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Developing an evaluation framework for an online midwifery programme: a practical participatory approach

Kuipers, Yvonne; Norris, Gail; Crozier, Suzanne; McLuckie, Connie



This paper aims to generate knowledge about relevant evaluation topics that align with and represent the unique character of the midwifery programme for students living in the rural and remote areas of Scotland.

The first two central concepts of Practical Participatory Evaluation (P-PE) framed the research design: the data production process and (2) the knowledge co-construction process. The data were collected using a semi-structured approach via online discussions, dialogues and email-based consultation among programme stakeholders. A structural analysis was performed: the units of meaning (what was said) were extracted, listed and quantified in units of significance (what the texts were talking about), from which the key topics for evaluation emerged.

A community of 36 stakeholders engaged in the discussions, dialogues and consultations. The stakeholders identified 58 units of significance. Fifteen sub themes were constructed in five main themes: student profile, student well-being, E-pedagogy, student journey/transition from being a nurse to becoming a midwife and learning in (an online) geographically remote and isolated area. The themes, or topics of evaluation, are dynamic functions and underlying mechanisms of the commonly used evaluation measures student progress and student evaluation.

Research limitations/implications:
This P-PE is a single-site study, focusing on a unique programme consisting of a specific group of students living and studying a specific geographic area, affecting the transferability of the findings.

In collaboration with stakeholders, parameters to evaluate the uniqueness of the programme in addition to higher education institution routinely collected data on student progress and satisfaction were systematically identified. The themes highlight that if student progress and satisfaction were the only evaluation parameters, knowledge and understanding of the contributing factors to (un)successfulness of this unique online midwifery programme could be missed.


Kuipers, Y., Norris, G., Crozier, S., & McLuckie, C. (in press). Developing an evaluation framework for an online midwifery programme: a practical participatory approach. Quality Assurance in Education,

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date May 15, 2024
Online Publication Date Jun 11, 2024
Deposit Date Jun 12, 2024
Publicly Available Date Jun 13, 2024
Journal Quality Assurance in Education
Print ISSN 0968-4883
Publisher Emerald
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Keywords evaluation; higher education; distance learning; United Kingdom; midwives


Developing an evaluation framework for an online midwifery programme: a practical participatory approach (accepted version) (280 Kb)

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