Edinburgh Napier Music Research Seminar Series
Oct 19, 2017
Location Room A17 Merchiston Campus. Description On 19th October, Dr Bill Bruford (Earthworks, King Crimson, Yes) will be coming to Edinburgh Napier University to deliver a guest lecture as part of our Music Research Seminar Series. His lecture, Give the drummer some: Distributed creativity in popular music performance, focuses on the relationship between creativity and popular music instrumental performance. Other lectures on the night come from two staff from the Tomlin Centre for Music at Edinburgh Napier. Dr Katrina Burton will be presenting on her research and professional practice that explores the links between composition, architecture and site-specific performance. Dave Hook will be presenting on his recent PhD submission: An autoethnography of Scottish hip-hop: identity, locality, outsiderdom and social commentary.
This event is a research seminar and therefore we respectfully ask that questions are related to the content of the presentations only, not the wider careers of our presenters (unless relevant).
Tickets for this event are free, but limited to 125, so book now to avoid disappointment!People Bryden Stillie Org Units School of Arts and Creative Industries URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3ZQ7xguZIM&list=PLvXwKcxT9seMH0la897SMeqp6ak5Jgy2k&index=6
Events (2)
The Edinburgh Napier Music Research Seminar Series
Feb 3, 2017
Location The Glass Room, Merchiston Campus Description Gareth Dylan Smith, president of the Association of Popular Music Education, will be sharing his experience of Embodiment and Drumming Eudaimonia as part of a Music Pedagogies and Practice event, at which staff from the music department will also be presenting on their current teaching and practice based research activities. This event will begin at 18:30pm and will finish by 9:00pm. Confirmed presenters from the Music team are: Renee Stefanie, Paul Ferguson, Zack Moir and Bryden Stillie.
The programme for the evening event will be:
18:30 Keynote: Dr Gareth Dylan Smith - “Embodiment and Drumming Eudaimonia”
19:10 Dr Zack Moir and Mr Bryden Stillie - “Haphazard Pathways: Routes to Higher Popular Music Education and Impact on Curricula Design”
19:35: 10 minute break
19:45 Ms Renée Stefanie - “Analogies and Skill Transfers"
20:15 Dr Paul Ferguson , Dr Zack Moir and Dr Gareth Dylan Smith - “Jamming in the 3rd Room: Experiences of remote 'virtual' real-time performance and recording"
20:45 ClosePeople Bryden Stillie
Zack Moir
Renée Stefanie
Paul FergusonOrg Units School of Arts and Creative Industries URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0IzksvtSov8&list=PLvXwKcxT9seMH0la897SMeqp6ak5Jgy2k&index=3