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Outputs (287)

Suicide prevention: What does the evidence show for the effectiveness of safety planning for children and young people? – A systematic scoping review (2023)
Journal Article
Abbott-Smith, S., Ring, N., Dougall, N., & Davey, J. (2023). Suicide prevention: What does the evidence show for the effectiveness of safety planning for children and young people? – A systematic scoping review. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 30(5), 899-910.

Introduction Suicide is a leading cause of death for children and young people and its prevention is a global priority. Many Mental Health Services employ safety planning as a brief intervention. There is some evidence of safety planning effectivene... Read More about Suicide prevention: What does the evidence show for the effectiveness of safety planning for children and young people? – A systematic scoping review.

The effect of COVID-19 on women’s experiences of pregnancy, birth and postpartum in Indonesia: a rapid online survey (2023)
Journal Article
McGowan, L., Astuti, A., Hafidz, F., Pratiwi, C., Yulian, V., Hughes, E., Pratiwi, A., Indomo, E. N., & Fu, Y. (2023). The effect of COVID-19 on women’s experiences of pregnancy, birth and postpartum in Indonesia: a rapid online survey. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 23(1), Article 304.

Background: The interrelationship of psychological and social factors in the current COVID-19 pandemic has been highlighted in research mainly focused on the global north. The impact of lockdowns can exacerbate psychological distress and affect acces... Read More about The effect of COVID-19 on women’s experiences of pregnancy, birth and postpartum in Indonesia: a rapid online survey.

Clinician perception of pathological narcissism in females: a vignette-based study (2023)
Journal Article
Green, A., MacLean, R., & Charles, K. (2023). Clinician perception of pathological narcissism in females: a vignette-based study. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, Article 1090746.

The DSM-5 reports that up to 75% of those diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) are males, which denotes that narcissism is a clinical phenomenon that operates differently in men and women. Vulnerable narcissism, which tends to be mo... Read More about Clinician perception of pathological narcissism in females: a vignette-based study.

A grounded theory exploration of programme theory within waves of wellness surf therapy intervention (2023)
Journal Article
Marshall, J., Ferrier, B., Martindale, R., & Ward, P. B. (in press). A grounded theory exploration of programme theory within waves of wellness surf therapy intervention. Psychology and Health,

Objective Poor mental health represents a large proportion of disease burden faced by young Australians, which has been further exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic and the reluctance of this population to seek support. Surf therapy is a novel form... Read More about A grounded theory exploration of programme theory within waves of wellness surf therapy intervention.

Reading Lacan's Ecrits: From 'Overture to this Collection' to 'Presentation on Psychical Causality' (2024)
Neill, C., Hook, D., & Vanheule, S. (Eds.). (2024). Reading Lacan's Ecrits: From 'Overture to this Collection' to 'Presentation on Psychical Causality'. London: Routledge.

Reading Lacan's Écrits is the first extensive set of commentaries on the complete edition of Lacan's Écrits to be published in English, providing an indispensable companion piece to some of Lacan's best-known but notoriously challenging writings.... Read More about Reading Lacan's Ecrits: From 'Overture to this Collection' to 'Presentation on Psychical Causality'.

Participatory rights of older adults at risk in adult protection case conferences (2023)
Journal Article
Fennell, K. (2023). Participatory rights of older adults at risk in adult protection case conferences. Journal of Adult Protection, 25(3), 132-142.

Purpose The Adult Support and Protection (Scotland) Act 2007 (ASP Act) mandates public bodies to investigate situations of harm and to support and protect adults at risk. One of the fundamental principles of the legislation is to involve the person... Read More about Participatory rights of older adults at risk in adult protection case conferences.

Psychosis and Extreme States: An Ethic for Treatment (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Neill, C., & Fimiani, B. (2023, February). Psychosis and Extreme States: An Ethic for Treatment. Presented at Online event at The Freud Museum, London [online]

The Freud Museum welcomes psychoanalyst Bret Fimiani, who will be in discussion with the Palgrave Lacan series editor, Calum Neill, for his latest publication Psychosis and Extreme States: An Ethic for Treatment (2021, Palgrave). The book offers a ne... Read More about Psychosis and Extreme States: An Ethic for Treatment.

Introduction to ‘Reading the Écrits’: La trahison de l’écriture (2019)
Book Chapter
Hook, D., Neill, C., & Vanheule, S. (2019). Introduction to ‘Reading the Écrits’: La trahison de l’écriture. In D. Hook, C. Neill, & S. Vanheule (Eds.), Reading Lacan's Écrits: From ‘The Freudian Thing’ to 'Remarks on Daniel Lagache' (1-5). Routledge.

In comparison to Sigmund Freud’s oeuvre that of course exists in the collected form of the Standard Edition, Jacques Lacan’s written work exists in a far more scattered and diffuse state. Prior to the eventual 15 November 1966 publication date of the... Read More about Introduction to ‘Reading the Écrits’: La trahison de l’écriture.

Investigating the latent structure of the International Trauma Questionnaire to assess ICD-11 posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and complex PTSD in an adult civilian sample during the Ukraine war (2023)
Journal Article
Ho, G. W., Louison Vang, M., Martsenkovskyi, D., Karatzias, T., Ben-Ezra, M., McElroy, E., Redican, E., Cloitre, M., Lorberg, B., Hyland, P., & Shevlin, M. (2023). Investigating the latent structure of the International Trauma Questionnaire to assess ICD-11 posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and complex PTSD in an adult civilian sample during the Ukraine war. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 36(4), 820-829.

The symptom structure of ICD-11 posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and complex PTSD (CPTSD) and the validity of the International Trauma Questionnaire (ITQ) are yet to be tested among civilians in an active war zone. The present investigation exami... Read More about Investigating the latent structure of the International Trauma Questionnaire to assess ICD-11 posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and complex PTSD in an adult civilian sample during the Ukraine war.

Nurses' Perceptions regarding Types of Aggressive Behaviour displayed by Patients in a Selected Psychiatric Hospital in Lesotho (2021)
Journal Article
Rathobei, L., Nyangu, I., & Dube, M. (2021). Nurses' Perceptions regarding Types of Aggressive Behaviour displayed by Patients in a Selected Psychiatric Hospital in Lesotho. Africa Journal of Nursing and Midwifery, 23(1), Article 8325.

Aggressive behaviour of inpatients in mental health facilities occurs globally and is a serious nursing problem. Consequently, there is insufficient research studies conducted among nurses regarding the types of aggressive behaviour displayed by pati... Read More about Nurses' Perceptions regarding Types of Aggressive Behaviour displayed by Patients in a Selected Psychiatric Hospital in Lesotho.

Systematic review of blue-light service collaboration for community health and well-being (2023)
Journal Article
Dougall, N., MacGillivray, S., Heyman, I., Wooff, A., & Tatnell, A. (2023). Systematic review of blue-light service collaboration for community health and well-being. Journal of Community Safety and Well-Being, 8(2), 66-74.

Effective cross-service collaboration has been posed as a way of improving outcomes for people, enhancing community safety and well-being, reducing social and health inequalities, and improving service resource efficiencies. However, it was not known... Read More about Systematic review of blue-light service collaboration for community health and well-being.

Is dissociation a fundamental component of ICD-11 Complex Posttraumatic Stress Disorder? (2023)
Journal Article
Hyland, P., Hamer, R., Fox, R., Vallières, F., Karatzias, T., Shevlin, M., & Cloitre, M. (2024). Is dissociation a fundamental component of ICD-11 Complex Posttraumatic Stress Disorder?. Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, 25(1), 45-61.

ICD-11 Complex Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD) is a disorder of six symptom clusters including re-experiencing, avoidance, sense of threat, affective dysregulation, negative self-concept, and disturbed relationships. Unlike earlier descriptions... Read More about Is dissociation a fundamental component of ICD-11 Complex Posttraumatic Stress Disorder?.

Mental Capacity Regimes Approach to Values and Participation in Proceedings Involving Individuals With Impaired Decision-Making Capacity in Scotland (2023)
Book Chapter
Stavert, J. (2023). Mental Capacity Regimes Approach to Values and Participation in Proceedings Involving Individuals With Impaired Decision-Making Capacity in Scotland. In C. Kong, J. Coggon, P. Cooper, M. Dunn, & A. Ruck Keene (Eds.), Capacity, Participation and Values in Comparative Legal Perspective. Bristol University Press

Chapter in 'Capacity, Participation and Values in Comparative Legal Perspective' edited by Camillia Kong, John Coggon, Penny Cooper, Michael Dunn and Alex Ruck Keene

People with Learning Disability: Scotland and Beyond (2023)
Book Chapter
Stavert, J. (2023). People with Learning Disability: Scotland and Beyond. In B. D. Kelly, & M. Donnelly (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Mental Health Law (166-178). Routledge.

‘Learning disability’ is currently included in the statutory definition of ‘mental disorder’ used by Scottish capacity and mental health legislation, along with mental illness and personality disorder. This raises the general Convention on the Rights... Read More about People with Learning Disability: Scotland and Beyond.

Parent-reported posttraumatic stress reactions in children and adolescents: Findings from The Mental Health of Parents and Children in Ukraine Study (2023)
Journal Article
Martsenkovskyi, D., Karatzias, T., Hyland, P., Shevlin, M., Ben-Ezra, M., McElroy, E., Redican, E., Louison Vang, M., Cloitre, M., Ho, G. W., Lorberg, B., & Martsenkovsky, I. (online). Parent-reported posttraumatic stress reactions in children and adolescents: Findings from The Mental Health of Parents and Children in Ukraine Study. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy,

Background: Despite the long-standing ongoing war in Ukraine, information regarding war-related negative mental health outcomes in children is limited. A nationwide sample of parents in Ukraine was surveyed to assess posttraumatic stress disorder (PT... Read More about Parent-reported posttraumatic stress reactions in children and adolescents: Findings from The Mental Health of Parents and Children in Ukraine Study.

Film: Bunny (2018)
Digital Artefact
Hughes, S., & O'Connor, A. (2018). Film: Bunny. [Film]

The film was commissioned by the Scottish Film Talent Network, Creative Scotland & the BFI Network as part of their Scottish Short 2017 scheme. Directed by Shaun Hughes and Cinematography by Andrew O'Connor The film explores themes of undiagnosed... Read More about Film: Bunny.

Evaluation of a web-based intervention to optimize perinatal emotional wellbeing: A nested case-control study (2023)
Journal Article
Kuipers, Y. J., Bleijenbergh, R., Rimaux, S., & Mestdagh, E. (2024). Evaluation of a web-based intervention to optimize perinatal emotional wellbeing: A nested case-control study. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 24(1), Article 100422.

Background/Objective: WazzUp Mama© is a remotely delivered web-based tailored intervention to prevent and reduce perinatal emotional distress, originally developed in the Netherlands. The current study aimed to evaluate the adapted WazzUp Mama© int... Read More about Evaluation of a web-based intervention to optimize perinatal emotional wellbeing: A nested case-control study.

Karriererettleiing og livskvalitet (2024)
Digital Artefact
Robertson, P. (2024). Karriererettleiing og livskvalitet. [Podcast]

This podcast contains an interview in which Prof Pete Robertson discusses the links between mental health, work and learning. It explores the role for career guidance practitioners in supporting mental well-being and how career development can be se... Read More about Karriererettleiing og livskvalitet.