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Outputs (24)

Creative Informatics: how data driven innovation has transformed the creative workplace (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Panneels, I., & Patrick-Thomson, H. (2024, September). Creative Informatics: how data driven innovation has transformed the creative workplace. Presented at The 4th Transdisciplinary Workplace Research (TWR) Conference, Edinburgh, UK

The creative economy is powered by a workforce with a high proportion of freelancers and SMEs. This paper reflects on new ways of working, accelerated by the digital pivot of the creative workplace caused by the global pandemic. Whilst the impact of... Read More about Creative Informatics: how data driven innovation has transformed the creative workplace.

From “dirty” oil and gas to green energy: Workers’ views on skills transition (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Heidl, B., O'Neil, J., & Bratton, A. (2024, April). From “dirty” oil and gas to green energy: Workers’ views on skills transition. Presented at 42nd International Labour Process Conference 2024 (ILPC 2024), Göttingen

As the environmental agenda progresses worldwide, it is clear that the move to sustainable forms of energy is both crucial and inevitable. For UK workers currently employed in the traditional energy sector including oil and gas, this transition prese... Read More about From “dirty” oil and gas to green energy: Workers’ views on skills transition.

Career Development as Freedom (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Robertson, P. (2023, December). Career Development as Freedom. Presented at iCEGS annual lecture 2023, University of Derby

This lecture explores the Capability Approach and its potential to provide a way of thinking about career development that links theory, practice, and policy. Considering theory first, the Capability Approach provides a broad-brush way of looking at... Read More about Career Development as Freedom.

“Brilliant at everything, saying yes to even more”: The realities of overwork in academia (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Pustelnikovaite, T., Richards, J., Ellis, V., & Saxena, S. (2021, August). “Brilliant at everything, saying yes to even more”: The realities of overwork in academia. Paper presented at Work, Employment and Society, Online

Leaveism is an important yet underresearched phenomenon in contemporary work and employment. It refers to employees using allocated time off to work, such as taking work home that cannot be completed in normal working hours, working while on leave to... Read More about “Brilliant at everything, saying yes to even more”: The realities of overwork in academia.

‘Organising from home’: Beating the Trade Union Act 2016 in a global pandemic/recession (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Richards, J., & Ellis, V. (2021, July). ‘Organising from home’: Beating the Trade Union Act 2016 in a global pandemic/recession. Paper presented at British Universities Industrial Relations Association (BUIRA), Alliance Manchester Business School, University of Manchester

In 2017, the Trade Union Act 2016 (the Act) became law in the UK, an Act extending several decades of anti-union measures, but notable for the setting of a 50% threshold in statutory ballots. Further, as there is little prospect of the Act being repe... Read More about ‘Organising from home’: Beating the Trade Union Act 2016 in a global pandemic/recession.

Organising an industrial action ballot to protect jobs during the Covid-19 pandemic: The case of a UK university and the University and Colleges Union (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Richards, J., & Ellis, V. (2021, July). Organising an industrial action ballot to protect jobs during the Covid-19 pandemic: The case of a UK university and the University and Colleges Union. Paper presented at 7th Conference of the Regulating for Decent Work Network, International Labor Organisation (ILO) Geneva

The paper responds to key themes of the stream: the importance/relevance of collective bargaining in protecting high-quality jobs in the UK higher education sector during the Covid-19 pandemic. The paper represents a case of good branch-level union o... Read More about Organising an industrial action ballot to protect jobs during the Covid-19 pandemic: The case of a UK university and the University and Colleges Union.

Developing the concept of leaveism: From a form of presenteeism/absence to an emergent and expanding domain of work (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Richards, J., Canduela, J., Pustelnikovaite, T., Ellis, V., & Saxena, S. (2021, April). Developing the concept of leaveism: From a form of presenteeism/absence to an emergent and expanding domain of work. Paper presented at International Labour Process Conference, University of Greenwich

The purpose of the paper is to develop the emergent notion of leaveism by drawing on concepts related to work intensification (WI) and ideal worker (IW) norms. The argument driving the paper is leaveism can be developed from being associated with pre... Read More about Developing the concept of leaveism: From a form of presenteeism/absence to an emergent and expanding domain of work.

The normalisation of overwork: A scoping study of Leavism (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Richards, J., Pustelnikovaite, T., Ellis, V., & Canduela, J. (2020, April). The normalisation of overwork: A scoping study of Leavism. Paper presented at International Labour Process Conference, Newcastle

The proposed paper focuses on Leaveism, understood as employees using allocated time off to work (CIPD, 2018). Leaveism involves using allocated time off when actually unwell, taking work home that cannot be completed in normal working hours, and, wo... Read More about The normalisation of overwork: A scoping study of Leavism.

Leaveism: A scoping study and recommendations for HRM practice (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Richards, J., Pustelnikovaite, T., & Ellis, V. (2020, January). Leaveism: A scoping study and recommendations for HRM practice. Paper presented at CIPD Applied Research Conference, Dublin, Ireland

Richards, J., Pustelnikovaite, T., & Ellis, V. (2020, January). Leaveism: A scoping study and recommendations for HRM practice. Paper presented at CIPD Applied Research Conference, Dublin, Ireland.

Assessing job quality within the Scottish microbrewing sector (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ellis, V., & Richards, J. (2019, July). Assessing job quality within the Scottish microbrewing sector. Paper presented at Centre for Beer Research and Enterprise (CBREW) Workshop, Edinburgh Napier University

Abstract not available.

Examining the meanings and motivations for working within the Scottish microbrewing industry (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ellis, V., & Richards, J. (2019, April). Examining the meanings and motivations for working within the Scottish microbrewing industry. Paper presented at International Labour Process Conference, Vienna

Brewing has experienced a considerable revival in recent years with the number of brewers in the UK being at its highest level since the 1930s (Cask Report, 2018). After decades of mergers and takeovers saw the emergence of a small number of global b... Read More about Examining the meanings and motivations for working within the Scottish microbrewing industry.

Unkettling the unions? An action research study of surmounting the Trade Union Act 2016 in the UK higher education sector (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Richards, J., & Ellis, V. (2019, April). Unkettling the unions? An action research study of surmounting the Trade Union Act 2016 in the UK higher education sector. Paper presented at International Labour Process Conference, Vienna

The paper responds to calls for the sharing of ‘best practice’ were trade unions have successfully met turnout levels required of the Trade Union Act 2016 (the Act). The study is based on an action research case study of one higher education (HEI) br... Read More about Unkettling the unions? An action research study of surmounting the Trade Union Act 2016 in the UK higher education sector.

Toil for Oil: A critical analysis of work and employment in the North Sea sector (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
O'Neil, J., & Ellis, V. (2018, March). Toil for Oil: A critical analysis of work and employment in the North Sea sector. Paper presented at International Labour Process Conference, Buenos Aires

Whilst oil prices fluctuate and oil companies perceive the North Sea to be too expensive to drill (Shepherd, 2016) decommissioning plans have been formulated by Government and employer taskforces. These groups have tended to focus on technical and fi... Read More about Toil for Oil: A critical analysis of work and employment in the North Sea sector.

Anticipation and the cortisol awakening response within a dynamic psychosocial work environment (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Campbell, T., Westbury, T., Davison, R., & Florida-James, G. (2017, October). Anticipation and the cortisol awakening response within a dynamic psychosocial work environment. Poster presented at Society for Psychophysiological Research - 57th Annual Meeting

The cortisol awakening response (CAR) is a distinct element of the diurnal pattern of cortisol release, believed to be partly driven by the anticipation of the demands of the upcoming day. Although evidence suggests that the response may be associate... Read More about Anticipation and the cortisol awakening response within a dynamic psychosocial work environment.

The ageing population and employers in Scotland. (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Egdell, V. (2017, September). The ageing population and employers in Scotland. Paper presented at Employment Research Institute / National Institute of Career Education and Counselling seminar

Presentation (The Ageing Population and Employers in Scotland) at Employment Research Institute/National Institute of Career Education and Counselling seminar

The Impact of an Ageing Workforce on Hong Kong’s Service Sector (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Egdell, V., Fuertes, V., Tjandra, N., & Chen, T. (2017, July). The Impact of an Ageing Workforce on Hong Kong’s Service Sector. Paper presented at British Society of Gerontology Annual Conference 2017

The aim of this research is to explore the impact of the ageing population on employers in the Hong Kong service sector.

Employer Responses to Dementia in the Workplace in Scotland (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Egdell, V., Stavert, J., Ritchie, L., Tolson, D., Danson, M., & Cook, M. (2017, July). Employer Responses to Dementia in the Workplace in Scotland. Paper presented at British Society of Gerontology Annual Conference 2017, Swansea, UK

The prevalence of dementia in the UK is increasing with over 800,000 people currently affected. Of this number in excess of 40,000 are aged under 65 years suggesting that a significant number of individuals below state pension age may be experiencing... Read More about Employer Responses to Dementia in the Workplace in Scotland.

Third sector independence in an age of austerity: relations with the state in an age of austerity (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Dutton, M. (2017, May). Third sector independence in an age of austerity: relations with the state in an age of austerity. Presented at Border Crossing: Implications for Civil Society in a 'Dis'-United Kingdom

Drawing on qualitative longitudinal research with third sector organisations (TSOs) in Scotland, this paper explores how the independence of TSOs has been affected by changing relationships with local authorities and the Scottish Government in the co... Read More about Third sector independence in an age of austerity: relations with the state in an age of austerity.

Renfrewshire Poverty Commission (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Dutton, M. (2014, November). Renfrewshire Poverty Commission. Presented at Renfrewshire Tackling Poverty Commission, Renfrewshire

The Glasgow Living Wage (GLW) was introduced in 2009 and is currently £7.65 an hour. Across Glasgow, 130 employers have committed to paying their employees no less than the GLW. By ensuring that employees receive a salary that provides a socially acc... Read More about Renfrewshire Poverty Commission.