicholson, Rural Modernity and Wartime. Modernist Cultures, 19(1), 128 - 151.

The author Norman Nicholson is an exemplary writer of rural modernity, acutely conscious of the need for rural areas to remain ‘living and organic communities’, as he puts it in his topographic book Greater Lakeland (1969). Here, I argue that his po... Read More about ‘On the perimeter and fringe of war’: Norman Nicholson, Rural Modernity and Wartime.

Expansion, Fracturing, and Depoliticisation: UK Government Anti-trafficking Funding from 2011 to 2023 (2024)
Journal Article
Sharapov, K., Mendel, J., & Schwartz, K. (2024). Expansion, Fracturing, and Depoliticisation: UK Government Anti-trafficking Funding from 2011 to 2023. Anti-trafficking review, 23, 34-57.

Anti-trafficking policy discourses and funding trajectories in the UK are developing and expanding in a fractured way. This paper demonstrates that current policies and funding allocations primarily focus on supporting specific ‘victims’ and targetin... Read More about Expansion, Fracturing, and Depoliticisation: UK Government Anti-trafficking Funding from 2011 to 2023.

Digital Musicianship in Post-Pandemic Popular Music Education (2024)
Journal Article
Cheng, L., Moir, Z., Bell, A. P., Humberstone, J., & Hein, E. (online). Digital Musicianship in Post-Pandemic Popular Music Education. International Journal of Music Education,

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about dramatic changes in popular music education, underscoring the importance of technology in both practice and transmission. Nevertheless, the celebration of technological integration as a one-stop solution has le... Read More about Digital Musicianship in Post-Pandemic Popular Music Education.

ポーランドの選択的夫婦別姓制度から見た 日本の夫婦別姓についての問題 (2024)
Journal Article
Piegzik, M. (2024). ポーランドの選択的夫婦別姓制度から見た 日本の夫婦別姓についての問題. Yokohama Hōgaku, 33(1), 187-213

本論文では、日本の夫婦別氏についての問題を概要し、ポーランドの選択的夫婦別姓制度の要点とその歴史的発展を提示した。日本において、夫婦別氏の問題を比較学をもって解決できるだろうか、ポーランドの選択的夫婦別姓制度は、日本に対応するだろうか、こういう疑問に... Read More about ポーランドの選択的夫婦別姓制度から見た 日本の夫婦別姓についての問題.

A Controversy around Single Parental Authority after Divorce in Japanese Family Law - a Happy Ending for the Parents and Children? (2024)
Journal Article
Piegzik, M. A. (2024). A Controversy around Single Parental Authority after Divorce in Japanese Family Law - a Happy Ending for the Parents and Children?. The Warsaw East Law Review, 1(3), 67-86

Japan is one example of a democratic state governed by the rule of law, which ratified international conventions on children’s rights, yet it has been struggling with their full implementation. A vivid example of such a problem is the system of singl... Read More about A Controversy around Single Parental Authority after Divorce in Japanese Family Law - a Happy Ending for the Parents and Children?.

A Case Study on the Community ART Group Model of Care: Does It work for People Living with HIV and Healthcare Service Providers in Lesotho (2024)
Journal Article
Tsehloane, S., & Nyangu, I. (2024). A Case Study on the Community ART Group Model of Care: Does It work for People Living with HIV and Healthcare Service Providers in Lesotho. American Journal of Nursing Science, 13(4), 77-85.

The Community ART Group (CAG) model is a community-led model implemented to support people living with HIV to address barriers to HIV treatment continuity which remain a challenge in Lesotho. This study sought to explore the perspectives of people li... Read More about A Case Study on the Community ART Group Model of Care: Does It work for People Living with HIV and Healthcare Service Providers in Lesotho.

Beyond the Developmental Narrative of Postcolonial Nation-Time: The Materialities of Water and Geological Faultlines in Shubhangi Swarup’s Latitudes of Longing (2024)
Journal Article
Bhattacharya, A. (2024). Beyond the Developmental Narrative of Postcolonial Nation-Time: The Materialities of Water and Geological Faultlines in Shubhangi Swarup’s Latitudes of Longing. Postcolonial Text, Vol 19(1 & 2),

This chapter explores how Shubhangi Swarup’s novel Latitudes of Longing (2018) breaks out of the developmental narrative of nation-time into an exploration of the impressions of deep time in which events impact human consciousness on a planetary scal... Read More about Beyond the Developmental Narrative of Postcolonial Nation-Time: The Materialities of Water and Geological Faultlines in Shubhangi Swarup’s Latitudes of Longing.

‘Welcome to Dounreay’: ideological narratives of hospitality at the Dounreay visitor centre, c.1960 - 2007 (2024)
Journal Article
Mercer-Jones, E. (2024). ‘Welcome to Dounreay’: ideological narratives of hospitality at the Dounreay visitor centre, c.1960 - 2007. Hospitality and Society, 14(2), 217-246.

Dounreay Nuclear Power Development Establishment (NPDE) was built in the far northeast of Scotland due to the possible ‘misbehaviour’ of the technology and the dangerous nature of the materials involved. From 1960 to the eve of decommissioning in 200... Read More about ‘Welcome to Dounreay’: ideological narratives of hospitality at the Dounreay visitor centre, c.1960 - 2007.

Introducing hospitable destinations (2024)
Journal Article
Anastasiadou, C., Lugosi, P., & Todd, L. (2024). Introducing hospitable destinations. Hospitality and Society, 14(2), 121-130.

This editorial introduces the concept of hospitable destinations and sets the context for the Special Issue articles. It begins by exploring the complex nature of destinations more generally and highlighting their links with place. The discussion the... Read More about Introducing hospitable destinations.

Developing an evaluation framework for an online midwifery programme: a practical participatory approach (2024)
Journal Article
Kuipers, Y., Norris, G., Crozier, S., & McLuckie, C. (in press). Developing an evaluation framework for an online midwifery programme: a practical participatory approach. Quality Assurance in Education,

This paper aims to generate knowledge about relevant evaluation topics that align with and represent the unique character of the midwifery programme for students living in the rural and remote areas of Scotland.

Design/methodology/approa... Read More about Developing an evaluation framework for an online midwifery programme: a practical participatory approach.